120. Punishment...

"Rise and shine my angels. Wake up. It's a brand new morning and you know what new mornings bring? Jason asked both ladies. 

" Jason just let us go" Vanessa pleaded. She couldn't help but thank God that the bastard did not do anything serious with them last night. He had left them to sleep saying he wanted then to rest some more and gain even more energy for the works thay had ahead. 

"Wrong, that's not what new mornings bring. Every new morning brings new fun. Don't you know this? It's bright out side, you wanna see? He asks, then moves away from their side, and walks forward to the window, he had arranged the bed to face the window. He pulled the curtains open, and the bright morning light was blinding. Especially for them who have been locked up inside the dark room for hours. The light stung their eyes and it was very hurtful, they both turned their heads away from the reflection of the sun, trying to adjust to the sudden blinding lights that faced them.