CHAPTER#6 : Jealousy at its finest

[Lee's P.O.V.]


This morning was the very first moment in my entire life that I woke up very annoyed and was not motivated to go to school. I just finished taking a shower then grabbed my towel and look at myself in the mirror.

"You look old with that frowning face," I said to myself. I was staring at myself in the mirror for almost 5mins and my reflection was just giving me—a Lee with frowning face and furrow forehead.

"C'mon! Stop getting jealous of them! If you were going to weigh the closeness—there's nothing that can beat the friendship that you and Jacob have! So wake up!" I said loudly to myself while staring at the mirror.

"You're friends with Jacob but what if that girl was already his girlfriend?" my reflection said smirking at me.

"ACKK—" I exclaimed and harshly wet my face with water and soap. "Stop imagining things," I said to myself as I dried my face with a clean towel.

I threw the towel into the laundry bag as I stepped out of my bathroom.

"What now if that young lady was already his girlfriend? It won't even harm me," I said as I rolled my eyes and wore my uniform.

"Jacob is now at the right age to choose who he will go with or not, hmp!" I said and carried my bag before I left my room.

I stormed out of my room and stomping my feet as I went down stairs then went to the kitchen to grab a soda.

"Son, you seem to be a little late for school," my dad said and gave me a packed lunch.

"Honestly? I feel like not going to school today," I honestly said to him.

"Why? Care to tell me what happened lately?" he asked.

"Nothing—you too, are going to be late for your work," I said to him flatly then showed him the can of soda that I got as I gestured I'm about to leave for school.

"Well, I just noticed that you seem to be anxious when you went home alone yesterday. Is there something I need to know between you and Jacob?" he said as he stood up and grabbed his suitcase then fixed his necktie. "You know that I'm aware of you being a bisexual and I will not bother to interrupt, if that's what makes you happy," he said and smiled at me.

"Just know your limit son; you know that Mr. Seo is a strict father, Jacob has been in a lot of trauma lately—you don't want that to prolong right?" he said as he gestured that we should leave.

We went out and moved to our garage. I don't know if I should tell it to my father but whatever. I spoke as dad started the car, "Dad. I know Jacob does not feel the same way that I looked at him but I don't like him hanging out with that girl," I sighed and rolled my eyes. "That girl who has the same surname as his perpetrator, it just does not feel right," I added.

"What girl?" dad said and looked at my direction for awhile. "Do you think Mr. Moon had a family that he left behind after going to jail?" he asked as he starts driving.

I shook my head. "I just felt something's off with that girl," I said and rested my head on my headrest.


"Yow!" one of my classmates greeted me with a tap on my shoulders.

"I see you haven't hung out with President Seo lately, is there any problem?" he said as he removed his shoes and put them on the shoe rack before entering the school grounds.

"AHH—we were just both busy," I told him and removed my shoes and put on my school slippers.

"I thought you two were going crazy over the girl named Irene," he said and chuckled, "she's pretty tough, you know." he added.

"Why'd you say so?" I asked him.

He shook his head and said, "Nothing. I just saw her two days ago visiting a prisoner at the correctional. I saw her there holding a dagger that I think she got inside?"

I smirked at him. "You're just being delusional, how can Irene get a dagger inside the correctional? I told you to stop drinking at a young age. I will report you to your dad if you continue to drink in broad daylight, understand?" I said to him and tapped his shoulders.

I saw his face turn red because of frustration.

'Serves you right drunkard'

I walked up into our school building and as I walked by I noticed that the surroundings are a bit different than usual. I raised my eyebrow and thought of something that may seemed to be different this morning.

'Aside from me and Jacob not going to school together, what else could be different?'

My eyes widen and roam my eyes everywhere. I haven't seen them—the little girls that chase us every morning.

"Did they realize that they were just wasting their time chasing us and just choose to study well in school?" I said to myself and secretly peeked through the windows of the classrooms I passed by. Those classrooms were the classrooms of those little brats but when I peek into their windows, they all look sad and lazy.

I shrugged and smirked at nowhere, "They acted like wild cats outside their classroom but inside they were all little kittens that are actually craving for attention. PSH," I murmured to myself.

I've reached our classroom but when I entered the room they were all resting their heads on the arm rest as if waiting for someone.

"WHOA, why are all of you like that?" I said and sat down on my chair.

"Good morning Vice President Lee," they saluted as they all turned to look at me.

