(Mia's POV)

The next day at work, I kept trying to find a way to talk to Michelle about her sister, and what she knew. But how does one go about asking these things, and not sounding insane. Somehow, she came over to talk to me, and she asked if I was okay.

"Yeah, just a lot on my mind, like always."

"You can talk to me, if you'd like."

I suddenly remembered everything I was hiding and just spilled my guts to her.

"So the guy you were saying was good-looking, I just found out he's my real dad, he heard my mom was an accident but didn't feel like he could raise me on his own, so when I was adopted he let me be happy, then a few days ago I found out, I was pregnant, and the cherry on top is, in the moment, the nephew that's staying with us, up and kissed me, it wasn't anything big or anything, but my now fiance's father saw us, and he's been trying to break me and Levi up for a while, so I have no idea how to tell my fiance all of this, I just feel overwhelmed."

"I'll say, girl, do you have drama!" she laughed and shook her head, "I'm sorry but you remind me so much of my big sister, and like then I have no idea what to really say, except tell him everything, things have a way of working themselves out."

"You think." I asked softly, but that was the opening I needed.

"Yeah, I think so."

"Michelle, you mention your sister a lot, but you've never told me about her, what was she like?"

"Oh, jeez where do I start....she was perfect, top of the class, in some sports, and choir, she had the most beautiful voice, and a unwavering confidence, that got her in trouble with men. When she and my brother-in -law got married, our father teased him saying, he'd have to tame the beautiful beast, but that's what Eric loved the most, but he was just as determined as she was, worked really hard, to get where he was, but then Isabella started to be placed in second base, and what she wanted more then anything was a baby, at first she wanted to use a sperm donor, Eric said hell, no, and canceled all her credit cards and she needed his signature to get money out, he really wanted her to himself, until she confided in our mom, that she had been having an affair, and mistakenly had fallen in love with the man."

"Did you ever see him?"

"Yeah, and boy...he was, devilishly handsome, a real charmer actually, Isabella told mom she was thinking to divorce Eric, he cared too much about money, and she was just a trophy to him, she soon found out she was pregnant, she knew it was the other man's , and told him. When she was about to tell Eric, he told her, he had gotten the promotion and was now going to be able to spend more time with her, she didn't have the nerve to tell him, and dropped the affair, a few months later, we find out the cabin they had been in for Christmas was burning and they had been killed.

"What happened to the baby?"

"My nephew, they never found him, the guy probably took him."

"And they've never found this guy?"

"No, my nephew should be twenty-seven almost twenty-eight now."

"Wow, do you still hope they find him, the guy or your nephew?"

"Yes, a part of me does, but I know that's a fat chance right."

"Do you have a picture of the guy at all?"

"Yeah, but it's old, I even tried to give it to the police they said it could be anyone."

"Can I see it anyway?"

She pulled her phone out, it was a picture of a picture, and there he was clear as day, Marcus younger but there was no mistaking him.

"Wow, no kidding, he was really good looking."

"Yeah, he was, but anyway, so much for sad stories."

"Yeah, I'm sorry."

"No, don't be but like I told you tell him everything, your finance deserves to know."

I nodded and we got back to work, at some moment, I took her phone and sent the picture to myself, there was a print shop a walk away so I was going to print it out, after work.

I asked Michelle to leave a little early, and went to the print shop and printed the picture off. I had just barely left the shop when I saw two of the pack wolves walking toward me.

"Hey, guys what's going on?"

"Mia, Alpha Levi asked us to come get you."

"Did something happen?"

"Just come with us, please."


I followed them and got into a SUV, and we headed home. I walked in and a whole slew of wolves were here. The guards with me lead me all the way to the office, there they left me inside, Levi was with his back to me and Marcus was standing in the corner.

"Hey, babe, what's going on?"

Levi, turned to look at me, he face had that scary look, and I knew what could be happening right now.

"Sit, M."

I did as he asked and took a seat.

"Okay, what's going on?"

Levi, slammed a photo on the desk, it was one of me and Ronan, he was kissing my forehead, and one where he kissed my cheek, but it looked like it was on the lips. My insides went cold.

"You had me followed?"

"I shouldn't of right, so you can get away with this longer" he said firmly, but his tone was pissed.

"The man is old enough to be my father, Levi, of all the guys really, Ronan, besides...."

"A cheater will cheat with who ever, is available." spoke up Marcus, I rolled my eyes to look at him.

"Of course everyone wants to cheat in your eyes, but like I said I can...."

"So, that little kiss you and the boy shared a few days ago."

"What?" Levi, looked ready to kill.

"That was nothing..."

"Nothing, if it had been nothing you would've told me right a way!"

"So what? you can kill the kid, he's a kid, Levi, with freaking raging hormones, it happened once, and I even told him, he would have to leave if he ever did it again!"

" What if you wanted to do it again?"

I glared at Marcus, and I wasn't going down easy.

"Like Isabella, and how she regretted betraying her husband?"

Marcus went dead pale as I said that.

"Who's Isabella?" asked Levi.


"No, you sure about that?" I said putting the picture on the desk. Levi picked it up.

"Now that things are all clear here, I guess you made your choice, Levi, and I guess no amount of explaining is going to fix it, so here you go." I said my heart shattering as I returned his ring.

With that I turned and left the office, fighting the tears back.

(Levi's POV)

"Mia!" I called after her, but then I looked back at the picture of my father with...", who's this?"


"Get Ronan and Justin in here now!"

I was pissed off, but I honestly needed to listen. How did this day get so shitty? I had left for the shop this morning, had dropped Mia off at work, but she had been so distracted lately, I thought it was because of her family, but after I saw those pictures, I saw red.

