CHAPTER#7 : Jealousy at its finest Pt.2

[Jacob's P.O.V.]


I just got out of the hospital and I know that I missed so many lectures.

"AISH," I sigh in distress while wearing my uniform.

"I should be more careful on eating things I'm not familiar with. I forgot that only the food that mommy serves has a low content milk products or mostly not a cow's milk," I said to myself as I went down the stairs.

I'm so sad I cannot try those foods again. Mommy got stricter to my diet. The passed 2weeks inside the hospital was so difficult for me. I can only eat tasteless hospital food and mostly fruits.

My sister went inside the car and I followed. Our chauffeur starts the car in an instant and drive almost 80kmph

The last time that I experienced this Milk allergy and Lactose intolerance was a long time ago that hospitalization took me almost 4months to heal. I can't let that happen again. I need to do better this year for me to pass on that business school that dad wants me to study in high school and took my college degree.

"Bye Jacob. Be Careful ok? See you later," my sister said and bid her goodbye as she closed her window side.

I entered the school gate and immediately remove my shoes then put it on the shoe rack. Nothing seemed so new here at school. I roam my eyes around the field and the campus corridor that can be seen on where I was standing—still the busy school with those cute brats who used to chase us.

They approached me and greeted me. "Oppa, where have you been?" they asked me.

"I'm from the hospital, something urgent happened to me during the passed 2 weeks," I said and pat them on their heads one by one.

"You like roasted chestnuts? I never had the chance to eat them all but those are my favorites," I said and gave each one of them 5 roasted chestnuts.

"Thank you so much Oppa. We're so worried that might you might have thought of leaving this school just because of us. We promised that we would behave for you not to leave. OKAYY???" one of them said then all the rest nods to agree with her.

"I understand. I understand. I would not want to move to another school just because of you. You made my middle school a bit thrilling with all that chasing you did—you know!" I said as I laughed remembering how they chased us.

They all chuckled and bow again before running back inside the campus. The bell rung, so I also decided to go inside.

"President Seo!!!!!! We miss you!" I was startled when one of my female classmates screamed and hugged me tight.

"You scared me!" I said jokingly to Yza. She was the most attentive student when I'm lecturing in front of the class.

"I never understand any of the pass lessons because you're not the one teaching," she said and gazed to someone. I can't see where she was looking at because the front door was crowded with my co-students rejoicing for my coming back.

"Alright alright that's enough. We need to do the morning routine of our class," I said and asked the students sitting on the first row to fall in line outside.

I will check if they are wearing the complete uniform before our first class teacher comes in.

"We're always wearing the complete uniform even though Vice President Lee was not doing checking's. He's always busy with that girl," Yza whispered and frowned as I started to check if they were wearing any make ups or accessories or if someone had dyed their hair when I'm not around. I also check if the guy made their hair longer than the required haircut. Luckily, all the other rows didn't dare to disobey the school policy about what they should wear or have inside the school. Well only the phones, they have phones with them… So I gathered it up and out them on the teacher's table. It would be inconvenient if one of us with mobile phones would get confiscated.

"Last row," I said and look at the people sitting on the last row.

I saw Lee having a good chitchat with Irene. I instantly frowned. So, Lee chooses to abandon our friendship during the times I'm staying inside the Hospital. He never went there to visit me, only Irene did.

"LAST ROW," I said using a much louder tone.

The room started to fill with murmurs.

"Oh My—the rumor must be true that President Seo is dating Irene but Vice President Lee hangouts with Irene too much during the time he's not around. OMO! OMO!" I heard a girl seated on the right corner of the 2nd row said.

"You really guessed they're dating?" the other girl asked.

"Wait who and who is dating?" The third girl said.

Those three girls were startled when Lee slammed the table as he passed to them. I glance at them and saw Irene's hand holding Lee's.

"So what's the scored between the two of them huh?" I said to myself.

"Are those Make-ups?" I asked as I bring my face near Irene's.

"I'm sorry Jacob. It won't happen again," she said softly and bow at me gently.

"PSH," I heard Lee hissed.

I glare at Lee and said, "Have your Student guide forgets to teach you or familiarize you to the things that you need to know about our school? What did he do during those 2weeks I'm not around? Did he tell you to wear make ups and accessories to look beautiful? You're much gorgeous without that thing that dangles in your ears and your hands. Those lashes and those lip tints made you older. So don't wear those again sweetie," I removed all the accessories that Irene had and wipe all the Make-ups that was on her face. I'm gently removing her make up using wet wipes, her face was so close to me and I saw Lee on my peripheral vision—who started frowning and glaring at me.

"Done, you see! You look much prettier and younger without those. And next time, kindly wear something longer than your skirt," I said and handed her my coat.

I turned to Lee and said, "What an awful class to be found here—what have you done?" I raised my eyebrow at him. "Flirting or dating with the new girl?" I asked but never waited for him to respond.

"Dye your hair black again, if you don't want to be reported to the principal," I said and got back inside the room.

I hate the way he looks at me. I thought he said he like me from that day but why do I only saw hatred in his eyes as he look at me? Did he only like me just because he likes to utter words like that but he never really meant to say?

"Hey," he said but I didn't turn to look at him.

The class goes on without us talking to each other. He exchanged seats so the chair in front of me was vacant.

Why is he being like that? Do our friendship ends like this?

I looked at them secretly… Their chairs are so close to each other and they are happily talking even in class discussions…

I thought I'm the best buddy he had in school… but I guess I was wrong all along.


[Lee's P.O.V.]

