Huang Zekai went to a vending machine and put in a quarter.
Ruo sighed and said.
"I feel like the other teams have improved during the off season,especially Royal Blue."
Huang Zekai takes the soda can out of the slot.
"Royal Blue just optimised their equipment,Bonji has definitely increased his character speed and Yu improved the magic power of his character as well."
They walk into the boss office and open the door.
The boss of Team Civil:Tao Xuan welcomed them.
"So what brings both of you into my office today?"
Huang Zekai sat down.
"I like to talk about our new junior Evan."
Tao Xuan looked at Huang Zekai in the eyes.
"What is it?"
Huang Zekai sighed.
"He is promising as a talent but I feel like we don't need a unspecified in our team."
Ruo opened his mouth.
"Actually I think we do need someone like him he clearly helped us out in the guild war,and if we improve his teamwork work us I feel like he could become one of the greats."
Huang Zekai said.
"It's not just that,isn't he too inexperienced,he just joined the game recently and rushed through rank and is now given a position in the junior team."
Tao Xuan silent both of them before they could argue.
"It's plenty obvious in the league,with the new update teams are gonna have shifting positions of power,we need to make most of this new update."
Tao Xuan stood up.
"Because of this update I'm not taking any risk with the launcher class,our current member Wei Yuan hasn't been performing as of late,and I only signed Evan onboard it's because he can fill out any role we need."
Tao Xuan sat down opened his drawer and took out a piece of paper and gave it to Huang Zekai to look at.
"That is Wei Yuan contract,it's over once the season begins,I need Evan to come in and fill in his position on the team."
Huang Zekai said.
"Isn't that too much of a drastic change,Wei Yuan has been a staple member of the team and just getting rid of him like this is uncalled for."
Tao Xuan sighed and said.
"It's just bussiness,Wei Yuan lack of performance plus the talent of Evan is the deciding factors,and besides Wei Yuan will still be in the league,I already had a contract made with Shining Jade for him to be transferred over to their team."
Ruo spoke up.
"Boss,why transfer him to Shining Jade?"
Tao Xuan said.
"I would transfer him to other top teams but nobody wants him and only Shining Jade was willing to pay for the transfer."
Huang Zekai puts Wei Yuan contract down and pass it back to Tao Xuan.
"It looks like nothing we can say will change your mind,were gonna have a rookie at the start of the year."
Ruo nods his head.
Huang Zekai and Ruo Mingyu dismissed themselves and walked of the door.
Ruo Mingyu looked at his phone and was in shock.
Huang Zekai asked.
"Why the surprised expression?"
Ruo Mingyu showed him his phone screen.
Huang Zekai said rather blandly.
"It's just a rumor their is no real reason to remove Fei Qiu from their roster."
However by the next day news about this rumor spread like wildfire.
Their were forums on Vebbit talking about this rumors.
Every team were asked about their opinions on the rumors.
Huang Zekai said "I don't think it's necessary to remove someone like Fei Qiu from the team,he is just well too good"
Su Bao said "I don't have any comments about this rumor,but I don't think it's true,boss Liu Wao is very good friends with Fei Qiu."
Yu Narukami said "Its probably false."
Ren Yishi said "Fei Qiu rumoured contract isn't that high in expense,so it's probably not because of lack of funding they would get rid of him,but rather it's because he is their team captain and the team has been struggling in the top 10 in recent years."
Qiu Fei was sitting in his room watching all the interviews,and gets a call from Liu Wao.