Lena continuation

"8 months into your mother's pregnancy a notice had been placed on the village's board. The noticed said that a group of adventurers had discovered that a large group of monsters are preparing to raid the village and that their estimated raid day would be 9-10 days from now. Along with the notice many carriages were parked at the villages entrance so that if anyone wanted to leave until the raid was over they could. You see your father was in no way poor, but your mother had entered a dangerous phase in her pregnancy so her riding a carriage would be very risky for you with how bumpy the roads are and your parents weren't ready to take the risk of losing you. The notice did say that a group of adventurers will be dispatched during the day of the raid, but it was still a dangerous gamble to stay. your father made up plan on that day he went on the day of the notice with the carriages to the capital it took him 4 days to arrive there. As soon as he got there he started looking for us (his old party) and explained his situation which after he begged us to help him stand ground at the village during the raid. We agreed reassuring him that his family is our family which left a huge smile on his face as he slowly teared up. After preparing everything we needed for the raid we left towards the village and arrived a day before the raid.

As soon as we arrived we were greeted by your mother she kept apologizing about how she couldn't cook us anything because she was barely able to move, she was quite the nice person. We quickly started doing any type of preparation we could from traps to barricades. most of the village had left by then all those who were left are poor families and elderly who were abandoned by their family. It was quite the cruel site. thankfully the raid didn't happen on the estimated day that gave up more hope of surviving since that would give the backup team more time to arrive it really made what seemed impossible possible, but sadly the raid did happen on the 10th day. It was a cruel scene. the backup wasn't there thousands of monsters were swarming our way and it was only us 5 I could feel despair lingering around my neck what we were doing is impossible holding back a raid takes at least 8 high ranked adventurers yet all we had 2 including your father and 3 high-mid ranked it was nothing but a death mission. 6 hours after it started a scene I will never forget played out. In the middle of an ocean of monsters corpses your dad stood as many weapons pierced his body he screamed, for victory had been achieved we had somehow made it through. No "we" is not the correct term as I was the only survivor. He screamed and screamed until he couldn't anymore at his last breath he looked towards me and laughed then said his last words "please....protect Lena" he said as he fell down face forward I couldn't see his face but I imagine he died with a smile on it. After that I fell unconscious from the stress relief of this whole battle.

When I woke up I was being treated in some tent that I didn't know next to me was a healer that I had first ever seen and a doctor next to him. As I asked my questions they quickly answered and all the bits started to slow fit in my head. Firstly, the reason we were even able to stop the raid was because of them, they had apparently run into the monsters on their way here and had a battle of their own cutting their numbers by a lot but still quite a bit of the monsters had passed through their defenses and continued moving forward and that was also why they were later. Secondly, all my friends were dead including your dad they had collected everything on them and prepared a burial for them, they left me all the stuff they had collected on them. Thirdly, apparently your mother was also found unconscious near me when the backup arrived. I then asked where your mother was and went to her. She had already woken up and went home. As I slowly approached the house I feared what I would be welcomed by if what they had told me was true that would mean she had seen your father's corpse a body so disorientated it had almost lost its humanity. As I slowly opened the door I was welcomed with the worse case your mother was sitting on a chair all on her own while looking at the ground with an emotionless feel it was as if she was calling for her own death. Seeing her like that shocked me doesn't matter how much I expected it seeing the cheerful happy-go-lucky person like that it was terrifying, But I couldn't leave her like that it would render everything we did useless if just ends up hurting herself. I asked your grandparents if I could take care of you two and they agreed happily. They were too old to take care of your mother and you when your born. 2 weeks after the raid your birth day had arrived I had asked one of the doctors to stay behind and help with your birth and he gladly agreed.

