(Levi's POV)
We got Mia to the hospital, Jen called to a doctor in particular, he took one look at Mia, and sprung into action. He looked down at Mia and then turned to us again.
"What happened?"
"She was kicked and attacked by wolves." Jen had no trouble telling the doctor what happened, the doctor looked horrified at what Jen had just said, but nodded and instructed a nurse to lead us out of the room.
It felt like forever, just standing or sitting around, soon Eve came charging toward us, or more particularly me. Her hand met my face, as she looked at me madder then a fury out of hell.
"You fucking asshole, it's your fault!"
"Eve, calm done!" Robert held on to her, as she broke down in tears.
"I will kill you, if she dies, Barrett, I swear to the Goddess I will!"
Robert finally got a good hold on her, and she just broke down, I just sat there praying to the Goddess to have mercy on me for once.
Two hours later, the same doctor came out to meet with us.
"What's going on, Doc, how is she?" I asked.
"Not good, she had a lot of internal bleeding, broken ribs, and other fractures, we don't think she'll make it for long, but she's fighting every hour she makes, is a little more hope we get."
Eve was burning a hole into me, with her stare.
"What the hell happened?" asked Eve looking right at me.
"We were talking and a few minutes later my....Marcus came with his pack and held us down...while he ordered the others to beat her."
"And you just let it happen, you were suppose to protect her!"
"I know! Alright I know I fucked everything us, Eve, and you rubbing it in is not going to make her better!"
She looked deflated, and looked like she wanted to say more, but rubbed her face and walked back toward Robert, but then stopped and turned.
"Did she tell you she was pregnant?"
Robert, Jen, and Andy all looked at me at the news.
I couldn't answer, so I just nodded.
"And you still let them....What the hell is wrong with you...?!"
"It was an order from my Alpha, I couldn't disobey, and when I did, it was too late."
Eve, looked so disappointed, it hurt me to see it, because she was right, I should've been able to protect my mate...my baby, but I didn't and I regret not doing so.
Eve, just sat down, she had gone pale, and was crying again, along with Jen. We couldn't go in to see Mia for a long time, it was the next morning, when to my surprise Ronan walked in, my anger flared up and I was ready to beat his face in, but after a few hits, I broke down in his arms. He held onto me the way a father did to a son throwing a tantrum. I cried in a way I hadn't cried sense finding out Sasha had died. That day even it was his grief, Ronan had held me the same way, and had told me that crying was okay, it was the soul telling us we were still human enough to feel loss.
"I'm sorry, Levi, I'm so sorry." he said.
He lead me to a chair and he sat next to me.
"How is she holding up?"
"She hasn't woken up and the doctors don't think she will."
Ronan hung his head for a second, but then looked up toward the window to Mia's room, getting up to look in at her. Seeing how she was connected to a breathing tube, and all the monitors.
"Ronan, I don't....why can't he just....why can't my father accept that the rest of us can be happy, why is that so hard to believe for him?"
Ronan sighed then came to sit down next to me again, looked at me then at the floor, he cleared his throat.
"Your mother was married when Marcus met her, and she was...gorgeous, like something right out of a model magazine, she gave this sad story like her husband was so horrible, he ignored her, and put his job over her, wouldn't even touch her anymore even though she wanted a baby. But when she told your father, she was planning on leaving the husband, he was over the moon, he got everything ready, he had just gotten the Alpha rank from your grandfather, he had the power to give her everything, but then she just...disappeared, after she had told him she was pregnant with his child. Well, Marcus went insane trying to find her, I thought he never managed to do so, until one night he arrived with you in his arms, told me your mother had changed her mind, and didn't want you, so she gave you over to him, and I never heard about, or of her again."
"My mother was married to an other man, she used my father for what?"
"Nobody knows, Levi, nobody knows what happened after she left, but he...I don't even know how explain, he just nit-picked all the women, nobody is ever enough."
"Mia, didn't do anything, what....why.."
"She was changing your way of seeing things, son, she was changing you, in your father's eyes for the worst, and he had to stop her."
Before I could say anything else, the alarms went off, I got up and rushed to the window, of Mia's room. She was shaking really bad, and the doctors, were putting medicine into her IV and holding her down, then the monitor just beeped, then they soon pulled out some stuff and started to move things around, one nurse started to push on Mia's chest, then they placed some paddles on her chest.
"1..2..3..clear!" they shocked her, the monitor still beeped, flat, they did the shock two more times, but nothing was happening.Then they were all silent, nurses turned off, the monitors and stuff.
" Time?"
"9:45 am, doctor." replied the nurse, I had somehow absentmindedly walked to the door, the doctor turned, saw me in the door way, and walked forward.
