Chapter#19: You found it weird, don't you?

[3rd Person's P.O.V.]


Jacob was still unconscious hours after he fainted inside that empty classroom of their school. The male students also talked about Jacob's strange behavior earlier, as if he was talking to someone who is not visible to a normal person's eyes.

Clyde just had to take him home to the apartment where the Seo siblings were currently staying. He carried Jacob on his back and didn't care about his weight. He even admitted that Jacob had grown a little—but he hadn't gained weight at all—even during their nearly two-year old relationship.

He had no idea on what the situation they would encounter as they arrived at the apartment, but he wanted his boyfriend to rest well. He knew it was Monday and Jacob's father might be there to visit. Even though they were both afraid of him, he still wanted to show that he really loves his son—more than the love any woman or person can give.

"Babe... Dandelion will be worried when she sees you like that. I know you're still asleep but please when we get to your apartment, you'll be fine," Clyde said as he walked and roamed his eyes around the surroundings of the neighborhood—in which the apartment and the school was just on the way.

"I would have liked to buy food but maybe I will do it later. I'll just go out again when we arrive at the apartment, I want you to sleep well first," said Clyde again. He strained to divert his eyes to the various food stalls around the corner.

He thinks that Jacob will wake up later than he expected but his stomach is already grumbling and he sure will be very hungry before he gets to the apartment. He did not know to himself why he did not try to call their personal driver or Jacob's driver to fetch them. Maybe he also enjoyed being with his boyfriend alone but did not expect that he would be hungry at this time.

"Young man, maybe you want to buy some corn dogs. I'm going to close this store today, after I sell this all out. I only have 10 pieces left in my store. I'll just give it to you for $20," said an old woman. Clyde stopped because the old woman intentionally blocked him as he walked.

He frowned and looked back at the corn dogs in the container of the old woman's stall and back to his feet. He also felt that Jacob was slowly getting heavier as he carried him on his back, so it was more difficult for him to think about whether to buy or not. His stomach grumbled all of a sudden in the middle of their conversation.

His eyes widened a little as he shyly stared at his feet. He could really hear his stomach grumbling in hunger. He looked at the old woman and forced a smile on his face. "All right, I'll buy it but can you take my wallet out of my pocket? He will eventually fall if—" Clyde didn't finish what he was going to say because the old woman suddenly laughed softly and nodded in response to what he was supposed to say.

The old woman went behind him and took the purse from the pocket near Jacob's buttocks. "You're such a kind friend to carry him home, he looks sick. I'll give you 2 drinks too so you can enjoy it both. It's free, you just have pay for the corn dogs," said the old woman and handed the wallet back to Clyde.

Clyde took the paper bag of corn dogs and the drink given for free by the old woman. He also handed the $20 fee to her and bowed his head to thank her.

"Young man, I know that friend of yours. He always had a man older than him with him, they always eat here so I'm sure he will remember the taste of our corn dog. He also hadn't visited here for such a long time," the old woman added.

Clyde walked away smiling while smelling the delicious aroma of corn dogs. He suddenly frowned as he remembered what the old woman said.

'Who is that old woman referring to? Wasn't him the one that Jacob kept on telling him? His friend named Kian?'

Clyde just shrugged and continued walking. Judging eyes were watching them as Clyde walked with Jacob sleeping on his back.

Is this the first time they just saw two young men together or did they just know that it was possible to carry a man in a piggy back ride.

'Homophobic bastards—the way they look at us, you will think we're doing something against humanity or simple doing a great crime. Psh.'

Annoyed, Clyde stuffed his mouth with the corn dog and jerked his back to fix Jacob's position while he carried him on his back.


Clyde gently combs the hair of the sleeping Jacob. He was just waiting for him to wake up, so he just bothered to eat corn dog and watch various videos on youtube.

He is a little bored because no matter how much noise he makes or reacts while watching in the room, Jacob did not wake up. He's like a drunk who doesn't wake up or is a wide awake person who don't have enough sleep and is now gathering his longest sleep.

