CHAPTER#5 : I Can't Fight This Feeling Anymore

[Jacob's P.O.V.]


The next day, I was late for school. I can't believe thinking about him can cause me to have restless nights. I rolled out of bed and went through my morning ritual before heading to school. I felt like a zombie walking around our house.

"Hey! Jacob, hurry up!" my older sister told me. I don't know how many times she hissed at me because of how slow I move this morning.

I snorted at her, "My body still hurts like hell."

"Heh! You're poor on making excuses. So, stop. You were being lazy!" she said angrily at me. Before she got inside the car, she gazes at me again and hissed.

"How lucky I am to have a sister like her!" Before entering, I let out a loud sigh in the air.

I was the first to be dropped off in front of our school by the chauffeur. HaeSoo's academy is significantly farther away than mine. So if I'm late, she'll be really late.

As I sat in my chair, I said, "I'm not really into going to school today."

According to her text update, our first subject teacher will be late. Our class is supposed to be doing self-study right now, but I'm feeling sluggish. This is because I am the one who lectures them when the teacher is not available. I'm teaching them based on what I've learned from the teacher's instructions.

"President SEO~! I heard the Teacher can't make it up for today! Can we go play outside?" my team mate in junior soccer asked. I frowned at him.

"You go for what you want," I said.

Although I didn't intend for the entire class to hear it, they had already heard it, so they yelled out.

AHHH! Guess who's doomed?

"Se-yo!" someone shouted, "Se-yo! SEO!" He repeated it.

Frowning, I turned my head to the person making fun of my clan name. The expression on my face changes as I saw the person calling out my last name.

"Jacob, you must behave yourself. He's not likeable at all. You already know he's a scumbag. This boy can't even solve the simplest equation," I told myself silently.

"What?" I asked him in a firm voice.

"Where did that shrewd attitude come from?" he said as he sat down on my desk and looked at me.




Now it's time... What the hell is going on with this damn heart?

"Have you heard of this new girl at school? She just arrived here yesterday," he said while grinning.

"This is something I haven't heard—" my words were cut off when I saw someone entered the room.

As she entered, the room suddenly seemed to be flooded with cherry blossoms. The girl who entered smiled brightly and sweetly as she went towards us with her long, shining, soft hair swaying in the wind. When she walked, it looked as though she was strolling on a cloudy day. Even as a middle schooler, she's stunning. She was stunning in every way. Even the way her lips move as she uttered the words, "Sorry Sir I am late," she said to Lee.

After hearing what she had said, I was jolted back to the reality. I was nearly suffocated because of my intense laughter.

"W-wait, you're the new kid right?" Lee said then the girl smiles and nods.

"A-Ah." In a monotone voice, Lee remarked, "I'm not a teacher."

"Oh. Sincerely, I apologize," she said and bow slightly, "You looked like a teacher, since you were taller than everyone else," she said, scratching her nape.

"Hey! This is not funny at all!" In response to my laughter, Lee gave me a mocking snort.

"Oh?" She pointed at me and shouted, "You!" When she looked at me, her cheeks turned red, but she still smiled brightly. It was as though the brightest smile that could blind people who has normal vision. Fortunately, I'm wearing my eye glasses right now. B)

"Me?" I pointed to myself and asked.

"Yes, you!" she said happily, "It was you who blocked that flying ball for me," she remarked, before shoving Lee out of my desk with a casual nudge.

"Oh! C'mon! This girl has the guts to push boys away, huh?" I thought to myself.

Lee rolled his eyes at me and left the classroom as I smirked at him.

"What can I do to help you?" I smiled and asked her.

A wealthy background was evident by her good appearance. I love the way she speaks and moves. She comes from a well-known family, no doubt about it.

"I haven't properly thanked you yet. It would be nice if we could get together after school," she suggested, "if you're alright with it," she added.

Unbelievably, I said, "Whoa."

"Why?" she asked with a smile on her face, "Did I say something that was offensive?" she added.

"There's nothing to worry about, everything's fine," I said smiling, "I just cannot believe you're that forward," I added, "Were you really that forward?" as I asked her with a smile on my face.

I gave her a friendly grin and signalled that there was nothing wrong with what she had said.

After pulling up a chair, she sat down in front of me and remarked, "I thought something was wrong with what I said."

"Remember, I begged my father to allow me to return to Korea, simply so that I could meet up with you—The most handsome son of the CEO and the future HEIR of Aromatized—the most famous perfume company in South Korea," she said, but in a deadening tone. "I really like you, Oppa," she said shyly.

I just stared at her.

"Oh…" she blushed in front of me as she said, "I'm so sorry, I got carried away." She then covered her face with her hands because of embarrassment.

I was also embarrassed, but I still managed to give her an approving smile despite myself...


"Wow..." I muttered quietly as I admired how Seoul transforms into a beautiful place as the night falls.

Irene and I visited a variety of locations, including malls and shopping centers. Since it had been long since I'd been out, it was quite the experience. It's like my existence revolves around the house and school all the time. In my ignorance, I didn't realize how beautiful Seoul is to roam around in.

I had just stared outside the car's window when I realized what I was doing. Right now, I'm at peace with myself.

