He stood within the darkness, darkness so dark not even the darkest corner of the void of space could compare. Not a single spec of light broke through such thick darkness. He stood within a room with no walls, yet he felt trapped. He stood in a room so soundless if he cried for help would anyone even be able to hear him. All he had was the thoughts within his broken mind. He wonders, is up truly up, and is down truly down. He's been here so long he has lost direction. He decided it'd be pointless to waste his energy trying to move. After all what is the point, there's nowhere for him to go anyways. He's lost all desire for things, for hope, for joy, for love.
He saw it all as useless to feel anything within the darkness.
He feels like he is in a daze. Some points he thinks so much, he will think, and yet he does not know what he thought of. His mind feels adrift, foggy, fuzzy, fading. Maybe the loneliness is getting to him. He sometimes hears voices pierce the soundless darkness he has found himself confined inside. They sound familiar, but he cannot recall who's voices they are.
Suddenly one day he sees something new, he saw a light, it was little, barely noticeable. Though it was strong enough to pierce the darkness.
Every day little, by little it grew. Finally it grew so big it was the size of a melon. The boy finally felt a sense of hope when looking at this light. It felt warm. He hadn't felt such warmth before as all he knew was the cold. It was a nice feeling, the boy felt joy. The closer he got to the light the more warmth he felt, for once he started to walk.
At first it was awkward as he hadn't used his legs as long as he could remember. Slowly his awkward walking turned into awkward running. As he grew closer to the light it grew bigger until suddenly he could see what was around him. People as far as he could see. He could see their misery, and dread. He tried to show them the light so they may see too. Though they were frightened. Something they couldn't comprehend as they had only been in darkness. So such thing made them scared. He told them the greatness of looking towards the light, but they were comfortable where they were.
Except one, she looked about his age. When he told her of the light, she wasn't frightened, instead she was curious. She asked questions about it, like "what is it like?" Or "How can I find such light."
He spoke with his soft voice "it is wonderful, from here I can see the vast grassy lands I've never seen within the darkness. There's flowers of various colors, red, violet, blue, and even some yellow. The sun is setting down on the mountain so high they touch the clouds. To find the light you must simply turn around."
She nodded slightly, she turned around. Suddenly tears dropped from her bright green eyes, and down her small rosy cheeks. Together they sat by each other, and watched the sun fall below the mountain, and hills. Throwing colors of orange, yellow, and red across the sky.
For once
The boy