Clyde was just enjoying as he watched mukbang videos on youtube. As to his surprise, Jacob suddenly pulled him and hugged him tightly on his side. He even raised both of his hands, so he unintentionally let go of the remote he was holding. Fortunately, his hands didn't let go of the grip on the corn dog stick because it would really fall on jacob. Surely, if that happened the white blanket placed on Jacob would be covered with mustard and ketchup.

Clyde smiled then combed Jacob's hair again using his fingers. He removed the falling hairs on Jacob's face to keep an eye on his handsome boyfriend. His boyfriend was really handsome and he wasn't mistaken, that from the beginning it was Jacob whom he really likes—even though at first he knew he wasn't like him. He was also very happy to know that Jacob also liked him.

"I love you, Jacob," Clyde said, then kissed Jacob on the forehead and fixed his blanket.

"Hmm," Jacob moaned softly and hugged Clyde even more.

Clyde looked at him intently—asking himself internally—if Jacob was asleep or just faking his sleep...

"Jacob-Babe, I know you're awake there. Stop trippin' that you're still asleep just to seduce the hell out of me," Clyde said laughing and patted Jacob's arm gently. Their position turned out even worse because Jacob's hand reached out—exactly on the groin of Clyde's pants.

Jacob got up quickly as quick as four o'clock and blocked Clyde from getting out of bed. Clyde's eyes widened in shock with a corn dog bite in his mouth he stared at Jacob.

"You're not giving me some. Feed me also," Jacob said and bit the other side of the corn dog.

No one would think that Jacob had just come to sleep because mischief exists already in his mood every time he was with his love. He bit a huge part of the corndog and chewed it while deliberately touching their lips.

Jacob just smiled as he did so. The truth is that he was already awake while Clyde was watching videos on youtube. His laughter has been suppressed every time those videos are to be falling into comedy skits. And when he couldn't stand it anymore, he just did the mischief and desired to be with Clyde in the same room. Because her Daddy and her sister don't let them be together in the same room. The family is very protective, you'd really think he had a treasure that needed to be taken care of and it would disappear when he and Clyde were in the same room.

"Nobody is around. Let's keep eating CORN DOGS, babe," said Jacob and continued eating with the corn dog stick Clyde was holding.

The two temporarily forgot that someone else might have entered while they were in that position. Clyde wrapped his arms around Jacob's waist while the groom smiled and looked directly into his eyes. He sensually chewed the corn dog while gently kissing Clyde.

Outside the apartment Jacob's Daddy had just arrived.

He was worried because the youngest child's Homeroom teacher told him what happened to Jacob. He worries that the child's PTSD may or may not have healed in the past two years. They have never been to a psychiatrist again after their last visit last month.

As soon as Manuel Seo entered the apartment where the children were staying, he was greeted by the dog Dandelion. Her tail wagged as she sniffed the smell of Manuel Seo's black slacks. He also noticed two identical black shoes on the side of the planter box—which was surely owned by both male.

He first laid the fruit baskets on a nearby table while placing the coat on the coat-rack.

"I told Jacob not to eat inside the room because the smell of food would stay into the fabrics inside the room," he said to himself and knocked softly on the child's door.

He opened the door to check on the child's condition. "Jacob——" Manuel Seo couldn't continue speaking when he saw the son who was almost on top of his boyfriend—Clyde. Shock in the face of the young men was clearly seen because of his sudden opening of the door.

"I'm sorry," he said softly with a blank expression on his face. He closed his eyes firmly before closing the door.

"JACOB SEO! GET OUT OF HERE AND EAT. THEN YOU CLYDE YOUR FATHER IS CALLING YOU," shouted by Manuel Seo who tried to keep his normal voice.

Manuel Seo fell on the sofa and then the dog Dandelion approached him. "Did you eat already? That's why you're quiet... You're really biased against me, huh?" he asked the dog then hugged it.
