Lana and Outsiders.

2 months have passed.

Lena has been making use of her crest, she applied for a new adventuring license using her crest and got accepted under the name "Lana.".

Rumors about a tall woman, with an unconscious man on her back at all times, suddenly appearing and showing off a gold adventurer crest, started spreading.

Some had connected her to her original identity, but with how different she had looked nobody was able to prove it.

She has resorted to accepting random quests whenever she was low on money to pay for food. As for her stays she would camp out in the forest as she was constantly moving around. She didn't feel like staying in one town as she didn't want to make any new acquaintances, after all... Despite what others would say, she was content...

Or so she told herself.







1 month later.

3 months have passed since Octan's "sleep". Lena has gotten back to her adventuring ways, and could stand as a gold adventurer.

At the moment she is at a pub for a drink. Even though she knows its a terrible idea entering a place filled with drunk people alongside an unconscious body, she still does it feeling tired after her long day of slaying monster hordes at a village raid.

She had placed Octan in the care of one of the villagers, and went to get him back after it was done.

It wasn't that much of a hard job, but it was quite long. It made her doubt how strong her fat--. No, she had completely abandoned that letter. She had defined it as false and tried forgetting about it.

Lena sighs as she drinks from the cup she holds in her right hand.

She bends into the crowd in the pub and tries to not get in anyone's way.

Silently having a drink to herself as Octan lifelessly lays his body on the counter, they both disappear into the crowd.


'This is fine...' She thinks to herself.


'I don't want anything else.'


'This is me after all... right?'


Suddenly the back of Lena's head is slapped.

Clicking her tongue she turns around ready for a fucking fight.

"HEY WHAT'S YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM HUH?!" Lena turns around screaming.

"Gutsy aren't you.?" says one of the 10 strongest people in the world.

The culprit was none other than james, or better known as 'The Rigid Champion.'.

"Never would've thought someone would talk to me this way, not even those above me."

Cladded in heavy armor he towers over Lena.

Lena suddenly sobers the fuck up and apologizes in an instant. "S-sorry!"

After all yes they had known each other, but that was to her only.

She wasn't 'Lena' anymore, but Lana. Even then, Lena wouldn't dare to get close to him. After all he had barely let her leave that 'cafe'.

"Hey, no need to act so distant. Just relax, I don't bite." He said as he playfully Lena.

His face was still covered by his armor so she couldn't tell whether he was smiling or not.

"You're Lana right? Actually, of course you're. Who else would be carrying an unconscious body around!" he said as he laughed loudly while slapping Lena's back.

'This man hasn't changed one bit...' she thinks back to how he acted back in the "cafe.".

"Y-yeah... I'm Lana... How could I be of help, sir?"

"Come on, I'm just here to talk. Don't act all stiff on me now." He pointed towards the man behind the counter and gestured him for a drink.

"So, how is adventuring?"

"It's good...ha...ha..."

'It's good?! What the fuck am I talking about?!'

'Actually wait... Where's Jack? wasn't he being taken care of by this man?'

"Good? Well that's a new one. Well, whatever floats your boat I guess." James reaches out for his with his right hand for his drink, and then takes off the piece of armor covering his face revealing a joyful face.

'Could he have came here by his own while Jack was training?'

"And how's your little friend? Has he been eating well?"


'Eating... huh...'

Lena had completely forgotten to feed the unconscious body she has been taking care of, but despite that Octan hasn't looked any different. Hell he looks like as if he had the best meal of his life, and not the least bit malnourished.

"Right... Eating. yeah he eats well." Lena lied.

'Or maybe his adventuring on his own?'

"That's some devotion. Could you tell me more about him? Is he by chance your lover?" James said to the couple who had looked around the same age.

"Did some unfortunate accident lead to him being that way, and you as his lover couldn't take leaving him alone?"

"" Lena was confused by the given scenario.

"Then, your father?"


"Your sibling?"


"Then, who?"

"I don't know. He's someone I merely hold close to for now. I'm sure he will wake up one day, and when that happens I want it to go back to how it was... So until then, I've got to live." Lena says pushing her cup towards james who had finished his.

"Oh thanks." He said chugging it down immediately.

"*burp* Excuse me, hahaha!" The man laughed outloud.

Lena's whole 'blend into the background' failed terribly.

'Or... No way... He wouldn't kill off his student.'

"Hey, I know you want to ask, so would you like to know about my student?"

"...How is your student?"

"See that's more like it!" The man said with a smile.

"He's out doing an errand for me at the moment while I enjoy this drink. Gotta enjoy having an apprentice, you know?!"

"Yeah..." 'So he is alive...' Lena suddenly felt a rush of relief.

"I bet he would be very happy to meet you."

Lena sighs.

'This man totally has it figured out.' She feels dumb for trying to feign ignorance.

"Would he now..." Lena sounded doubtful.

"hey don't speak like that. he has been talking about you a lot, you know?! Especially when training, he would say 'Lena would do this.', or 'Lena would do that.'. He has massive respect for you." James faced Lena trying to cheer her up.

"That so..." Lena was still unsure. After all all she can remember from back when they were together is putting him through suffering.