"Hey! Stop the deafening silence, I'm not used to this class being very quiet," I said to them with my well-tone voice.

"Are you not sad about what happened?" the girl sitting in front of me said.

"About what?" I asked and brought out my small log book for attendance.

I turned around and was going to put the logbook on Seo's table but there's no person seated.

"Did he go into the comfort room?" I asked and placed the logbook on top of his table.

"We can't believe that you don't know what happened to President Seo," the girl seated near the front door said and was almost crying.

I look at her so confused. I stood up and approached her then said, "What happened to him? Tell me!" I slammed her table.

I looked around and was looking for the new face but I failed to see her. "Where's the new girl?" I said as my anger built up inside me.

What the hell happened yesterday after they went out? Did she do something ridiculous to Jacob?

"You will be the one who will take over the class for almost a week," the guy seated near Jacob's chair said.

"And why should I do that? There's President Seo to do that," I said angrily.

"He is confined inside Asan Medical Center Seoul," a girl behind me said.

I turned to see Irene Moon standing behind me. She seems to be from the comfort room.

"YOU!—what did you do to him?" I said and gritted my teeth.

She shrugged and said, "I didn't do anything wrong to him. We just dated yesterday," she rolled her eyes on me and wrinkled her nose.

I frowned at her. The room was suddenly filled with murmurs.

"I think we should talk," I said to her and grabbed her wrist before she can get to her designated seat.

I dragged her to the rooftop, so she violently removed my hand from gripping her wrist using her other hand. "What do you want?!" she said angrily.

"Are you insane?" I asked her frankly.

"No," she said casually and raised her eyebrows at me.

'HAH! She really dared to do that in front of me, really?'

"Why the hell did you say that you and Jacob are dating?—and worst you told it in front of our class!" I said and almost screamed on top of my lungs.

"Tone down, you know... Others might hear you and think of us having a romantic relationship," she said, smirking.

"What the h—!" I said in annoyance.

"YOU! do you like me?" she said and pulled a few strands of hair to her ears.

I furrowed my eyebrows and pointed my fingers to her forehead. "I will never hangout with someone just like you," I said and frowned.

"Hey! How dare you touch my face!" she said angrily at me.

"I will only repeat myself twice," I said to her calmly, "What.Did.You.Do.To.Him? Why.Is.He.Inside.The.Hospital?" I said slowly to her with gritted teeth.

"I tried to kill him," she said casually and plays a coin on her palm, "but he didn't die eventually. He might still have a reason to live," she added and looked directly into my eyes.

I don't know what to feel right now. All I want to do is to kill her right at this moment. My heart was filled with anger and regrets that I didn't even had a chance to protect Jacob from this crazy b–tch.

She smirked before saying, "You must be his reason to live that's why he's still holding like a leach into his last breath." She looked at me and added, "But if I also kill you, he would no longer have another reason to live and that makes life no fun." She puffed air in frustration then chuckles—maybe after realizing something fun in her thoughts.

"You!" I said and rushed at her with rage in my eyes.

She eluded my sudden attack to her and now I was the one who was pinned onto the rooftop's wall.

"You thought you could make things hard for me? You're wrong, you're actually making it more convenient for me, idiot!" she yelled before pushing me to the rooftop.

In one instance, I felt the damp liquid that touches my cheeks as I'm falling from the rooftop.

I hugged myself as I fall and uttered my last words, "I will cry and die for you Jacob---"


I came back to reality with menacing eyes…

"Son..? Are you alright?" my dad said, looking at me from his rear mirror.

I saw him looking at me with very worried eyes.

"A bad dream?" he asked and gave me a tissue.

I nodded at him and grabbed the tissue he gave. My heart was still beating rapidly. "I was about to die in my dream," I said to dad panting.

He turned to me and said, "I suddenly stop the car because I saw a fast silhouette crossing in front of us that was also the same time you screamed," he placed his both hands on his chest and added, "That minute made my soul evaporate,"

"Sorry dad, I never thought I would have a bad dream in this short span of time. I might be so stress about something," I said and dad nods then continues to drive the car.

Before we reach my school I fixed everything that I will be using for school. I'm actually lazy on fixing my things at home so I always fixed them inside the car.

"Have you heard from Jacob's Mom yesterday?" my dad suddenly asked me.

"About what?" I said while still fixing my school things. "Why are there so many crumpled paper inside my bag—did I really do this—?" I said but stopped on saying something when I saw dad talking to someone over his phone while driving.