"I'm right!" she exclaimed, "You haven't been to many places like that. I guess, you didn't get a chance to explore Seoul or any of the other cities here," Irene added, smiling gently.

I shook my head in agreement. She has a point.

"I know so many teenagers like you, whose lives only revolves around their homes," she said smiling as she hold my hands.

I look into our hands that were intertwined but instead of getting angry, I smiled back at her. She blushed and let go of it.

As soon as she let go of my hands, she begun scrolling into her smartphone.

"Maybe she find my smile a little disgusting," I said to my mind and shrug.

"We should travel to Myeongdong," she added, her voice appeared commanding as she made her request.

"But Young Miss—" her driver and her servant responded in a tense voice

Irene didn't give them a chance to speak because she simply gestured for them to shut up.

Wah! In all honesty, I find it hard to believe how she acts. She may appear innocent on the outside, but she's no different from my sister in terms of character and personality. This woman is cunning and sly. More cunning than my sister is!

"Ich möchte in Myeongdong essen," ("I want to eat in Myeongdong," translated from german. ) she said really sad.

"I haven't been there in a long time. There's a lot of things that I miss about Korea," she said using her creepy and toneless voice, as if she was trying to scare you.

During our conversation, I noticed her stare at the driver and her helper.

She's a fright.

"This is really good!" The sweet potato I was holding in my right hand made me exclaim.

Irene only smiled at me and nodded her head.

I had no idea that a potato could be so tasty. Well, all potato products are tasty, but this one is special.

"Try this one," she added, handing me the pork belly veggies roll.

"What is this?" I asked because I noticed bacon and vegetables in the roll. "I don't really eat vegetables," I told her.

"You must eat them. You should realize that wasting food is bad." she stated in a serious tone. "I'm glad you agreed to join me on a cuisine tour. So you have to eat whatever we got," she said in her regular quiet manner.

She's a complete whim. I didn't expect her to be like this, nor did I put too much faith in her because of her attractive appearance.

Suddenly, I was staring at the Gyeran-Bbang (egg bread) that despite its unappealing appearance, I have to finish it in order to get home. It looks disgusting, but while eating the egg bread, my head tells me the taste must also be unpleasant, yet I'm mistaken. It's also quite tasty. Not only that, my taste buds must be happy because of the variety of meals, I'm putting in my mouth.

"I can't believe I'm already full!" Irene said in an annoyed tone.

"I still want to eat cotton candy, bbopkki (sugar lollipop), baked cheese, and those roasted chestnuts!" she exclaimed as she pointed to the stalls.

I'd want to give them a shot as well. This could be the last time, I will be eating those things. I grabbed her hands gently and drew her to those stalls.

"Let's get some and eat them on our way home," I suggested, smiling broadly at her.

"Really?" she asked.

"Yes." I nodded at her. "I'd want to try those as well," I added.

Minutes after, our hands appear like hangers from carrying so many plastic bags.

"Thank you for your treat," I responded, raising my plastic bags to her.

"I am confident that you will appreciate this," she stated as she climbed into the car.


[Irene Moon's P.O.V.]

"So he was the boy," I said in the air, nodding and pouting my lips, "and I genuinely find him interesting..." I remarked as I looked across at Jacob, who was asleep on the car's window sill.

"What should we do with him?" asked by the driver.

"Let's just return him to his residence. It's too early to make irresponsible plans," I said bluntly, crossing my arms.

"I can't believe he forgot who I was," said by my servant a bit irritated.

"That was a long time ago, so he probably forgets quickly, and he was younger at that time," I respond, turning my gaze at her. "As if you were someone exceptional back then," I said as I ate my bbopkki. "Also that's the first time he saw you, duh," I said and rolled my eyes.

"You!" She snarls at me.

"What?!" I growled viciously at her, gazing on her direction.

"You're pretty rude, Irene." Observed by my driver.

"Sorry uncle, that lady simply got on my nerves," I said, resting my head on my window.

"This day was a little fun," I said before falling asleep.


[Lee's Point of View]

"Should I make a call?" I said to the air, so worried.

I walked back and forth inside my room, very disoriented. I was just thinking about Jacob, when I realized he'd gone for a walk with that girl.

"Ahhh! Why are you so concerned? They're only dating," I chided myself, slapping my hands because I was involuntarily biting my fingernails.

"That's it! This is too much for me! They should not be having a date at this hour!—It's already 8:00 p.m.!" I reasoned as I checked my wristwatch and dialed the number for their house. "That human must be at home,"I added still looking at my phone.

I heard many rings, but before the receiver accepted the call, I hung up.

"No. He might believe I'm jealous of him," I murmured, scratching my nape. "I can't do it," I added.

"THINKK!" I muttered, closing my eyes tightly.

I believe I should contact Jacob's mother. I was going to contact his mother's number when a message flashed up.

"She's a true life saver," I screamed as I read her message, but it disappointed me.

'From: Idiot's Mother'

Are you currently with Jacob? He hasn't returned home yet. Do you have any idea who Jacob's sweetheart is?'

"So he already has feelings for someone. Is she the girl who was with him at this time?" I sighed and sat back down on my bed.

"Now I'm jealous," I grumbled as I lay on my bed.

"I think I should be that one..." I said this just before passing out.