"I'm sorry, we tried."
I wasn't listening, I walked into the room toward Mia's body, they had taken the tube out of her mouth, she looked so at peace, even when her face was all bruised. I knelt down next to her.
"Mia, don't leave...please, don't...I'm sorry...please come back."
I was crying, and was soon joined, Eve and Jen had come in with tear stained faces. She was gone.
(Mia's POV)
I was running from something I had no idea what, but I knew if I stopped it would get me, The forest was just endless, the trees loomed scarily, with their leafless branches toward me but then I saw it a bright light, without thinking ran toward it, the feeling of being safe, warm and welcomed was coming from it.
"Mia come back." I heard.
"Levi?" I whispered, I looked around but then there she was, I can't even explain how I knew it was a she, but I knew. A beautiful, black wolf, she carefully walking toward me. All I could do was kneel on the ground, and waited to see what would happen.
"Are you scared?" she asked I could hear her loud and clear in my had.
"Yes." I replied honestly. Silent crying filled the area around me, it filled me with sadness, the cries were full of grief.
"Saddening isn't it?" she asked sitting right in front of me.
"Yeah, it is, but why?"
"Because you know, who cries those tears, people you have come to cherish, and that have come to cherish you."
I listened, then looked back at the light, still warm and inviting.
"You can walk into that light, end your suffering, or you can take the new path put in front of you along side your mate, your friends, and your family."
I looked at her, then back at the light.
"It's not going to be easy is it, everything is going to change."
"Anything is worth fighting for, Mia, but your the one that has to measure just how worthy it is."
I looked at her, into her eyes, then nodded. Before I did anything else, she jumped at me, pushing me back, but I jolted awake, gasping for air, and coughing. It was freezing, and very dark. I was laying on a cold table, but when I tried to sit up I bonked my head. I was in a slab, I swallowed trying to stay calm.
"Um...hel-hello...is anyone there?" I called but nothing, no answer. There was no one in the room, I could hear the water dripping from the tap, I could smell old blood, there was a corpse close by, I looked up and could actually see where I made the dent, I could see in the dark.
"Kick the door." I heard and jumped hitting myself again.
"What?" I asked out loud.
"Kick the door down." said the same voice in my head, I took a deep breath, and kicked hard, the door flew off. I pushed and the slab slid out, I sat up and looked around, I was in the dead storage. I looked down, noticing I had no clothes, by bruises were hardly noticeable, and the bite marks from before, had shrunk into nothing but scabs. The smell of old blood, ammonia and disinfectant was overwhelming, I got off the slab and looked around and found a hospital gown, then I found the door locked, and thinking of the previous moment, I did the same this time too, but this time and alarm went off.
For some reason my fight or flight inscets kicked in and I started to run down the hall way, I saw people coming up the hall so I jumped up into a vent and climbed my way up, I don't know how much i climbed until I reached the roof, and kicked the cover away and the sounds of the city hit me. I looked out the sun was just going down. I could smell the car esought, food, flowers and just everything around me. I walked over to the edge of the roof, when the door flew open.
"Stop right there!" I looked behind me, and soon Levi came running up behind the police.
"Levi?" I said my voice horse.
"Mia...you're ....you're okay."
"It's so loud, why is it so loud?"
"Okay, I can help you, and make the sounds softer, just get away from the edge."
"Levi, you can see the whole city from here."
"Yeah it's beautiful, come here, please."
I looked at him, he looked worried, his hand was held out to me. I looked out to the city, then took his hand and he pulled me into his arms, hugging me tightly.
A few minutes later, I was back in the hospital, the doctor checked me over, and he just shook his head.
"She's recovered, her fractures and such are almost healed completely, there's no after affect from the beating, and the bite marks are nothing but red dots on her skin."
"So can I take her home, then?" asked Levi.
The doctor looked worried, but sighed and nodded.
"I'll arrange for the paper work to be done, and she can go home, take care okay, if anything else let me know."
"Thanks Doc."
The Doctor pat Levi on the shoulder, and walked out of the room. Levi just watched me, like I had grown a second head.
"How are you still alive?"
I looked at him and shrugged. He kept watching me carefully, then walked over to me, I kept an eye on him.
"Are you scared of me?" he asked.
I raised an eyebrow at him.
"Should I be?" I asked him.
"Then why are you on edge?"
"What do you mean, you're the one acting on edge, I woke up and you act like some demon took over my body or something."
"You just said it, you were dead, Mia!"
"Well, I guess the doctors called it wrong." I gave him a look, but he didn't say anything, soon the doctor was back and told us we could go.