Fei Qiu turned off his computer.
Fei Qiu answers the call.
He heard Liu Wao say.
"Fei Qiu I'm sorry to say this,but me and the shareholders have decided to let you go."
Fei Qiu sighed and said.
"It's okay,but I want to know the reason."
Liu Wao gave his reason.
"The shareholders think your getting too old,you know since your now 27 years old and with you in the lead we've been at the bottom top 10."
Fei Qiu asked.
"What about my contract,it last until the end of this season."
Liu Wao said.
"Come to my office I'll tell you about your contract."
Fei Qiu back out of the call and walked out of his door.
Fei Qiu arrived at Liu Wao office,and knocked on the door.
Liu Wao yelled.
"Come in!"
Fei Qiu opened the door and saw another person already sitting at the table,he had red hair and was another pretty face.
Fei Qiu sat down.
Liu Wao passed Fei Qiu his contract paper.
Fei Qiu reads his contract.
Liu Wao speaks up.
"Me and the shareholders have decided to demote you out of the team captain,make you the new coach and make our new recruit from the junior team,Ziang Xuan."
Ziang Xuan began teasing Fei Qiu.
"Fei Qiu,your getting old just become the coach let the new generation takeover."
Fei Qiu looked at Liu Wao in the eyes.
Then Fei Qiu glared at Ziang Xuan
Liu Wao could tell Fei Qiu was making a decision.
After a minute Fei Qiu finally said something.
"Terminate our contract."
Liu Wao and Ziang Xuan who was shocked said.
Fei Qiu smirked and said.
"I'm only obligating to the contract I agreed on which says I'm the team captain until season end."
Liu Wao frowned on Fei Qiu attitude.
"Fei Qiu,just pass over control of your account,King Avatar to Ziang Xuan"
Fei Qiu hand was shaking and he grabbed the card with his account,King Avatar, password to Ziang Xuan.
Ziang Xuan eagerly grabbed the card
Ziang Xuan teased Fei Qiu again.
"Fei Qiu your hands are shaking,these are the hands of the Battle King?"
Ziang Xuan does a wicked smile.
"Just pass the account over to me and I'll lead King Avatar and Ultimate Dynasty back to its former glory."
Fei Qiu wasn't letting go of the card and said.
"These are my departing words I want to say before I go,Liu Wao write this down and tell this to the team."
Fei Qiu cleared his throat.
"Don't try to be better then me and others who came before you,be your own self that is what you all should strive for."
Fei Qiu let's go of the card.
Fei Qiu walked to the door.
Ziang Xuan decided to make one last quip at Fei Qiu.
"Don't worry former Battle King,you will be my springboard to the limelight."
Fei Qiu walked out of the room without responding.
Shortly after Ziang Xuan also walked out of the room.
Liu Wao ringed the head of PR.
"Make a announcement,Fei Qiu is no longer part of Ultimate Dynasty."
The head of PR said in disbelief.
"Really,you don't want to hold onto that information until the start of the season?"
Liu Wao responded.
"Yes,better make this announcement quick and painless I don't want this decision to haunt my mind."
The head of PR hanged up and went straight to work on making the announcement.
Liu Wao puts his phone down and looks at the trophy cabinet.
Liu Wao taught to himself.
"How did all of this go so wrong?"
Liu Wao stood up and looked at the photos of him and the former members of Ultimate Dynasty.
"At one point we were on top of the world the next we've fallen to obscurity."
Soon the announcement was made public,that Fei Qiu was no longer a member of Ultimate Dynasty.
The announcement also included.
"Not to worry about whether or not King Avatar will still be a character in the league as Fei Qiu was very generous and gave the account over to his successor the newly joined member who everyone will be familiar with from the junior leagues,Ziang Xuan!"
Fei Qiu who was walking to Su Xiu house saw the announcement being made on a TV in a TV shop.