Chapter#18: That Clyde Guy

[Jacob's Point of View]




I was awaken by a voice calling me. I know that voice. I can't be mistaken. It really sounds familiar.

"Mom… Is that you? Are you right there?" I uttered as I sit and got out of my bed.

I yawned and look at my phone to check what time is it.

It was 15mins before 5 in the morning. I can't go back to sleep since my classes was about to start in an hour and half.

I'm late and I have to prepare for school.

Yeah school. I love schooling but well highschool sucks for me. I was hoping just to have good grades for this school year. So that I could have good image as I step on being on senior year.

I wiggle my whole body to cast away the tense that I was feeling, just about realizing that this day is the first day of my last year as a junior.

AH! It makes me too excited, you know.

"Bro, hurry up. Breakfast is ready. Come down here or you'll be late!" I heard my sister shouting on top of her lungs.

"WAIT UP. I WILL JUST TAKE A QUICK BATHE!" I shouted back grinning.


"Don't mess up your last school year in senior year, understood?" my older sister uttered as we seperate ways.

I rushed into the campus gate just in time.

I saw my bestfriend along the campus main entrance waving at me.

"Yow dude! How was life with your cute older sister?" he said and blocks my way facing me then started to walk backwards in a slow manner.

"Nothing new, still the old her. Nothing and no one can ever beat her for being a hasty and rugged lady. And you!—You should stop giving hints that you are interested to her. I won't let you get near her. Never let you deceive her with that freaking looks of you. Ha!" I said as I laugh while pulling him closer to be beside me because I was afraid he might bumped into someone while walking like that.

"AH Really? You really take jokes as a serious one! You're always such a kill joy. No fun! You seriously take my jokes even though you know that I don't hangout with older lads like your sister," I just glare at him and smirk.

"Damn! Dude! You look like you'll gonna eat me alive ackk," Kian said like he really did got creeps and goosebumps because of the expression that I did.

"You really are a jerk sometimes. You utter unsual, naughty and nonsense things as always," I said and did a gentle headlock to him.

"Get a room," We both turned around to look at the guy who said that.

"Did you heard that dude? I'm sorry, I think became deaf all of a sudden," Kian said while cleaning his ear with his little finger.

"He said Get a room! You're so gay, psh," I said and fix my uniform.

I secretly glanced at the person who seemed to be planning to challenge us to a fight.

"Oh that's Clyde. Your former admirer dude! HAHAHA~" Kian chuckled as he pointed at Clyde's direction

Clyde Lee is a geek. He is the only child of Dad's former business partners.

Since this school is an all boys school, Children's of those CEOs' that study here don't have any freedom. They are hindered to have any social interactions or connections outside the school, most especifically with girls. Our school prepares students for the future goals most especially if it's all about business.

Our school isn't a normal school at all; because for our parents, this school is a training ground for bigger and brighter heirs of their companies. Not knowing that this school is a battle ground where our sanity and gender stability is being tested.

It was okay when we were in middle school, we still met other people. I don't know why Male CEOs think of women as a threat when it comes to business. As if power is only should be in the hands of a man.

"Stop that. Remember, this is the first day of our last year in senior year and then we're on our way to the university already. Isn't that great?" I spoke to change the atmosphere because I see that anytime soon these two will start fighting.

All boys here are taught how to fight fist on fist but they taught us the best is how to handle situations like this. Get your enemies closer to you because that's the best way for you to know their weaknesses. Cunning and Scheming is our middle names.

About Clyde and I, the issue between us is like ugh. I mean I don't know but students here are homophobic, so maybe that's the reason why noone comes out of their closet. Only Clyde did... but I was surprised why he confessed to me. I was just being who I am. I was the Alpha male when I was in middle school. I lead, protect and a be model to everyone. So no wonder cute and pretty girls at my age were so drowned to me back then. They always want to hangout with me. Someone said to me that I was the Ken of their lives, cause they look like barbies.

So, it was pretty weird to find a guy at my age right now, confessing his feelings for me in the middle of a soccer field. It's sickening because I look gay. Maybe being an Alpha should be during Junior and Senior Years and never in middle school.

As if my luck was blocked just until my middle school. People here see me as a feminine guy or a soft hearted one, I think? I can't push them to change what they believe or what's on their minds. 50% of the students here are from my previous school, so they know that I am not a Softie. I don't know if someone was just backstabbing me or others were just blind.

"Is the thing inside your imagination pretty sweet? As you stare at me?" My eyes widened when I saw Clyde smirking and super close to my face.


I was shocked so I gave him a solid punch to the face.

"Bullsh-t! What was that for?" he said angrily.

I frowned. Has he gone mad?

"Hey, look Clyde. I don't like you and I hit you suddenly because I was surprised by your presence. You're right in front of me, you suddenly appear. And where's Kian?" I said annoyed and then I realized that I was inside the clinic.

I could see in his face that he seemed confused by what I said.

"Who's Kian?" With astonishment in his face, he asked.

"My best buddy," I said without expression.

"Hmmm. Looks like the ball really hit you hard when we're at the field earlier," he hesitated to smile as he scratched his nape.

"What ball?" I asked in surprise while playing with the end of the blanket that was place on top of my lap.

"Are you with me? Are you in Earth? Your mind seems to be floating somewhere.... We did soccer training earlier and suddenly the ball hit you because you were looking at me~" he said laughing.

"Hey are you crazy? Why would I look at you? Are you a pretty lad for me to look at?" I insisted on him.

"No. But I lifted my shirt earlier then I saw you, Babe... Looking directly at my abs," he said and took my right hand then place it on top of his lower abdomen.

Shoot! Why does the atmosphere becomes hot all of sudden? And what the heck am I thinking? Why do I feel butterflies just by thinking that my hand was placed on his 6 pack toned abs?