It's been months since that 'Student Guide–New Student' relationship of Irene and I has ended. Touring her for almost half a month was not easy for me because I'm always worrying about Jacob's health. I thought she's a bad bitch just like the bad dream I had inside our car, but I'm wrong because she's good somehow.

The day Jacob came back to school was much unexpected but I'm glad that he's back. I just don't understand what happen because he's so angry at me. I didn't know what did I do wrong to make him feel mad. I miss talking to him so much. I miss doing nonsense things with him and even the things I do to make him frown.

Irene no longer hangs out with me, so as Jacob. I'm all alone here at school. I might transfer somewhere else after this middle school. The friendship that I thought was strong and not easy to break was slowly colliding into pieces… It hurts like hell to feel that thing. His smiles were my heart melting moments, his laughs and chuckles were my best audio list, his frowns and hissed were my most precious moments. Whatever he does makes me happy because I know, even if I annoyed him at times he will still smile at the end of the day, but what happened to him? Why is he so mad at me after going back?

It's almost the end of this school year yet Jacob never spoke up to me, not unless it was about school or class meetings or even the gathering of school class officers…


[Irene's P.O.V]

"What a lovely sight to witness," I said to the person on the other line of the call.

I'm currently seeing the two guys working separately and never talking to each other. They are helping the teachers prepare for the upcoming middle school graduation ceremony.

"You really did tear their friendship into two, huh?" the person I was talking to said.

"Of course, I'm the great daughter of Seok Tae Moon. I can do anything as long as my father tells me what to do," I said sweetly and pouted my lips.

"I miss you Abeoji…," I said and my voice started to croak.

"Shh… I will be back sooner. I will no longer prolong your waiting, I will escape this prison," he said over the line and drop the call.

I wipe my tears that was about to fall. I need to be strong. I don't want to disappoint him. I cannot live without him. He's my only family. I will do everything to make him free behind those cold bars…

I turned to glare at Jacob and Lee's direction. "You will pay for taking away my father beside me," I said with gritted teeth.


[3rd Person's P.O.V.]

The day went well as Jacob, Lee and other students prepare for their upcoming graduation ceremony. Every student in their department are rejoicing and cramming to pass their last requirements for middle school.

Their battles will begin sooner as they stepped out of this school. They are expected to be trained well and do more in junior and senior year in high school, may it be academic high school or vocational high school. Their common moods were mixed fear, excitement and joy because they know that they survived another year with the help of each other, their teachers and most especially their selves.

They want to leave their alma mater with a vibrant moments and happy smiles of recognition. The conflicts, misunderstanding and arguments are expected to be mended before the day ends, yet some students are still not ready to let go of those heavy feelings inside their hearts pertaining to the relationships they had with their old friends and enemies. Jacob and Lee belong to those students, whom are not ready to forgive each other. Their hearts are still heavy, still have resentments and regrets but sometimes—the universe wants peace that's why some strings will be straightened or be mended again.

Jacob frowned because of the strong wind that made his work a bit difficult. He decided to move somewhere closed-wall that is why he entered a vacant room located at the end of the often-used school facility.

"The wind's making it more tiring," he sighs and continues to work on. "Why should I be the only one doing this? Other students must also lend a hand to make this easier," he said then scratched his nape and stretched his arms.

Jacob suddenly turned to look outside the door…

"It suddenly started snowing again," he said and tightened his jacket to his body.

"It's damn cold outside. I hope this rooom could make me a bit warmer," Lee said, shaking as he entered the room without knowing Jacob was also inside.

Jacob was shocked by Lee's sudden appearance but he still remained silent and was just staring at Lee. Lee was carrying the things he's checking outside. He lifelessly put it on the nearest table after he begun to chill. Jacob looked terrified to see Lee chilling as he said, "A-are you okay?" Jacob roams his eyes around to see if something can help him warm Lee's body.

Lee turns his head to Jacob as his mouth opens slightly and utters, "S-seo… H-hypotherm---"

Jacob immediately stands up and almost flies to Lee's direction to catch him as he fainted.

"Hey, Lee! Lee, can you hear me? Don't close your eyes," Jacob said as he pats Lee's face.

Lee nods as he shivers. Jacob removed his coat and put it to Lee's body. "Stay put and don't close your eyes. I need something to warm you up and then I'm going to call for help okay? Hung on, okay?" Jacob said as he tried to calm Lee and also himself.

"Jacob... You must think quickly," Jacob said to himself as he looked for fabrics inside the room. Luckily the room was not empty. It was the room for swim classes' materials.

"To calculate, Lee's body temperature awhile ago was actually getting colder—estimated lower than the normal heat of one's body. Base on his consciousness, his hypothermia is getting worse. I conclude that his hypothermia is right on the second stage," Jacob said to himself as he starts calculating while he was getting all the towels on the rack inside the room.

"There… It's not enough to make you warm… but that might help—wait I'm going to close all the windows and the door," Jacob said while wrapping the towels to Lee.

Lee was dizzily glancing at Jacob. Jacob shut the sliding windows and closed the door. "The cold air is still going inside the room," He said as he placed his hands at gaps of the door and the threshold.

He used other things inside the room to fill the gaps that can lessen the cold air from entering the room.

Jacob went back beside Lee then started to rub his hands and place it to Lee's cheeks. "Please warm a bit before I call for help," Jacob said as he constantly repeating what he was doing.

Lee lifts his both hands and touch Jacob's hand. "Y-your hands are so warm," he said as his chills still heard on his voice.

Jacob nods at him to assure him that everything's going to be okay. Lee smiled as he close his eyes and felt the warmest moment of him having hypothermia. After Lee felt asleep; Jacob felt that he's warmer, so he decided to called a teacher to report what happen and to asked for help to carry Lee to the clinic.