"..." Even James, who Lena has imagined as an always optimistic person, joins in on Lena's depressive mode.

"I'm thankful to you, for taking care of that kid."


Lena Was taken aback.

This wasn't what she had expected, especially after her last run in with an acquaintance.

"I heard from him... He didn't talk much about himself when he was with you, right?... He says he regrets it, extremely so." A peaceful smile grows on James face.

Lena recalls to how her time with jack was spent.

The most she could recall was during after leaving the village and heading for Medlucia.

He was exactly like the person right next to her, except moving for his own and still a little responsive.

"He told me about how his life was outside, and how he ended up here... The poor kid couldn't have had it any worse... He keeps searching for someone who most likely doesn't exist anymore. I'm glad he wasn't victim to Outsider ignorance, and that's all thanks you..."

"... Thank you, Lena..."

"..." Lena didn't say anything.

A peaceful surprise. Somehow without knowing why, she was getting thanked. It felt like a new worldly concept to her. It made her question how her life with jack really was, and it made her question the lifeless body next to her.

"Come on now, I told you didn't I? You don't have to be so stiff around me!" He said slapping Lena's back once more.

"I do not hold anything against you anymore, I don't know what exactly happened, but you your reasons for that incident, right?"

"...How can you be so sure?" Lena couldn't take his words of trust.

"...Ha...ha... Because you're just like someone I know."

"What do you mean?"

"What you did for jack, it was exactly what someone had done for me. You see, Unlike most adventurers here, I was sent here at a very young age... At the age of 2. I don't have any memories of how my old life was, nor my family, and the only thing tying me to that world, is something I decided upon myself was talking with other outsiders. I don't even know a 'canada' is."

A reminiscing smile grows on his face as he speaks.

"I don't remember how, but a woman had picked me up at some point. She was an adventurer just like you, she had found me in the forest while returning from a quest. She said that I reminded her of her younger brother, so she decided to take care of me. It was most likely a lie though, She was a very lonely person with no one to call a friend, she likely just wanted family...

...But to say I hated it...would be a lie... She had raised me up herself, and as I grew up I saw her as my own mother. She might have started it one-sidedly at first, but at some point both us were supporting each others backs... It was only later that I realized I was different, and that's all because of this 'System'. When I explained it to her she worried for me saying I had been cursed or something... Even though I tried convincing her multiple times I wasn't she didn't listen... Eventually I stopped talking about it, and acted as if it had never happened.

At the age of 13 I had officially started adventuring along side her, Even though she had told me to keep away from it no matter what, It was the only path shown to me by both, her, and the system. This is where we started separating... At first she was my guide around adventuring and it's works, but quickly I had surpassed her... She was only a silver adventurer, and to an outsider who had figured the system out, that was merely a step. She hated it.

She wouldn't even hide it, she would openly ridicule me for the smallest mistake and mockingly call me a genius... I didn't want that... Because I understood, unlike her... I didn't try, this wasn't the fruit of my hard work and labor... I was abusing something that I was lucky to have, something not everyone had... I quit adventuring. That was all I could think of to fix our relation, I naively thought that stopping would be the best thing, but that only made it worse.

She hated me even more... To the point she had cut all ties with me. I thought that was for the best, So I never really tried to reach out to her... I thought it would only be for some time, that we would eventually act like it had all never happened. I thought and thought. 'Just leave her alone for some time... She will get over it.' I told myself.

I wish I didn't, Lena. A couple of weeks later... I had heard of her death. She had passed away somewhere out there with no one to mourn her death except me. I regret it to this day. I wish I could go back and apologize to her, I wish I could go back and thank her, I wish I could go back and hug her... But never again will I get to see her.

I promised myself after that, That I would never again adventure. That I would live off of that labor job for the rest of my life in some unknown country, making no mark on this world... But as you can see, I broke that promise. Sitting next to you I'm the 10th strongest adventurer... That's definitely adventuring, right?

During my work there, I had met someone. She was a young woman who was a local, she would always be helping around town. From those who need it, to those who didn't. She didn't care who you were, as long as you needed help she was more than happy to... To say I was attracted to her would be an understatement. I kept it to myself at first, bu--

Haha... Sorry you probably don't care about my romance story... Basically I had met with my wife while doing my labor work, and we both wanted each other. The only obstacle being her parents. They had understood that they could've easily had her marry a man of wealth with her looks, and were just waiting for the opportunity, so they wouldn't give me a chance in hell to talk with her.

It was the first time she had asked anyone anything, and it was for me to find a way. It was then that I had decided to break that useless promise. A promise I had made to make myself feel better while holding myself back... That day I signed up to the local adventurer's guild branch, and immediately climbed the ranks. It took me no less than 3months to reach circle gold adventurer, and no less than 6 to reach custom. My system's level was already high, so all I had to do was put it to work and prove myself over time.

At the rank of custom I was finally able to prove her parents I was worth the investment, which they finally agreed to... But for some reason, I had found myself a new hobby... Growing the 'System'. I had completely forgotten all about that woman at this point, and fully indulged myself in the system. I would wake up, eat, and sleep only thinking about how I would level up faster to reach even higher ranks... At some point, I even started neglecting the woman I had done it all for...

