(Mia's POV)
At the park he was sitting at a picnic table, with two cups. I took a deep breath and started walking toward him, and then went to sit in front of him. He looked calm and not at all how I was feeling.
"Hey, I'm glad you called me."
"I have questions, and you better have answers to."
"Okay, I guess I do, shot."
I took a deep breath, the cold suddenly biting through my layers of clothes.
"Why? why did you....no..why didn't you ever come looking for me?"
He sighed and he looked at me as a he remembered his reasons.
"After Marcus got home with Levi, everything went to hell, mates were being mistreated by him, wolves were hiding their mates, barely if ever getting to see them, and those that he knew about, were always kept under a watchful eye, your mother was one of them, she had fight in her like no one I knew, but she knew it was better to put distance especially after you were born, Levi was maybe three or four at the time, he had never been around a little girl, and your mother saw how that little boy changed, he knew to be gentle with you, to care for you. Until, I think out of something he says, to Sasha, 'she'll be mine, one day.' Sasha took it as something cute the kids say, but to Marcus. Levi, had marked you and he wasn't going to allow it, I told Sasha she had to leave and never come back, that day of the crash was the last time I saw either of you, when they told me, you were adopted in a family, I didn't come looking because Marcus was hunting for you, but I prayed they were a good family, that they loved you, the way you should be loved."
I was stunned by his answer, but it made sense. What I thought was cute was that Levi and I had known each other from a long time ago, and somehow fate had brought us back together.
"Ronan, why does Marcus hate women so much?"
"Levi's mother, was a gorgeous woman, full of life and adventure, then one day just disappeared, Marcus went crazy, more after she had disappeared after telling him she was pregnant, I never found out, what happened, all I know is..he came back with Levi but not her."
"That's about what Levi's told me, but that makes no sense, a bad breakup..well, then again."
"Even if Marcus, doesn't believe it that way, a mate is a part...a very important part of our lives, they see us at our worse, our best, and our most vulnerable, and if she's a good mate, one with a heart, she will stand by us, at any moment."
I looked at him and smiled. Then he handed me a styrofoam cup, I could smell it now it was hot chocolate. I took a sip, it was still nice and warm.
"Thanks, I needed that."
"So are we cool?" he asked looking at me hopeful. He had good reasons to stay away, just like now I had to stay away from the people that raised me. So I nodded, and he grinned.
Without him even asking, I got up and went over to give my father a hug. He held me tightly, kissing my forehead or my cheek.
"I missed you my little girl, so much!" he said and I was in tears again, but this time happy ones. After a bit, we started to walk around the park, and talked. I told him about my adopted parents and everything I had done int high school, about Manny, somehow I ended up telling him how I ran into Levi, and he had to laugh.
"That boy, never liked parties, and to find you at one, is just ironic to me."
We were chuckling, when my phone rang, I looked it was the clinic.
"Hi, is this Mia Juarez?"
"We just you test results back, but can you verify your date of birth for me?"
I told her my birth date.
"Thank you, and I guess I'll just tell you the news and let you decide what will happen next, but um...you're a least five weeks pregnant it seems."
I almost dropped my phone, as the news hit me, I was stunned.
"I...um...are you sure?"
"Yes, ma'am both urine and blood test confirmed."
"Okay thank you, for letting me know."
"Not at all, bye."
I didn't know if I should be jumping for joy or crying, but all I knew was that, I was pregnant and a least five weeks along.
"This is a good things right?" asked Ronan having over heard the call.
"Yes, yes it is." I said he hugged me again, and we cheered. This whole day just filled with good news I guess. After a while, reluctantly we parted ways, and I headed back to the house.
A few days later I got the test results in the mail, and wanted to scream with joy, but I took a deep breath, went back into the house. I sat down, trying to think of how to tell, Levi the news, when Justin walked over to me.
"Hey, have you been okay, you seem so up and down, lately?"
"That happens Justin, it's a woman thing."
"Is everything okay."
"Now it is, I just found out....I'm...I can't tell you before I tell Levi."
"Oh, come on!"
"No, it wouldn't be fair, Justin."
He gave up but then took the test results out of my hands, and looked through them.
"Hey, give that back!"
"You're pregnant?"
"Yeah, but you can't tell, Levi, I want to tell him okay."
"That's so cool an other baby!" he said with a big smile, he was happy but then again, I've seen him with Eve's baby, he was an awesome big brother.
Suddenly, I wasn't sure why, but Justin kissed me. Barely before I pushed him away.
