119. we will make it...

(Here, don't laugh okay. I really tried looking for hours, but I couldn't think of anything else, so don't laugh at my gift, it's just a little something, and it's.

"It says V. He points out, as he holds up the silver chain bracelet.) 

Nathan's hand played over the the bracelet on his wrist as he clearly remembered the events of last night. By this time last night she was resting in his arms. 

( I know, it's too cheesy. Just give it back, you don't have to wear it. 

" Why V. Why not N.? You want me to think of you whenever I look at it? 

"You're just going to keep staring at me or you're going to tell me why you chose V) He remembered asking her, and thinking of her response then only made him let out a sad chuckle now. 

( I know you think it's childish, so just give it back if you don't like it.