...It was very much stimulating... The feeling of strength as I walked down every village, town, and capital. Knowing I was just stronger made me feel amazing... and when I had reached the top 10 it only became worse... My ego had skyrocketed. As soon as I had gotten the 10th spot, I challenged the 9th, which whom I won against... But after that, After that match I had went to shake the man's hand... I saw him in there, He was cursing me and my existence... Cursing my genius... Cursing how close to no-effort I had placed, to reach what to took him years upon years of experience.

That's when I had remembered her... that's when I remembered why I locked myself away in that little town... Leaving the man I cursed myself to, That day I went back home and apologized to my wife. The next time I was challenged I lost on purpose to go down a rank, and decided to not ever raise up the ranks again. The only reason I stand in the top 10 even though I believe I'm not worth it, is for my family. The benefits given to those who are among them, were too much to give up on. After all, If there was one thing in this world that would make me act upon anything, It is my daughter and wife. They're everything to me, and will continue to be so.

If you're wondering about this armor, then it's just a way to show respect for my opponents. That I'm willing to go the whole way when fighting them, So that no one thinks I'm looking down on them."

He finally finished his monologue.

Lena turned to face the lifeless body.

She wondered if the story of that body was as righteous as the man next to her.

"Oh, also. As a quick self ego boost, did you know I could most likely reach the first place?!" He said trying to light up the mood.

"That right?" Lena played along.

"Yeah, I have this really cool move, That I've only used once. It's about era--"

"Oh, you talking about 'Rewrite.'?" Lena cut the man's excited speech.

"...yes..." His excitement instantly disappears, as he doesn't get to reveal it himself.

"I was there when you used it against the octopus adventurer. I'm surprised you used it on another human being, quite merciless."

"T-that's not it... It was my first time trying it out, it's description was very vague, so I was very much intrigued by it. I thought I would use it at my upcoming match... and yeah. The moment it had formed at the palm of my hand, I knew I should never use that again.

Butttt... I'm sure This is something only given to those with a system. After all, 'Condensing mana.' sounds like something that's impossible to do by hand, you know!" The man said puffing out his chest.

Lena didn't feel like explaining how it all worked as it was too much, so she just let the man dream. "Yeah..."

"Anyway, he should be getting here soon. I'm sure he will be more than happy to meet you!"

"..." Lena expression grows dark.

"Hmm? What is it?" James asks the suddenly depressed looking Lena.

"... I'm sorry, but I will be leaving..." Lena said standing up.


"Please... Let's act like this never happened."

Lena picked up Octan and placed him on her back, she then tied a piece of cloth around him. She had gotten used to carrying him around.

"I was expecting this..." James doesn't retaliate.

"But, as long as you will be there... I'm fine with it. Just know that the kid looks up to you, and wishes to return to your side once his training is done." James talks his eyes fixated on the empty cup he holds.

"...Tell him, I don't want him to. Tell him to live his life for his own."

"...As you wish. Also, Don't worry. The only reason I knew it was you, was because I had read your mana before, so I could figure it out. The kid will not realize."

"... Thank you, for everything." Lena walks away with Octan on her back Leaving the crowded and loud pub.

"Thanking me... Your the one I'm grateful to..."

"Hey old man! Another one here!" James raised his arm holding the empty cup.



Lena walked away from the pub with Octan on her back.

His head was leaning on her left shoulder, but she paid it no mind.

If she was to look at it all she could see was his usual dead eyes, alongside his drooling face.

'Just when will he wake up...' She walks thinking of the man she carries.

As she thinks about it she runs into someone.


'Karma's a bitch.'

That's what Lena thought as Jack stood in front of her.

She wanted to avoid him at all cost, after all she didn't want to meet him again.

She was scared of meeting him after what had happened with Trestina.

She didn't want another person resenting her in this world.

"S-sorry, I was in a hurry and didn't notice you there... wait..." A suspicious look grows on his face.

'Shit... No way... James said he couldn't figure me out...' Lena started sweating.

"Are you by any chance... Lana?"


"Of course you are! who else would be carrying an unconscious body around at this time of day?!" The boy shows excitment.

"Uh... Yeah!!! I'm Lana!! The great Gold adventurer who carries a body around!"

Lena had somehow forgotten all about her 'Lana' act.

She plays along with it, as long as the boy doesn't meet 'Lena' She's ok with it.

"OOhhh! You know, I've always wondered about that body. Just who would he be? Your lover? Your father? Your brother? and also why you would always carry it around. Like as if it was to show them the second you have your revenger on whoever did this to them!" Lena could feel james' influence on the kid.

"I-it shall remain a mystery!"


Lena felt nice. Meeting such a familiar face again, under such peaceful circumstances. It felt very nice.

"Shit, I have to go! Sorry about the sudden leave, but my master is waiting." He said as he immediately left running.

'Just how hard is that man working the kid?' Lena thought as she stared at the boys back as he ran towards the pub.

"But Just you wait! I will definitely find out the mystery behind you!" The boy shouted one final thing before leaving for good.



With a stupid grin Lena left.