(Mia's POV)
In class I was thinking about what Levi had said about Jen and Andy, and it made me realize that if I accepted, I was in fact be married to this man more or less, for the rest of our lives. Could I live, with someone who had such a jerk as a father as Levi? Could I really accept him as he was? But the answer was already in my mind, hadn't I accepted him, way before now?
I smiled to myself, but I needed to make sure what everything I had to do.
So after class, I looked around and found Levi waiting for me already. I walked over to the car, and just before I got in, someone flat out ran into me, making me drop my bag, and pushing me over to the floor.
"Oh, excuse me, oh..it's you." It was the bitch from before. I got up I was bleeding, the sudden movement, had me reopen my wound.
"Hey, Levi..."
"What the hell is wrong with you?" he shouted at the women, because it was a group of them. My guess was they were all wolves.
"What, it's not my fault she's a weakling, but anyway, I was wondering..."
"No, Rosa, get over yourself and leave me alone."
Levi helped me into the car, and glared at them again, then got inside the car too. We pulled out of the parking lot.
"That must be nice." I said.
"What's that?" he asked.
"To get in and out of relationships, like they're underwear."
He looked at me as I pressed into my wound, he drove in a different direction, it was a pharmacy he went in and a few minutes later he came back. Then drove back to his house, once there, he picked me up out of the car and carried me inside.
"Levi, I can walk."
"Shush, don't move, I'll be back." he left me on his bed, and ran down stairs again, was back in a few minutes.
"Here." he said as he helped me out of my shirt, then had me lay down on my side.
He looked at the bleeding wound, and sprayed something on it, which stung a bit, carefully pat it down, and then gently covered it with bandages. Once he was done, he cleaned up the stuff, and helped me sit up. Then took a seat, facing me, on the bed.
"Okay, now back to the last comment. I've never been in a relationship with Rosa, she's a spoiled she-wolf, that thinks the world revolves around her, and by having the nice body, making a pouty face, or throwing a tantrum, she can get what she wants, and I won't try and play the victim, or say that I liked it because, I don't remember, all I know was that when I woke up, that woman was on me, riding me like some damn mechanical bull or something, Wolves can't get drunk, but we can get high off a plant, it's not wolf bane, I've never seen it around here but I guess, she got her hands on it, she's been after me for a while, why, I'm not sure. That night you found her kissing me, she had blown that crap into my face, not enough that someone else to notice, but enough to affect me."
I looked at him and realized that he had been thinking I would be just like her.
"So what was the thing with the money?"
"It was a test, my father has always said a woman is after two things, power and money, and will do anything to get it."
"Well, you should tell him how well it went for you, Mr. Mocha face."
He chuckled but took my hand in his.
"Mia, I'm not perfect, even as a wolf, I make a lot of mistakes, but sense I found you and found out you were my mate, I've thought of nothing but about how to make you happy, and I was on Andy's ass about him finding his mate, but I now understand and will do anything to make things work between us, please."
I looked into his eyes, and he was scared as much as I was, but he was the most vulnerable I've ever seen him.
"How long, before you need my official answer?"
"I'll give you the rest of the month, that's three weeks."
"Okay, then, Let me tell you a few things about me: I don't mind cooking but if you help me every once and a while I won't protest to that, same goes with the cleaning, just because I'm with you, doesn't mean you forgot how to do things for yourself, and we are a team, you aren't my boss, and I'm not yours, deal."
He looked surprised, but nodded.
"Okay then, you will have my answer at the end of the month." He nodded and kissed my cheek, I was wishing it had been on the lips but I wasn't going to rush things.
The first week was a bit rough, Levi wanted to take me every where but I felt like I took time out of his day, so I would car pull with Jen, we went to class, then she would drop me off at work and then Levi would pick me up from there.
True to her word Eve came to visit, and she had some news.
"I'm pregnant!" She finally said looking like she was about to burst with excitement when first getting here.
"Wow, you two are moving right along, that's crazy."
"Hey, at least I waited long enough, and not during high school!"
"That's true, but anyway congratulations, girl, I'm happy for you."
I was but the thought of babies right now was not on my mind, and that made me even more nervous.
"Hey, what's going on, is Levi...."
"No, it's not him...well, not exactly, this is a lot to take in, I mean a few weeks ago, I was just hanging out with him, and now....I'm living in his house."
"That's how I felt when Robert first told me, I actually laughed in his face, but when he wouldn't....you know"
"Let other guys around you, yeah I remember I thought he was a creep, that's about the time I got involved with Mitch."
