
The Wild Land guild is notorious for its carefree yet wild atmosphere, the guild master is a used to be adventurer who gave up without even reaching the silver ranking instead he decided he would start a guild with the capital he got from his father. The guild has quite the selection of adventurers with many of them ranking on the top of kingdom, but junas, the strongest in the kingdom, sadly refuses to join while declining the many offers the guild master offered himself. Still, even without junas this guild is something of its own any adventurer looking for a quick way to reach the top joins with high hopes only to fail miserably and end up as one of the many pebbles you see alongside the road. The guild master, even though he created a carefree all-do-what-they-wanna-do environment, he still spends all of his time improving the guild whether it be for those at the top 10 or those just starting out. Lena joined for one reason only, and its to compete for the top. she doesn't want to set her goals too high with competing against junas, someone who is unparalleled in this kingdom with the 2nd strongest being not even worth mentioning when comparing.

Lena steps into the guild's building just to be greeted by the smell of booze and tons of adventurers having the time of their life without a care in the world. She walks a bit while looking around her just to then be greeted by one of the adventurers.

"youuuuuu... who are you?" the man said while looking slightly up to Lena.

Lena ignores him and continues moving towards the guild's quest board.

"hey nowww.... don't ignore meeeeeeeeeee..." the drunk man said as he continued drinking.

Lena continued ignoring him while looking at what type of quests were left just to pick one and submit it to the guild's receptionist.

"you are no funnnnnnnnnnnn........ come nowwwwwwwwwwwwwww........ drink while you cannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn......" the man said.

"Mr hokings hit the jackpot you knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.......... if it wasn't for that he wouldn't have gave us all such a nice drinking partyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy..........." the man said while waving his cup of beer around.

Lena continues on ignoring the man and just leaves with the quest she just claimed. it was a simple clearing out quest where all she had to do is clear a school of killer fish residing in the pond next to a village, she had wanted to train her on water skills so she saw it as a perfect place to start.

6 to 7 hours later Lena returned with her now done quest and report she enters the guild's building just to be greeted by a completely different atmosphere. The cheers, partying, everything had gone quite it was almost depressing how different in contrast it was. She slowly walks towards the guild's receptionist and submits her succession report.

"Here, those are the rewards for the request. your report should be submitted to the adventurer's guild as they are the ones who rank adventurer's, we only take care of naming the top 10 of our guild and giving out the rewards." a self-collected receptionist said.

Lena nodded while being taken aback from the difference displayed by her and Lena's "friend"

She took her reward and headed out for the adventurer's guild to submit in her report. A short walk under the moon later she reached her destination and entered the ever so familiar adventurer's guild while walking to ever so friendly receptionist.

"Hello! How can I help you today?!" the enthusiastic receptionist said.

"huh, you look better already." Lena said.

"*sigh* I got to finally go home yesterday, even though it was for a brief 2 hours it was still something you know." the enthusiastic girl said.

"And what about that? when are you gonna announce it?" lena asked.

"We will put up at midnight today so you should be seeing the capital's reaction in the morning. Anyway why are you here today Lena?"

"Oh right the quest report." Lena said as she placed it on the receptionist's desk.

"Huh I could swear I didn't see you submit in any quests today." the receptionist ask in a slightly confused tone.

"Did you already forget?"

"Forget what?"

after a moment of silence Lena says

"You truly are a great friend."

"HUH?! NO TRUST ME I REMEMBER ITS JUST AHHHH.... YOU JOINED A GUILD THATS IT!" the receptionist said in a panic.

"yeah and what guild was it?"

"that one."

"which one?"

"come on lena, you don't have to ask me that it's obviously that one."

"which is?"


"that one?" the receptionist said with a smile on her face.

Lena sighed and left.

She could hear the receptionist's calling for her slowly disappear the further she got.

The next morning was as hectic as you would expect. news had reached everyone in town. journalists would be flooding the adventurer's guild's master and any guild master they could. prices were slowly increasing and people immediately started collecting whatever rations they could. Trade routes were being redrawn and replanned. people deciding to move further away from the middle lands or moving to stronger kingdoms. The king had not come out with a statement yet so all one could do is panic for the safety of them and their family.

Lena simply moved on with her day and went to the guild to start her adventuring for the day.