You were beautiful as the doctor slowly handed you over to me I could feel any sense of regret I ever had leave my body if the result of out actions was your safe birth then I would do it all over again without a single doubt you had your father's hazel colored eyes and your mother's brown hair you were like an angel in this cruel world and as I slowly embraced you in my arms I swore to make sure you live with no regrets and as I embraced I remembered your father's last word "Lena" it truly fits you. After the doctor had left I tried handing you over to your mom but she was unresponsive as if she didn't care about the child she just gave birth to. The next day I tried searching for a job but there were barely any the backup were too late and a lot of the monsters corpses had already decomposed into the soil near the village making growing anything dangerous. most of the villages resources had become depended on traveling merchants. We could've started farms that were a bit further from the village but most people had left the village for good after the raid, moving into the capital after finding a chance, all that were left were elderly and wives whose husbands work and provide from the capital. Gladly I had my strength after all these adventures with my previous party so I could at least do some heavy work labor or selling fire wood for cheap I would do that everyday and take little breaks in-between to check on you and your mother. It was the same for the next 3months you slowly grew and became more and more gorgeous while your mother stayed the same shell of her former self I had to personally take care of her needs, But one day when I came home as I opened the door I saw your mother stand next to your bed while you were sleeping, but instead of it being a happy seen it was quite the horrifying one she was staring at u with an expressionless face while holding a knife. The moment I saw that I quickly ran while calling your name when she heard me call you she looked at me with a surprise but I had came to close to stop and pushed her away she fell to the butt first and slowly her crying got louder.

The next day I made sure to take you with me and when we got home something happened that didn't surprise me it was as if I was expecting this to happen, but did I wish for it? did I hope for this to happen? did I see her as that much of a burden? or did I just forsake her for you? I asked myself those questions as I slowly put down her corpse and buried her next to your dad. At least now they will forever be together. She had left a letter talking about how she blamed the whole thing on you and that after hearing your name she couldn't live with herself anymore. it was quite the hit on your grandparents but they couldn't do anything about it anymore, thankfully they didn't blame me for anything. Your grandparents passed away when you were 4 if you are wondering. as you slowly grew u developed quite fast physically your fathers genes didn't fail you although it took u quite a bit to say your first words I would spend my day at work and my night teaching you everything from walking to talking to reading, and by the age of 7 you had become quite the fine girl I was proud of you Lena and I will always will be, but u see my work couldn't cover us forever I had sent my comrades gear to their families and sold your fathers for some money but that wasn't enough. Then out of nowhere I get a private mission request the reward was quite big enough for us to move to wherever we want and kiss this dying village goodbye but it was quite dangerous it was a 1 year dungeon scout. Apparently they had found a new dungeon and the king had ordered a party immediately dispatched to scout it out. I was sent an invite after they had heard of my achievement during the raid. It was like a dream calling for us I didn't want you to grow here in the middle of nowhere I wanted to you to grow up to become someone that would have no regrets whatsoever and as such I accepted the request the raid was supposed to be for a single year but it might've took longer it was told to be non-dangerous and that we wont be having much combat, but you never know. So I asked our neighbor for a favor and she agreed she said she will pass it on to the next neighbor if she ever left so the one who gave u it might not be the same one haha... After getting the neighbors agreement I begged everyone in the village to at least share one meal with you a day in turns since I would have to leave for so long some were hesitant but all agreed in the end, and now I'm writing this letter incase I don't comeback.

Lena I might be writing this letter to tell you about your parents but I would like to tell you something else before I leave. If anything I would rather tell you everything but if your reading this then I guess I can't haha... please Lena live on become whatever you want to become don't leave a single regret and believe in me believe that I tried my best for you not for a single second did I ever regret raising you not for a single second did I regret sacrificing my life for you you are the only thing left in this world that could leave a meaning for my existence so please Lena live. Live and enjoy your life."

I slowly put away the papers pulled my knees to my face and started crying "w-why d-didn't-t-t y-yuu n-n-nm-m a-a-AHHHHHHHH" I said while breaking down. what would she gain by not naming any of my parents or herself.....