CHAPTER#12: Between Love and Despair part 2

[Jacob's P.O.V.]


"Argh." I groaned, waking up with an excruciating pain inside my head. I tried moving my arms to brush my hair that was blocking my eyesight.

"Aw. What was that?" I said as I began groping my head, finding where exactly the pain was coming from. After a millisecond, I felt a sticky, warm and moist substance coming out from my head. As I look onto my hand, my eyes widen in shock.

"B-blood," I said out of nowhere. It was the time that I realized where I was.

I don't know what to do upon seeing my sister's head almost covered with blood. My trembling hands wiped off the blood on my sister's forehead as I started patting her cheeks lightly.

She isn't responding.

"Noona. Noona. Noona." I tried checking her for pulse and even observed her breathing. Noona is still alive. I instinctively start biting my nails while shutting my eyes closed hoping that I can remember everything or what was exactly happening.

After a while I heard something rustling and moving towards my direction, "Arf! Arf! Arf!" Unwillingly, I open my eyes slowly only to see a white tiny puppy barking right in front of me.

It was almost covered with blood but not with it's own blood. I lift my head to see where it came from and my eyes start to get moist and heavy.

"MOM! MOM!" I cried out, trying to reach for her face but I couldn't because of the things blocking my body to move nearer to her.

I looked up to the rear view mirror and see how devastating my look was. My face was almost covered with blood, pieces of glass were pierced onto my skin leaving open cuts and wounds.

It was then that I felt my body was bleeding in pain. In all the injuries that I had for the past year, this was the most painful of all. It is not because of my tiny cuts and my head bleeding, it is because my eyes are currently seeing a helpless scenario.

"Fuck! Mom! Noona! I can't move! What should I do to save both of you!" I screamed, almost losing my voice.

I don't know how many times I kicked the closed door hoping that it would open but nothing was happening. All the windows—except mine—was broken and shattered, maybe because of the impact of the car crash. I can't move my right arm because it was almost crushed against the door.

I'm already having difficulty breathing because of the things that were moving against my body. The car was inclined to my direction making all of its heaviness move in my direction. I can already feel Noona's weight because she is gradually sliding to my side.

"S-son…" I looked at Mom but she seems unconscious. Is she alive? Is she calling me?

"S-son…" I thought I was just hallucinating but she stretched her hands wanting to reach me.

I couldn't stop my heavy tears from flowing down my cheeks. I couldn't take seeing mom smile helplessly just wanting to touch me.

"Mom. I couldn't breathe," I told her almost losing myself.

She smiled at me while slowly her hands dropped as she shut her eyes close.

I was crying and screaming like a retarded.

"NOONA! WAKE UP! MOMMMM! NO! YOU'RE ALIVE! I KNOW YOU ARE!!" I cried really wanting to touch her lifeless hands. I took a lot of energy to reach and strengthen my hands and grab mom's hand.

She's still warm. She's still alive.

"Mom. Don't leave us…" I uttered as I feel myself slowly losing my capacity to breathe.

I slowly closed and saw a silhouette of a young man outside our car.

"Help…" I uttered for the last time and darkness filled my vision.


[Someone's P.O.V.]

I smirked and kicked the car door forcefully causing it to open.

I rummage through the things and try finding something useful to call for an emergency. I don't have anything with me. I'm just a passerby and accidently saw everything. From the truck driver and up this family's state.

"Cushy piecey. What a skint family uh-hm." I said and grabbed the phone near the mother's side.

"mater, I will just borrow ye cellphone 4 awhile alreet?" I said and grabbed her cold hands and formed it into thumbs up.

I dialed up 119. I've been in korea for so long but yeah—sometimes I mixed up the emergency hotline of United Kingdom and Korea, like a fucking retard. How can 112 or 999 similar to 119

The other line answered the call, "Howdy! 119? There's a carivan crash right where I was standing. A bunch of people are going to the Airport—one of the person's name is KyunMi Seo. So aye. thou should get here a minute or else they will all die. And also there's a lorry driver who crazily and intentionally twatted their carivan. The plate number is—I don't know! I don't even know how to read a Korean Plate number," I uttered in my most calm self.

I didn't bother to hear them answer because I immediately dropped the call. I instinctively shake my head and wipe my face. "Oh. There's blood. WHAT? I'm bloody bleeding!" I felt my head spinning. I grinned as I felt like I'm beginning to feel a little lightheaded.

"I feel fancy, I'm floating on the clouds!" I said while laughing as darkness ate my consciousness.


