(Mia's POV)
Time stopped for a second, until it was back to normal, and Levi slowly leaned down into me, his body so solid, so warm. Our kissing had slowed down, but still full of hunger. He quickly had my clothes off, and I his but he took it slow. He teased and touched me just like in my dreams, my body was enjoying every minute of it, until he got on top of me, I was hurting so bad, I wanted him.
"Nice and easy, my love." he whispered, as I felt him, slowly slid himself into me.
I gasped as his size really did pain me for a bit, but he was calm, and was moving slow. Until finally the pain stopped and he moved a little faster, and the pain turned into pleasure.
"Faster." I whispered my nails digging into his back, as a red hot feeling built in my core, our moans and my screams filled the room, as the pleasure peaked to it's highest point.
"Levi, yes!" I screamed as my body released and the sensation that traveled through me, was pure bliss. He paused for a second, but then I realized something, he was still nice and hard.
Either from the moment or something but I felt naughty, and I wanted him to forget, the bad moment he had.
"My turn." I said, he looked confused, but I pushed him into a sitting position on the bed, and got back on him. I gasped, feeling him more then before, but loved it so much, I started to move using his ads for support, first slow and hard, then fast and harder.
"That's it beautiful, ride me nice and hard." he said and that send me over again, as I felt the wave of pleasure again. He moved into a better sitting position, bringing me closer to him, his hands holding me firmly on top, from there he moved me tightly, but it was enough that I could feel the teasing just right. He kissed my breasts, and then moved up, toward the nape of my neck, there he tugged my my skin, lightly, then a little rougher, which just added onto the build up, which had me so close again.
"Levi." I moaned in a whisper, it felt so amazing I didn't want it to stop, but right as I felt my third wave, he bit down hard on my neck, and I exploded, a mix of pleasure and pain, so great and over whelming, I screamed in pain and in pleasure. Then I heard something..or someone in my head.
"Mine." it growled and I felt honored to hear that.
The explosion of sensations ebbed both Levi and I breathless, and satisfied.
When I woke up next, Levi and I were still naked and on the bed, I felt a little sore, and I looked under me, and there was a spot with some blood. I looked and I was smeared with it too, I carefully got out of the bed, and headed for the bathroom, the soreness more obvious, but I made my way carefully. Once in the shower, I let the water run over me, my mind still going back to last night.
Just the memory had me getting hot again, but I stopped and washed myself, but all too soon, I heard the door, and then Levi getting in the shower with me.
"Excuse me, I don't remember inviting you into the shower." I said teasingly, but didn't turn to look at him, then I felt his body behind me and he hugged me to him, kissing my neck.
"I don't hear you complaining, my love." he kept kissing my neck, and running a hand over my breasts, teasing my nipples.
I turned to look at him, he kissed me and the rest was forgotten, we made love in the shower, until the water ran cold. After that we dried off, and headed back to the room, where I started to change the sheets and blanket. The tee shirt kept rubbing me on the neck and it was painful, I went to check what was up, and found a bite mark on the nape of my neck, I pushed down, lightly, and gasped it had me weak in the knees, but then it ebbed away again.
"It's okay, that's how other wolves know you're taken." I heard behind me.
"A ring would've done the same wouldn't it ?" I said turning to look at Levi, who was leaning in the door way.
"Not to a wolf, I'm sorry if it hurt..."
"You know good and well, that it didn't." I said teasing, as I went up to him, and kissed him.
"How are you feeling?" he asked looked worried.
"Fine, although I started to hear voices or a voice, is that normal or was that just in the moment?"
He gave me a strange look, as if I said some thing that could never happen.
"You heard him?"
"My wolf, he spoke to you?"
"Not really, I just heard him say 'mine', now I know why, this mark is your claim on me, but when do I get to claim you?"
I said kissed his neck, he chuckled.
"That only happens if you were wolf, love, otherwise my mark would fade, and this...this will never go away."
He ran a light finger along my mark.
"So then how do the others know YOU'RE taken?"
"Huh, that part is where the trust comes in, once a wolf finds his mate, he can't claim anyone else."
"Doesn't mean he can't sleep around."
"Mia, I have eyes only for you, and this is my promise to you and only you."
I took a deep breath, and nodded. I felt like I could trust him, so I was. Somehow we ended up back in bed, and getting the sheets dirty again.
Week three was here, and in class I was noticing so many things, like certain smells, or I was hearing things better, I found a chance to ask Jen if she had gone through the same after she and Andy jumped into the sack. She said no, and asked if by chance I was bitten by a wolf and didn't even know it?
"Not that I know of."
"Well, that's weird, you should ask Levi."
"I think I will...."Suddenly the whole room started to spin, Jen helped me sit down.
"Over did the fun, did we?"
"Yeah...I mean it could be, we didn't get out of the house until this morning."
"Jeez and I thought we were bad."
"I'm fine, I just need something to drink."
We drove to my work and ordered something to drink before, Jen left, and I got to work. The next few days were great, Levi explained a few things to me, about how to other wolves I would smell like him, that was an other part of the marking and mating, I asked him if at some point we could go visit my family, he agreed and we started to plan a visit. I would like to say that my light headedness was a one time thing, but it wasn't and soon I was even feeling nauseous by two weeks I was vomiting a lot of the things I ate, but never in front of Levi, which I found weird. I finally told Eve, and she took me to the doctor, they took some blood and some pee.
"You really think I could be pregnant?"
"Yeah, girl for wolves it doesn't take long to get a woman pregnant, but they have to be careful who they get pregnant."