I was about to punch him right through his face when he suddenly grabbed my right hand.

"Babe, Jacob Seo. Don't repeat that having green thought of yours in the middle of our practice game. You're being dangerous," he said and messed up my hair then kissed me on the forehead.

I stared at him as if he was an Alien that landed in front of me.

"Who's Jacob Seo?! Im Minhyun Seo!" I told him angrily.

"Ha? What did you smoke or eat last night babe? I hope you're alright You really seemed spaced out for a while." The look on his face was really worried.

"You're Clyde the nerd. But why don't you know me and why don't you recognized me?" I said being so irritated.

"Look Jacob, Babe. I don't know what happen to your sleep for the passed 2 hours after that ball hit you hard." He took a deep breath and smiled at me.

"But you'll be alright as long as I'm here. Let's go, we've wasted too much time. They've been looking for us now," he said and assisted me to stand up.

I hesitately to got up and followed him.

"What time is it? Kian was with me earlier, where is he?" I said and kept on bothering Clyde with questions.

"Who is that Kian? I'm already getting jealous. We've been together all day today. I also picked you up at your house for us to go to school together. It's good that your Dad was still not there because he'll probably be mad at you," he said as we walked down the corridor.

Why does it seem like we are going to the wrong corridor? This is not where my room is located. My room is in the Right Wing corridor but this one is the left corridor.

"Hey babe are you alright?" Clyde said and turned to me.

I just looked at him. Why do he kept on calling me babe and we still hold hands now? Weird. This gay!

"You're totally spaced out this morning," he said, then he stopped again and faced me.

"Clear your mind first before we enter the classroom. I don't want you to be like that in the discussion later. You'll neglect your grades if you're always like that," he said frowning , then smiled.

"It will be fine. Okay?" he said and patted me on the back.

I think I should ask him something… Only Kian knows.

"Clyde... What's my favorite subject?" I asked him seriously but I didn't look into his eyes.

"History," his response was simple and quick.

I totally froze why does he know that?

Ahh Maybe it's because of my quizzes... yes, maybe he saw it there so he answered that one.

"And also Mathematics. You're a math genius babe!" he said with a smile that almost made his eyes smile as well.


Me? Math Genius? I always feel dizzy just by seeing numbers.

"Weird..." I said softly.

"Yow Jacob!" Greetings of the other people inside the room we entered.

Jacob again. Why do they call me Jacob? It's Annoying.

"Pres, does the ball's impact still hurt you? I didn't mean to hit you with that ball," said a male student who is of medium height but obviously athletic because of his muscles.

"You know as much as You are the Incredible Hulk of the room and then you was assigned to the position as a goal keeper. What an extraordinary goal keeper, yes!" Another student groaned and hugged Mr. Hulk, who I think was named Dean Yeo.

"Look at what you did to President Seo's face. You put a scar on it," Clyde said as he touched my face and then put the mirror to my face.

"Waaahh" I said in shock and panick while looking in the mirror.

"W-what is this? P-powder? L-lipgloss?" I ignored the long but thin cut on the side of my cheek.

I just noticed now that my face feels heavy because there was powder on it and I'm also wearing lipgloss.

"You?! What did you do to me?!" I said to the so shocked

"Aren't you afraid I'll beat you all?! What do you think of me, a gay?! Damn! Who put these on my face?" I said firmly.

Everyone in the room seemed surprised at what I said and how I behaved.

"And you Clyde?! Forgive me but I don't like you! I have to go to Kian and in the first placed, why did I agree to you to take me in your classroom!" I said and left their classroom.

I hurried went to the right wing corridor and went straight to our classroom.

There I saw Kian alone. I approached him and so annoyed stamp my feet in front of him.

"Why did you leave me with Clyde? Why did I go to the clinic? Why are you here alone in the Classroom?" I had a long confrontation with Kian.

"Dude We were together earlier then I don't know why you suddenly go after Clyde. Basically, you left me. A few steps after you went to Clyde, you fainted. I stayed here because I knew you would find me. It's our P.E. Time right now so I can't go out," Kian's long explanation while pointing to the group of students who were exercising in the middle of the field.

How there were people there, I didn't seem to notice anything before.

"I can't get tired. Remember, Minhyun...?" Kian smiled and then took out the bottle of soju from his bag.

I pulled out a chair and placed it in front of him and then sat down in front of him.

"Come to think of this Kian, that Clyde guy is really weird. They kept on calling me Jacob for no reason. Then that Clyde!" Annoyed, I said and pointed to the door.

"I'm going to be touched by his chastity! How dare that jerk! And when did he have friends ?! He's really getting on my nerves!" My fingernails almost sank into my palm because of my clenched fist, just because I was so annoyed with him.

"How weird is that Clyde guy? HUH," Kian asked thoughtfully while holding his chin.

"Don't even think about it. I know it's pure nonsense things that will come up into your mind," I stopped him but he suddenly smiled.

"I guess they don't take you seriously. They won't change their opinion of you because of that Clyde. You need to hangout with pretty girls already, Minhyun. Your sister isn't the only woman you can talk to," he said seriously to me while tapping on his desk.

"Right." I was cut off from what I was going to say because my head suddenly hurt. It hurts so much that I feel deaf. Shit.

"Minhyun, are you alright?" said Kian.

I gestured him that I'm alright but I don't really feel well because of this severe headache.

Before I pass out I heard people panicking.

"Jacob, Jacob, Jacob..." It's Clyde's worried voice and I felt someone touching my cheeks.

"What happen to Jacob? Why did you leave him alone here in the storage room?" That's Mr. Han's voice. Our History teacher...

But why is he calling his favorite student in another name?
