CHAPTER#13: Between Love and Despair part 3

[3rd person's P.O.V.]


It was Manuel Seo's 3rd month in Japan to organize and witness the successful opening of Aromatized's First International Branch. He is currently busy and couldn't call his family to give them updates regarding the business. He is also aware of the fact that—today is the graduation day of his beloved son, Jacob. As much as he wanted to congratulate Jacob on being the valedictorian of his class, his own emotions were hindering him to be happy for his son.

Questions and fear raised and flooded his system 3months ago. That's the only reason why he decided to urgently fly to japan and get himself busy. He did all of it, just to forget the things he heard when he was in Korea. He wants to handle and train his son, like the way he was trained by his own father to pursue the business they already have several decades ago. He may be selfish for wanting his son to be so much alike and almost function the same way—he had been doing that for the rest of his life. He literally forgot that his son has his own life and own personal purpose and wants. He just disappointed himself by expecting more from his only son.

He was afraid to show his affection towards his son, that he wants the best for them. The fear of being blamed and criticized by society on how he cannot handle his kids well as a parent, was the one he always gave a damn care of. He forgot to look at how bad it was for his own children's sake, having a father who cannot listen and cannot attach himself to them emotionally and reassure them that everything would be fine. He fully just focused on how he could give the material needs and wants of his children and not their emotional and whole well being as a person. His son was the first person who taught him unintentionally—the things he lacks.

"Is this all?" Manuel asked his secretary, as he lift the pile of documents that his secretary placed on top of his black glass office table.

"Yes, Sir. That was all the data gathered regarding the upcoming events near this branch. The sources had clearly stated that the festivities that will happen in due time might have 50,000 locals and 10,000 tourists to come and celebrate the festivals," the secretary formally stated as he stood still in front of the Chairman.

Manuel Seo nodded in accordance with the things that his secretary mentioned.

"Have news or a call from Korea?" Chairman Seo asked his secretary while he was carefully skimming through the documents, "It's been hours since my wife called, it was regarding the end of the school program at Jacob's graduation."

It was a split second when he heard his secretary trying to utter something. He was stuttering, so he obviously let him repeat what he was going to say.

The secretary couldn't utter the words as he let him repeat them. The Chairman instantly furrowed his eyebrows and looked at his employee—as he was about to burst out in anger.

Instead of uttering words that match his angry facial expression, the Chairman still managed to handle things and asked, "Is everything fine? W-why do you look so pale?"

"C-Chairman—I deserve to die!" The secretary placed his smart phone on the table, as he spoke facing the Chairman—he kneeled and bowed his head to the floor.

"I-I check the car that your family used—exactly a month ago, and it was perfectly fine. I do exactly what you asked me to do, as for you that their safety is the most important thing… but—but I'm sure that the car is perfectly fine and new. It's impossible to cause severe damage on the car break. I deserve to die," said the secretary—who was also one of the beneficiaries of Kyunmi Seo's foundations for out of school youth, 15years ago.

"WAIT." With gritted teeth, Chairman Manuel Seo looked at him with rage, as his eyes darted on the article flashed on the smartphone's screen.

'A wife of a famous CEO of a perfume company was pronounced dead on the spot on a car incident'

A variety of gushing emotions filled the Chairman's feelings as he silently read the nerve-numbing article that was flashed on the screen.

Although he did not want to continue the article that he was trying to read, he still continued reading it because he wanted to prove that he was mistaken for seeing his wife's bloody body in such article.

He forcefully formed his lips into a frugal yet awkward smile. Anger cries out in those smiles

"What kind of bullshit is this? What nonsense is this? Do newscasters no longer have a meaningful topic, so they spread such nonsense news?"

The visible emotion on Manuel Seo's face is almost indescribable. He could only feel the numbness of his own physical body but the tears coming from his eyes were too much.

"Sir! I deserve to die! I deserve to—" His secretary could not finish his incessant pleading because of his sudden and loud crying.

Manuel Seo's feelings of intense emotion, which was a mixture of anger and grief increased by annoyance due to the secretary's relentless pleading, resulted in his excessive explosion due to the mixed emotion.

"Bullshit—Can you please shut your fucking mouth!" Manuel Seo couldn't control his anger anymore, so even though he could feel the tightness in his chest due to extreme weakness—from the news he found out—he still managed to slap his desk nameplate to the floor. His secretary was shocked because he did not expect that he could get angry and lose his calm yet authoritarian aura.

Though he was trembling with intense fear because of his chief, the secretary could not help but to look at what was going on. The CEO may be angry, but he is still more worried about his boss. It was because he sees how much his boss loves his family, especially his wife—Ma'am Kyunmi.

Manuel Seo's body was clearly shaking with the tremors of his knees and the intense shedding of his tears.

"K-kindly prepare my jet plane. I-I need to go b-back." Due to various emotions, panic attacks and worries for the family in Korea, he is completely canned and the only way to prevent him from falling is to hold his desk and sit back in his Leap Chair.

"Will I prepare the Honda Jet or Biz—" The Secretary could no longer finish what he was about to ask because Manuel already glared at him, replying in an angry harsh tone, "The Bizliner, moron!"

Confused, Manuel's secretary acted to call the hired pilot who was in Korea, informing him that he would fly the bizliner to fetch the Chief from Japan. After calling the pilot—Manuel ordered him to leave his office immediately, so he could have some personal time.

Anxiously, he covered his face with those cold and trembling palms. Pain was there as if there were a river of tears streaming down his cheeks. He could not accept, he was afraid to go home to Korea because what was in the news might be true. It was so hard to accept that his dear wife could no longer hug him and greet him with a sweet smile. His precious wife and happy family being endangered was the only thing that could make him devastated.

What should have been a happy and quiet celebration of the baby shower of his wife and Jacob's graduation turns into a merciless tragedy that he never thought would be.

He took a frame from his table—it was a picture of his whole family. "My dear Kyunmi, why did you leave us so early? We still have a baby that needs to be taken care of and raised..." He sniffed and continued to stare at his wife in the photo he was holding.

"But it's okay... at least he's with you so you can watch over and protect each other," Manuel said and it couldn't stop the grief, he just cried and cried helplessly.

Outside the CEO's office, silence is the first to be noticed followed by the gloomy and somber atmosphere of the place. The employees could hear their Chief's sobs, so they can't afford to be happy and noisy. Their Chief is a respected person, so it is very difficult to watch and see how much he is hurting right now.