"What? Why? Okay I'm going to tell him about that," he said and dropped the call.

"What is it?" I asked curiously as I gather the pieces of paper inside my bag and put it into a vacant plastic bag.

"Jacob's inside the Asan Medical Center Seoul," dad said then immediately turned left to the direction of the hospital.

"What happen to Jacob?" I asked and leaned over to dad, "Is he going to die?" I added.

"Of course, not! He just experienced an unexpected lactose intolerance and milk allergy. But they said Jacob was not breathing normally. We're going to bring them what they need. The things needed were inside the pharmacy, and Kyunmi can't leave Jacob alone," dad said.

I sighed in relief… I thought just like in my dream, he was going to die.


"Here's the Epi Pen and the other things that Jacob needs. No need to pay us back Kyunmi," dad said to Jacob's mom and handed her the plastic of medical supplies for Jacob and even the basket of fruits that Jacob can eat any time.

I looked at Jacob, who was laid on his hospital bed and was sleeping. You can in his face that his allergy really gave him a severe after effect. His eyes and face was really swollen as if he was sting by dozen of bees. "Hey! You need to get up from that bed, everyone's waiting for you at school," I said as I caress his hair.

He's face was really swollen so as his lips and cheeks. They're all swollen and have rashes around it. I also check his arms; they were all filled with rashes.

"Why did you eat foods containing milk? You even told me that your body can't take anything you want yet this thing still happened to you," I said and scold him gently as I touched his right hand.

"I saw cotton candies and roasted chestnuts in his jacket yesterday. He came home in good shape but after an hour I heard Hae Soo screaming that Jacob can barely breathe properly," Ms. Kyunmi said as she talked to dad, "before Jacob went home, I texted Lee to see if he's with Jacob but he never replied to any of my text messages," she added.

I looked at her and said, "Sorry Ms. Kyunmi," I scratched my nape using my other hand and added, "I fell asleep after I read one of your messages,"

She just smiled at me and said, "It's fine, I understand,"

I looked back to Jacob and saw that he's trying to open his swollen eyes. He gripped my hand gently and tried to utter words clearly, "I-Irene…"

I frowned and wrinkled my nose. "You hang out with her without telling me and then there you are having that swollen face, that's your karma for making me jealous," I said as my voice started to croaked.

"She's yours," he uttered but I can barely understand what he's saying.

"Fine, fine. I won't get jealous," I said even though I didn't understand what he said maybe he just want me not to get jealous to anyone.

"I need to go Jacob. Our class is waiting for me," I said and gently loosen his grip into my hands.

I saw him nod and never tried to open his swollen eyes again. "You must rest. Don't over stay here. I don't want to take over the class for the whole month, understand!" I said as I leave his hospital room.

"Sorry for the inconvenience Student Lee and Mr. Lee but thank you for dropping by to bring in what Jacob needs," ms. Kyunmi said as she bows at us to give her gratefulness.

"No worries. We're always one call away when your family needs help especially in business," my dad said and also bows to Ms. Kyunmi. I bow my head and bid my goodbye to Ms. Kyunmi.


We left the hospital and reached the school for almost 1hour travel time. I'm really late but well I have a good reason.

"45... 46... 47... 48... 49... 50...," I counted while doing pushups in the middle of the school grounds.

"Will you be late again?" our Physical Education teacher said.

"Sir No Sir," I said.

"LOUDER!" he shouted and beat me with his measuring stick.

"Sir No Sir!" I screamed still in the push up position.

"As a Vice President of your Class you should be a model to them! Understood? Proceed to your room! Now!" the teacher said.

I stood up still panting and nervous. I salute and bow at him then walk fast to my classroom.

I knock on the door few times before the teacher went outside to see me.

"Why are you late Student Lee?" she asked still not going inside the room.

"I dropped by at the hospital where President Seo was confine," I reasoned out and bow at her.

"Is that so? You can announce in your class what happened during you break time," she said and went inside and gestured me to come in also.

I saw my classmates' faces in confused look. I raised my eyebrow when I noticed Irene sitting on my designated chair.

When I'm already near her I gestured her to move to the vacant chair but she didn't flinched a bit.

"WHAT!—" my mind said in annoyance. I have no choice but to sit on Jacob's chair. As I sat and fix my things on top of my desk Irene turned her head to glance at me.

"The teacher said you will be my guide inside the school for the whole week," she said and looked at the board again and took down notes.

"PSH. What a nice day ahead," I said in a very sarcastic tone.