[3rd Person's P.O.V.]

Everyone in the field was busy putting up caution tape, everywhere at the incident scene. A certain call was directed to 119 from this exact location but the authorities couldn't found the anonymous caller. It was rumored that the caller is a British citizen because of it's way of conversing.

The car crash was still under investigation because of it's faulty execution. It is suspected that the car break was damaged even before the exact accident. Authorities are searching for the said truck driver that intentionally bumped into the family's vehicle.

Due to the tragic incident, Jacob and his family were sent into the hospital right away. The siblings were under the state of being Comatose and their mother was pronounced dead on the spot. What is unexplained was that Jacob was seen outside the crashed car, almost half dead. He was holding the same phone that called the emergency hotline and was only traced. Authorities conclude that It was Jacob who called 119 but other evidence didn't match up the said conclusion.

After hours of investigation on site, the least that they suspected was the car was speeding 15mph in the curve road and abruptly sped up to 35mph making it crash and throw off the road. Tire tracks also give evidence that the car avoided something of the road.


[Jacob's P.O.V.]

I suddenly got up and started gasping for air. I hit my chest lightly because of the unbearable pain I'm feeling inside it. It makes me gasp for air so much. I lift my head to see a dark room then a bunch of strange people appeared.

"AHH! Who are you?" I was petrified to saw people staring right in front of me.

Young, old, female or male, almost 10 people were surrounding me giving me their creepiest smile. I can't do anything but move backwards. What they were doing was making me more suffocated and afraid.

I think I was going crazy but then the crowd slowly split into two groups then I saw a silhouette of a man walking towards me.

They are laughing, whispering and also making me feel afraid of myself being alone. I unconsciously start tugging my hair with both of my hands.

"Hi, Jacob! You're such a fucking downfall," they keep on whispering those to my ears. They laughed so loudly until the person who was walking towards me was standing in front of me.

He was wearing a black mask but I can see his blue eyes expressing his triumph.

"YOU KILLED MY MOTHER!" He screamed on top of his lungs and raised his hand holding the head of my Mommy!

I was so petrified that I think I swallowed my tongue. My hands were almost breaking the bedsheets of the bed I was lying on.

The guy slowly removed his black mask revealing his angry face.

I tried to scream but before I could do it he started strangling me. I can't believe in my two eyes that I'm seeing my other self so furious strangling his enemy—which is myself.

I tried gasping for air while removing his tight grip on my neck.

"You must die!" he said with his loud scary voice. He's face slowly changed into Mr. Moon Laughing and then there I lost my capability to breathe as I lost consciousness.


[3rd Person's P.O.V.]




Doctor's rush to the private room 405—it is where one of the patients in the car incident, was placed.

The doctors start checking for vital signs. Checking his eyes and pulse for the possible signs of life but only low vitals was to be seen. The doctor removed the pillow and laid the patient on their back. He went on top of the hospital bed and performed CPR.

"Ambu Bag," the doctor said as he continued giving CPR to the patient.

Other doctors and nurses prepare the oxygen and ambu bag. After how many times of doing CPR there are still no stable vital signs.

"Defibrillator and Intubation!" the head doctor said and the other resident started to move.

They put different wires and tubes in the patient's chest.

"Check the rhythm," said the doctor again. They shook their heads meaning still no stable sign of vitals.

"It's V-fib," said one of the residents. Ventricular fibrillation is a cardiac arrest with loss of consciousness.

The head doctor shook his head. Tension was seen in the faces of the residence and doctors inside the room.


The nurse put gel onto the Pads.

"Charge 200 joules."

"Charge," said the nurse and gave the pads to the doctor.


"Step Back." There's no sign of nervousness in the doctor's face but he knows that he should save this person's life.

After using the Defibrillator, he continued doing CPR. Doctors are checking every rhythm of a heartbeat but no changes seem to be seen.

"Charge 200 joules." For the second time he said.


The doctor gets the pad, "Step Back."

"SHOCK!" he exclaimed for the second time and the body of the patient jolted to the shock.

He continued doing CPR, "Please. Please. Please, don't disappoint us Jacob."

"Check the rhythm," he said again.

"It's back." That's the only time the head doctor breathed calmly as he saw the sign of life in Jacob's body.

The whole team inside the room was severely exhausted but they internally had a thorn removed from their chest.


"Doctor, you did great," one resident cheer the doctor up.

He shook his head. That's the least he could do to save the son of his 3rd degree cousin. He wondered who could do such terrible things to Manuel Seo's family.