I felt sad, not sure why, but tears slid down my cheeks.
"MJ, what's wrong, I know it's awful what happened too Mitch...."
"No, it's not that, well not only that....After he started to act the way he did, there were times when I wished that he just disappeared and never returned, and then I'd find peace, but now because of me he was...."
"Hey, you can't blame yourself for that, how many times did you tell him to stay away, you moved away from Pete's sake to get away from him, and he still just kept coming, he decided his fate, girl not you."
I sat there for a while, looked around after a while I said what was on my mind.
"I'm scared Eve, not of Levi, but I'm scared what if I get him in trouble, that first and only time I've met his father, he had to make an excuse, and when I walked into the room...poor Levi was scared shitless."
"Yeah, Marcus Barrett, has that affect on people."
"What's the story behind him, why does he hate women so much, that he won't even let his wolves find their mates?"
Eve looked around, then got real close to me.
"I heard that he found his mate, you know Levi's mother, but she just used him, to get pregnant, then left him for an other guy with money, pretending that Levi was his and not Marcus's."
"Jeez, I can see why he thinks we're all gold diggers, some of our sex are not helping the situation."
"Right, but six months later, Marcus just turned up with Levi, saying that his mother didn't want him anymore."
My insides twisted uncomfortably, that's the worse thing a father could say to his son, even if it was true, no child deserved to hear that.
" If he's capable of filling his son's head with things like that, what do you think he'd do when he finds out, I'm here with Levi?"
Eve, sighed but shrugged.
"I can't even start to say, because I don't know, but just be careful, that's why Levi is being the way he is, he wants you same."
I nodded.
"Hey, can I ask you...when you first met Robert, were you having a lot of dreams, like hot dreams?"
"Like us in bed and all..."
"Girl if you only knew, but yes, I did, Robert explained that even if we weren't emotionally connected, his wolf knew, what i was and the magic apart of it, is he starts to send signs to you, I guess to mentally prepare you for what's to come."
I huffed a laugh, but understood.
"Um...and have you ever dreamed of running along with them?"
"Like with the pack?"
She thought about it for a minute, but then shook her head.
"No, you've been having dreams like that?"
"It's probably nothing, their just dreams after all."
"Right...just dreams."
We sat there for a second but then the guys came in.
"Ready?" asked Robert to Eve.
"Yeah, I think we've intruded long enough." Eve chuckled.
"Congrats, on the baby, Rob, take care of her." I said he smiled and kissed Eve on the head.
"With my life, thanks MJ."
With that Levi walked them to their Truck and they were gone.
It was the weekend but my body just felt tired, my thought maybe all this new stuff going on, had me warn out, so I looked at the time, it was seven in the evening. I wanted to but then again I didn't want to go to bed, this second week was just...dragging.
"You okay?" asked Levi, I had laid back on the couch, he was over me looking down.
"Yeah, I just feel exhausted, is that normal?"
"I'm not a doctor, but as far as I know yeah, our bond is forming it takes it out of ya."
When he said that, my mind was just made up, it was strange, I asked him for time, but I guess I hadn't needed it that much, like I thought before hadn't I accepted him way before all of this, was I scared, yeah, I was but the thought of me hurting him, in the way his mother hurt his father, I wouldn't be able to live with myself, all the week it started bumpy but it felt natural like we'd been doing it for a long time.
"Huh, oh, sorry, I was just thinking."
"You've been doing that a lot, what's up?"
I looked up at him but this time, I sat up straight to look at him clearly.
"Levi, I don't want to hurt you, or cause a problem for you..."
"Mia, you're not..."
"Let me finish, I don't want to be a burden, and cause trouble for you in any way shape or form, so I was thinking...."
I just finally jumped up and kissed him, he followed me down to the couch.I poured everything into the kiss, and he responded back. There was my answer, slowly I pulled away and looked up at him.
"How does this whole thing work?" I finished, he seemed confused but then kissed me again, then he picked me up in his arms, and we made our way up the stairs to the room.
It was dark but I didn't mind, as we laid down still kissing but this time they were a little more desperate. I pulled his shirt off, and he ripped my off like nothing.
"Are you sure, this is what you want?" he asked as he slowly kissed my neck, and went down.
"Yes, I've never so sure about anything, like right now."
He stopped and looked into my eyes, all I saw was his wolf looking right back at me.
"Once it's done it can't be undone, Mia, you will be a apart of me, and I of you, forever, can you live with that?"
I looked into his eyes, and I wasn't scared, I was thrilled.
"Yes, I can live with that, Levi."