"What are you doing?"
"Oh, shit, I'm sorry it was in the heat of the moment...I didn't mean..."
"For anyone to see I bet."
My stomach dropped, as I turned to see, the last person I ever wanted to see in my house.
"Marcus, what are you doing here?"
"That is Mr. Barrett to you, bitch, I'm here to see my son, but i guess I walked in on something else."
"You didn't walk in on anything, Levi, knows you're here I assume?"
He glared at me, and I glared right back. After a while Levi, walked through the door.
"Let's talk in my office."
"Coffee?" I asked more out of politeness that real, concern.
"No, he won't be staying long."
Marcus gave me a look, and I wanted to punch his teeth in. Knowing him he was going to let me squirm for a while, then drop the bomb, when was the question.
After a while he left, and I had been getting ready to head out to work. He gave me a smug look on his way out, then Levi closed the door with a sigh.
"What was that about?"
"He wants to do business with me, to expand the shop, I thought about it, but I can't seem to trust him, I just feel like has ulterior motives."
"That was it?"
"Yeah, what else could he have to say?"
I looked at a Levi, and knew I needed to tell him, but at the same time, there was so much to say, about Ronan and about our baby, I needed to think. So I just shook my head and shrugged.
"Nothing, I just thought so, because he never seems to keep his mouth shut."
Levi chuckled, and hugged me tightly, I hugged him back.
"So you ready, I need to finish a couple things at work, so I can drop you off, and then pick you up."
"Sure, sounds good, I'm just covering for a couple hours anyway."
"Okay, then let's go to dinner after, what do you think?"
"Okay, but I'll be in my work clothes."
"That's fine with me." he said with a smile.
"Fine, I just hope it's not a super nice place."
He agreed and we headed out, I glanced back at Justin, who still looked regretful, but I tried to give him a reassured look, but I guess it wasn't enough. At work I was busy enough to keep my mine off things, or more because I was finally hopeful and happy. Then after Levi, took me to a nice restaurant nothing super fancy, but nice, we ordered and Levi, asked for wine, I told him not to, I didn't feel like drinking.
We talked a little of what was going on with his shop, how graduation for me was around the corner, and how I was actually now trying to find the heart to quit at the cafe, and start working in a salon or something. I kept just looking at him, and had to smile as he squirmed a little, he must've been so cute when he was little, and to think he was sure about us, even before now. It warmed my heart, that I almost started crying.
"What's wrong." he asked calmly.
"Nothing, I'm fine."
"I hope so because I had a question for you."
"Yeah." he suddenly got down on one knee, with a box in his hand.
"I know it's been a crazy, few months with a lot of ups and downs, for which I wish to have my whole life to make up to you, if you give me the chance, Mia Juarez, will you marry me?"
The tears couldn't be stopped when he opened the box, I wanted to explode with emotion, but I settled with a teary nod, as he put the ring on my finger.
"Oh, my gosh...I love you, Levi, I am honored to marry you." I finally said.
He smiled and got up toward me and kissed me. After dinner we drove home, and I felt like nothing could spoil this moment.
That was until that night I kept seeing a cabin, it was burning down, and the screams. I woke up, with a jolt, and then had to run for the bathroom, to vomit.
"Hey are you okay?" Levi, had come over and rubbed my back.
"Yeah, just a very, gross and bad dream."
"Anything you want to share?" he asked kissing my shoulder, my conscience was eating at me to tell him, everything I needed to but again, I just didn't want to ruin anything. So I shook my head, and got up to rinse my mouth out. Back in bed, I couldn't sleep, and without meaning to, things started to get hot under the covers, until we ended up making love, and we were at ease again.
The next morning I was heading to the library, when Justin asked where I was going. I told him and he asked if he could come. I nodded but I really didn't want to be around him right now, but I guess.
I looked up accidents or incidents of cabins burning down around here but nothing where there had been a multiple deaths. there was one with a child, or a elderly person but none, with a couple. Then just to cover my bases I checked out deaths, murders or anything of the like, and one popped up.
"Eric and Isabella Bradshaw, wife and husband burn in their summer cabin, after being murder, killer felt no trace behind and police say might have stolen a four to six month old, nobody seems to know who this was, investigations lead to a possible affair the Mrs. was having but the family never knew his name or don't dare give it."
I read and reread the article,'no sign of the couples baby' I looked for names that could help, and only one jumped out at me.
"Shit." I said not knowing how this conversation was going to go down.