
That night she found it hard to fall asleep.

All she was thinking about was the great sense of satisfaction she got every time kotana had praised her.

It couldn't even be compared to how she felt towards Kouko... Something about Kotana had just felt 'motherly.' even though Lena wouldn't know better.

'It wasn't because of anything noble... It wasn't because I was forced to stay... It was simple becau--' The same line keeps looping in Lena's head.

She hated it.

She didn't want the only person she loves to betray her, nor does she want to think they did.

She doesn't care what Kotana had went through. The fact that she had simply longed for her while they were apart was way more than enough.


She lies-down with her back to the ground, her left arm on top of her forehead, and her right arm, not clad in armor, behind her head.

She stares at the sky in wonder.


Lena wakes up.

Her posture had completely changed.

She was sleeping to her right side while using her right elbow as a substitute for a pillow, and her left hand was barely toucher her face. Her hair had somehow made it in front of her, and her mouth was drooling.

She slept good.

She stands up as she looks around, and right where she had left it, there it was, Octan's body.

She stares at it for a second.

Just what is her goal in all of this she wonders.

'Maybe get strong enough to take down the demon lord myself?' She thought 'That is what he had wanted after all...'

She thinks as she drags her legs towards the body.

She was still very sleepy.

Her hair was all messed up, and she was wobbling around.

'Where to next.... There should be a village if I keep following the path, and I still money on me from the quest I had done yesterday... There's next I guess.' She thinks.

Suddenly, She starts daydreaming... or so she thinks.

The lifeless body groans. One of it's hands moves and lifts up the rest, as the rest of the body slowly regains it's movement.

Lena jolts in place.

She stares at the body as it regains it's life.

And eventually there he stood once more, Octan.

He moves his neck around while on of his hands covers it.

"Oww... Oww..." Moving his neck around he stands there.

Lena had stopped all movement.

"*sigh* How did I end up falling asle..." Octan stops his first line of speech as he notices Lena.

"Who are yo--" He questions Lena's looks for a moment then fits it together.

"...What are you doing here...?" A disappointed look covers his face.

Lena tries to talk, but immediately swallows her words.

"I--" She holds herself back.

"'I' What? I'm asking you, Why are you here? Didn't you read the Letter I had left you? I clearly told you to leave me alone." His disappointed look turned mad.


"Because? Because what? What is it this time around? You were lost? You were sad? You felt lonely?! Tell me!" Octan stomped on the ground as he closed the distance between them.

"Y-you weren't moving... a-and you looked helpless..." Lena had lost all her resolve.

"Me?! Helpless?! For fuck sake! You should know this better than anyone, I'm in no way helpless! And come on! 'You weren't moving' Don't make up such terrible excuses for fuck sake! What, have you never seen someone sleep before?!" Octan stomped closer and closer to the points they were facing each other.

"Y-you were not responding at all... You had been asleep for too long... I-I think 3months now... maybe more..." Lena was confused and sorry.

She didn't know what she had done wrong, but she didn't want Octan mad at her.

His mad turns into confusion.

"3months...? What?" Octan backs away confused.

"What do you mean 3 months?!" He shouts.

"W-well... I had found you right next to where we were, and you were in deep sleep... You had wrote me a Letter about leaving, but since you were so close I thought it was nothing important..." Lena tried to Recall the events.

"...Wait a minute... So... You still look different, and you have read and seen the letter... I can definitely remember leaving... I was going to assassinate the kin..." His face turned unsure.

"I was going to assassinate the king...? That's right, I was going to assassinate the king! But, I don't remember what happened... Did I fail? Did I succeed? Do you have any idea?!" Octan turns to Lena.


"Come on! I even told you to head towards that kingdom in the Letter, and knowing you, you had definitely went there. So, did you hear anything there?"

"There...?" Lena immediately recalled what had happened there.

Her reunion with Trestina... But, that isn't what he wanted.

"R-right! The guard had said something I think it was something along the lines of, We're stricter because of an incident that happened yesterday, or something." Lena said unsure.

"So It did happen... But, I'm guessing somehow I hadn't killed the king. Was there any other clues? Anything else you remember?" Octan once again relied on Lena.

"Ahh... Eh... Right! A letter! There was another Letter! It was on your lap when I first found you!"

"And that Letter! What did it say?!"

"I-I don't know..." Lena looked to the side.

"Well Remember then!" Octan shouted.

"No... It's not like that... I can't remember. After all, I didn't read it." Lena continued to avoid making contact.

"Why?! Why would you do that?!" Octan held her shoulders as she shook her.

"I did see who it was signed by though! -I hope you enjoyed the coffee."

"'I hope you enjoyed the coffee."? Do you know who that is?" In confusion Octan lets Lena go.

"I have an idea... They are the ones who had made me assassinate kinorela's king." Lena says fixing her hair.

"...And? What would they have to do with this?" Octan was still confused.

"Well... They knew about you, about us. You, me, and Kouko. They had threatened to hurt you both if I hadn't did what I did, So that's why I had done it..." Lena said pulling out a hairband from her pocket.

"...YOU MADE CONTACT WITH THEM?!" Octan shouted in disbelief.

"...yeah...?" Lena was confused at Octan's reaction.

"AND YOU NEVER THOUGHT OF BRINGING IT UP?!" Octan continued screaming.

"Well... I thought I wouldn't want to worry you with such things..." Lena fixed her hair into a ponytail.

Octan calms down as he sees Lena fix her hair so nonchalantly.


"So it was them, huh... I guess if I was put to sleep for a 3months or more it couldn't be anyone, but them." Octan sits down on the ground right beneath him.

"Who are they anyway?" Lena asks following his example.

"*Sigh* If you made it this far, there really is no way of making you change your mind..." Octan says with his hand scratching his head.

Lena tilts her head in confusion.

"Then let me tell you, Lena... About myself."