We waited for a bit, the pee came back negative, now I was going to have to wait for the blood test results, which they said they'd call me. I agreed and went the work, my thoughts so jumbled but I thought thing over. A baby, at twenty, well, age didn't have much to do with it, but I wasn't even done with school, and I was still getting to know Levi, but a baby...
It thought like this my whole shift but by the end of the night, I needed to talk to Levi. So when he came to get me, I sat in silence for a minute.
"What's going on?" he asked.
"Huh, oh, um...nothing it's just....I was talking to Eve the other day and she tells me about how she's excited to feel her baby, and all that."
"Okay and?"
"Well, they seem very happy to be having a family, but I wonder if that's the same for everyone?"
"Everyone meaning wolves right?"
"Yeah, sure."
"Well, from what I know some couples don't have babies, not because they don't want them but because, they miscarry more then they carry to full term."
"With a human mate?"
"Yeah, and with a wolf mate, that's less, because depending who your mate is, his rank I mean, some won't ever have kids."
"Because like for explain you and me, if you were wolf, we'd be able to have kids, I'm an Alpha's son, so I can change whenever, but lesser wolves need the moon to change and when the moon is out, they have to change it's not optional."
"SO as your mate I have the same option as you, but what if you father were to disown you?"
He gave me a look, and I had crossed a line.
"Sorry, but anyway, my point is like you who had a troubled childhood, would you like kids of your own?"
He smiled, took my hand, and kissed it.
"Yes, but not right, now,it's just you and me we have all our lives to think about kids, okay."
I smiled back and nodded, shit this was going to be harder to say then I thought.
(Levi's POV)
Friday when I went to pick her up, Mia was distant, after our long weekend together I thought she would be more at ease, but she was just distant for two whole weeks now. This weekend, we were planning to surprise her parents, but again she was distant, she ran into the bathroom this morning, and when her phone rang she ran out to get it like crazy. Before I thought to listen, when I did all I caught was a female voice, saying good-bye and they hung up.
She walked out looking shocked and scared. The whole day she didn't say anything to me, but I gave her space, it was about eight when the last of the sun was finally going down, that I finally went to talk to her. She had been crying, when I walked in and I sat right in front her.
"What's wrong, what happened?" I asked now getting worried. She sniffled but let her legs drop to the sides, not looking at me.
"I'm pregnant." she said, those words didn't register right a way, until she looked at me.
"Pregnant, wow...I um....I don't know what to say."
She got up angrily, wiping away her tears.
"Being happy could be a start." she said firmly crossing her arms.
"Mia, it's just...big news...a baby...is no light thing...is this why you've been distant with me?"
She looked away frustrated.
"Yeah, I've been feeling sick for a while."
I suddenly felt angry, she had know this whole time and hadn't said anything.
"Were you planning on telling me, or were you...."
"Don't start, I was, but how the hell was I to know you would be happy to have a baby we just found each other, we just became mates, Levi!"
"Yeah, and I told you I'm here for you, and you're still hiding things from me, Mia, so what else are you hiding!?"
"I'm not your mother, Levi, I don't use men to get what I want, as hard as it is to believe!"
That stunned me into silence, she had hit low, and I had no idea what to say. Then I heard them, I looked out the window.
"What is it?"
"Shit!" I said but just pulled her toward my hide away. I opened it, and told her to get in, she did.
"I'll be back, don't come out." I said and closed the door. Then I heard someone come in, I quickly ran down stairs, and found Ronan.
"I'm sorry son." he said and lead me outside. There was my father and the whole pack, they had Andy and Jen on their knees, with their hand behind their backs.
"Well, this is disappointing my son, I taught and trusted you to heed my warning, but I guess bad blood will out...where is she?"
"Who?" I asked playing dumb, that got me a smack in the face.
"Where's the bitch, you've been fucking, boy?!"
"I don't know who you're....."
"We got her!" We heard from the house, and my insides ran cold, as they dragged Mia out of the house, the wolf getting her into choke hold.
"Well,well, well, we meet again, Mia, you're the little demon that's seduced my son."
"I haven't done..." she tried to talk but my father smacked in into silence, I tried to jump up but two wolves, grabbed me.
"Don't you touch her!" I yelled at my father, he came over to me, looking down at me.
"I have to free you from her claws, my son."
"NO!" I yelled but he gave the sign, and two of the wolves started to kick her, and punch her.
"Mia!" I heard Jen, yelling.
"Levi do something, man their going to kill her!"
"He can't do anything, I'm your alpha, so you listen to me!"
He then told them to stop, Mia wasn't moving, and I could smell blood, I knew our baby was gone.
"You killed him!" I finally screamed.
"Killed who my son?"
"Your grandchild, you bastard!"
"Then you should be thanking me, I promise you tie yourself to that whore, you will regret it for the rest of you life!"
"Look here, sir," said one of the wolves, showing the mark I made on her," he's marked her."
He looked lividly down at me.
"Feeding time boys." he finally said and a few wolves were laughing and others were more forced then anything, when the first bit it her, her screams filled the air, I fought the order of my alpha and fought but I couldn't, until something happened and I did, I changed into my wolf and went after the assholes ripping into Mia, I killed two, all the rest, backed away willingly.
I covered Mia with my body, I couldn't hear her breathing or her heart beating. My father walked toward me I snarled at him, and he stopped.
"So that's how it's going to be then, you picked that bitch over your family, well, then you're not my son anymore, you are cut from me, Levi, without protection, rank, or money, hope she was worth it."
I was breathing heavy, I wanted to go after him and rip him to shreds. I just waited for them to leave, once they were gone I changed back, and checked Mia, there was barely a pulse, I grabbed a pair of sweats, while Andy put her in the truck and we drove her to the hospital.