Ronan and Justin walked in.

"What the hell is going on, why did Mia, run out of here?"

"Explain these to me?" I said pushing the pictures into his hands, he looked at them.

"Sense when did you have us all followed or are these from you?" he asked my father.

"How long has this been going on, Ronan?"

"Okay pump your damn brakes, we weren't doing anything in these, pictures, we were at the city park, talking and clearing up some things...."

"What things!?" I shouted, Ronan sighed, looking at my father, but his next words took me by surprise.

"Mia...Mia, is my daughter, Melissa."

The tension in the room shot up so fast, you could choke from lack of air from how thick it was.

"Mia is...your daughter? How long have you two known?"

"We found out, because, the locket her family came to drop by on Christmas, I recognized it right away, it was the one I had made for Sasha, you probably don't even remember ever seeing her, but you two meet."

"Melissa...I always wondered if I had dreamed her or something....Mia is..."

I was speechless, I couldn't believe, this at all. Melissa had been my first love, or at least what I understood at the time, I thought I would never find someone that made me feel warm and wanted like those times I would see her. Then those times just vanished, I just assumed it had been because Sasha had been the only mother figure, I had.

" And I didn't mean to do what I did..."

I realized there was one more person to deal with, and turned to look at Justin, who tried to make himself smaller. I grabbed him by the neck of his shirt.

"Levi!" said Ronan.

"What made you think I wouldn't find out?"

"I wasn't thinking, that kiss was a big mistake, it happened in the heat of the moment, Mia even yelled at me!"

"Why did you even do it, Justin?"

"Because she got good news and when I found out, I just got dragged by the moment."

"What could you have possibly found out, that made you think that it was okay?"

"I rather not say..."

"Why?!" I yelled at him.

"Because I really think she should tell you."

I slammed the damn kid against the wall, when Ronan spoke again.

"Mia, is pregnant, Levi!"

I froze, then turned back to Ronan.


"Mia is pregnant, I'm not sure why she didn't say anything..."

"She has something to hide, then."commented my father.

"Shut up and leave, I was so stupid to let you drag me back down this damn hole, and now, God knows what's going to happen, just leave, Dad and don't come back, you've done enough."

With that I walked out of the office and headed up stairs, to our room, when I found Mia, passed out in just inside of the room.

"Mia...Mia..come on, Mia?" I asked but she would react, I picked her up and took her down stairs, and ordered for the truck to be brought to the front, soon Ronan, Justin, and I were taking to the hospital.

At the hospital the wolf doctor came and took her, in on a stretcher. We sat down, waiting to hear something, I held her ring in my hand, knowing I had fucked it up big time, after I had promised to be more...under control.

"Why didn't she tell me?" I whispered to myself.

"There was a lot going on, Levi, she must've felt overwhelmed, she was mad at me for a while, until she decided to talk to me, in the pictures she had given me a hug, and had accepted me."

"Damn it, she never said anything to me, why so much secrets, she could've told me and I wouldn't of...shit." I felt so guilty.

"Boss." said Justin, and I looked up. The doctor was walking toward us.

"How is she, Doc?"

"Very weak, Barrett, her stress level is through the roof, and that's slowly turning into a dangerous thing, she has at least three months to go, until the baby is born, but if she keeps this up, she's going to miscarry."

"What do you suggest?"

He looked at me, and sighed.

"Bed rest, no stress, so no strong emotions, for a while, just everything calm and quiet, small walks and no stairs, no salty foods."

"Okay, can I see her?"

"She doesn't want to see anyone."

"Please I just...I'll leave if she gets too...stressed."

"Fine." He leaded me to the room, and I walked in carefully. She had an IV, and oxygen mask, and seemed to sleep, but as soon as she heard the click of the door, she turned to look at me.

"Hey?" I whispered. She turned away from me," Mia, I'm....sorry, I...should've talked to you, instead of turning it into something it wasn't."

"You think, but I guess you never really changed, right, you lie real nice too, Levi."

"No, I didn't..lie or at least, it wasn't my intention."

"Go away, Levi, I want to be alone!"

"Mia, I'm not going away, your pregnant with our baby, I'm not taking that lightly."

"I'm not going back to the house, I don't feel safe there anymore, or welcome."

I sighed, I really messed things up, now but I couldn't let her leave me, not this time.

"I'm sorry and you're going to hate me, but you're staying in the house, like it or not it what's best for the baby."

"No, it's whats best for you, it's convenient for you!"

"Yes, because I'm the father, and you're not taking my child from me, so deal with it!"

"Go to hell!" she yelled at me, and the monitor beeped red, so I had to take a step back and breath deeply. Then I did the very thing I said I would never do, but I know it was my fault, and I needed to fix this, even if it was to keep the peace. Slowly, I got on my knees next to the bed. Mia, just stared.

"Okay, I'm here on my knees, Mia, and I'm begging, please come back to the house, I don't want to be away from you at this or any time, please."

She suddenly burst into tears.

"You don't trust me, Levi, you never have, all we;re doing is torturing each other, I can't be with you...if you can't fucking trust me!"

"I do, I do trust you, Mia, I swear to God I do, but....I guess I'll always have an insecurity when it comes to you, I just can't believe, I have you, that I found you again."

"Again?" she asked confused.

"Melissa." I said and she understood, " please, just let me...mend my mistake."

She seemed to think about it.

"I can't promise, it will be the same, or that we'll stay together after the baby is born, but it would be nice to be in a familiar place."

I kissed her hand, thankful she accepted to stay, even if it's only until the baby was born.