CHAPTER#11: Between Love and Despair

[Jacob's P.O.V.]


"I will miss you Jacob…" Lee hugged me tightly while whispering into my ears, "I'm sorry, if we are leaving like this so early… but always remember that I will come back here for you. Take good care of Dandelion. Think of her, being beside you—as my presence on the days when you're lonely." He wiped his tears and grinned at me.

"You shouldn't cry Se-yo, Se-yo. Japan and your black card is waiting for you. Your life has come to its most exciting part," he added just before he started wiping my tears and pinching my cheeks.

"Go. Go. You must go now," he said as he kissed the puppy and gave it back to me.

I nodded at him and went on walking to the direction of Mommy. I turned for the last time to see him. I saw him waving his hands at me as he went inside their car.

It was a good farewell but why does it feel that I've been robbed? Why does it feel so unfair?

I sadly stared at the puppy that I was holding. I remembered the paper tuck in her collar—there's a written note in it saying,

"Hi Se-yo, I'm Dandelion. The puppy that will protect you from everything.

P.S. Here's my graduation gift. I love you Jacob Seo.

From: C.Lee"

I gripped on the note that was placed inside my pocket.

"You will surely miss him…" mommy said as she caressed my shoulders to console my lonely self.

I looked at her with eyes almost on the verge of crying and asked, "What if he wouldn't come back?"

"Do you trust him?" mommy said smiling and kissed me on my forehead.

"Hey! Jacob, stop being a crybaby. Little Lee will just study somewhere. He's not going to die but I will die if we miss the plane today! Let's go ahead!" my sister snorted at me and started walking to where our car was parked.

Right… Lee said I should not cry and bring this little baby to enjoy in Japan.

"Hop in son," mommy said before getting inside the car.

As I got inside the car, my eyes sparkled as I see my passport beside my hand-carry.

"Omy! Tell me that this is real noona! We're already going to Japan within 2hours!" I said while bringing the puppy in the air because of excitement.

The pup barks cutely as I raise her in the air.

"You too are going to Japan, Dandelion!" I said happily while rubbing her small tummy.

"Can we have her inside the Airplane later mom?" HaeSoo-Noona asked before taking Dandelion away from me. Mom just nodded at her.

She put it on her lap and handed Dandelion small pieces of bread.

"Where did you get that?" I asked her, referring to the bread that she was giving.

"I saw it inside your bag," she said and smiled at me in a silly manner to annoy me.

I frowned at her and took her bag. I got 2 chocolate bars inside and ate it up. I smiled at her also but just only to annoy her.

She rolled her eyes and said, "It's fine! Chocolates in Japan are more expensive and delicious. Go have it all, until your teeth starts to ache." She makes funny faces while letting my puppy eat what's on her hand.

"Mommy. We will go to Osaka, Tokyo, Hiroshima, Mount Fuji and more right? Then we must try those Capsule Hotels where they have manga everywhere!" I said excitedly while literally counting the places in which our Itinerary was planned.

"Books, Books, Books. You only care about books. I also want to see something new, Jacob. Why can't you choose something like a place with instagramable sight or views! Like hotels with enormous chandeliers and good banquets or even beautiful hot springs. where we can RELAXX," my sister said contradicting my ideas for the inns.

"You were just too lazy to see many books around you, since you never know how to lift a single page of a book," I said, making faces while looking at her.

She rolled her eyes while kissing Dandelion. "You know there's a lot of things that you can learn aside from reading a book, just like socializing and having fun! If you grow up and have lots of cool friends around you, you will enjoy life and just avoid being in the room while reading something with just several pieces of paper and ink compiled together in one piece," she said explaining and can't hide her irritated facial expression.

"Japan has lots of amazing things rather than those books, mangas or anime. There are those cool sumo wrestlers, their fantastic bullet trains and even the peaceful sceneries in Japan. So you better stop talking about books. It spoils my excitement," she continued, implying that I should stop talking about books, "There's also the Universal Studio and the Disney Land! Don't you want to see Snow white in Disney Land and the cast of Snow white and the Huntsman in Universal Studio?" she added in a dreamy voice and unaware that she was already strangling Dandelion.

"Hey! Hey! You're just the one that was so fond of Snow White and Doreamon—ALSO can you stop doing that to my PET?" I said and snatched Dandelion from her.

She stayed silent for a while after I exposed her that she was the one who idolizes Snow white like a damsel in distress that was waiting for her Prince Charming to come and rescue her.

After some seconds she started glaring at me like I did something wrong with her. "Can you just stop talking back to me? For pete sake's, I badly want to go there. I was just hoping that mom and dad let me roam around in Japan, even without a companion," she whispered to me and secretly looked at mommy.

I wrinkled my nose in disagreement with what my sister said. She looked at me then widens her eyes to tell, "I have a boyfriend in Japan that's why you should lessen on talking about books, I don't want to have my date inside a library." I almost burst out laughing as she said that.

Dandelion jumped out of my lap and kept on barking in front.

"What's wrong baby?" mommy said caressing my puppy when she hopped into mommy's lap. Dandelion kept on barking at the same time while my sister and I were gossiping about her so-called boyfriend.

"Is he cute? Is it kind? Is he serious about you noona? Maybe he just likes your intelligence, since you're always rude and not nice at all," I whispered and started laughing. She glared at me really mad. "Should I kill Dandelion?" she suggested and grabbed Dandelion out of mommy's lap.

"We're almost near the airport. You both should fix yourselves and prepare your hand-carries with you," mommy said and quickly turned to look at us.

I was intently looking at mommy's direction when my facial expression changed into a horrified face.

"MOM! IN FRONT OF YOU!" HaeSoo-noona screamed as mommy instantly turned the steering wheel causing us to crash onto the guardrail barrier.

The deafening sound from the crash made my head hurt alot. It was like I was floating in the air until I heard a ear-scratching crashing and rolling of metal as I blurredly saw in my vision that everything around me is turning upside down. I tried to reach out for mom and my sister but I couldn't stretch my hand out.

I couldn't groaned in so much pain, until my vision becomes blurry and slowly turned into darkness.


[3rd Person's P.O.V]

Few meters away from Kyunmi's car, a truck driver was talking to someone over the phone. No one seems to notice that the truck driver started his truck—that was parked at the other side of the road near a cliff—as Kyunmi's car gets nearer to the curve road.

The truck driver ended the call as he decided to hardly stepped at the accelerator and intentionally bumped Kyunmi's car. After seeing the car thrown away from the road, the truck driver grinned driving like he didn't do anything dangerous. He grabbed a hammer and smashed it into the phone he was using earlier.

"Bleed in hell," he uttered as he throw the smashed phone into the cliff and just continued driving back to Seoul.
