Chapter#20: Break free?

[Jacob Seo's P.O.V.]


I can't contain my laughter as I do my prank on Clyde. I've been hungry since earlier and I noticed how much corn dog he had already taken. Of course for my part, that's enviable. He doesn't know how to give a little, huh?

I looked at Clyde as I kissed and ate the corndog inside his mouth. It's delicious to share the corndog, especially if it's eaten in Clyde's mouth. I couldn't stop myself from kissing him once more even though there was no more corndog in his mouth. There is no such person who can resist doing that right? It can't be resisted even once.

"Clyde," I said softly to him as I stared into his eyes.

"B-babe?" he questioned back, barely looking at me.

"Why is it standing? Are you aroused?" Holding back my laughter, I question him.

He pouted cutely to me then pulled me closer to him. He whispered to my ear, "Because you kept on seducing—"


Clyde and I both turned our gaze to the one who spoke and opened the door. Our eyes lock in that manly stare of my father standing in the direction of the door. Oh fuck. I could feel Clyde's chest throbbing and so was mine. Fuck.

I could see the shock in Dad's eyes and it was very clear to me to hear his weak words of saying sorry… The problem is, it doesn't seem right for him to apologize! I don't like how he flashed that blank face, the last time he did that was when something came up to me and Steven. It was hell scary for me to reminisce about it.

Clyde and I looked at each other and I almost strangled him with a blanket. Embarrassing.

"It's embarrassing! Tito even saw it! You—You started it! You are such a boner and a prankster—there you go, we almost got caught!" Clyde whispered restlessly in the air.

"Why didn't you lock the door?" I asked. I don't know what I want to do, whether I'm going to laugh or just be shy or not be able to devour the earth of life.

"I forgot to lock it plus you're so heavy. I also carried all these from school to here then you're just made a prank out of me and made me some of this—boner," said Clyde and peeked under the blanket.

"Wow, I guess the blame was returned to me this time. I'll go out first, maybe Daddy's mood will get worse if I stay inside for a long time," I said while adjusting my clothes and wiping my mouth. There's still ketchup because the dirt will look at my face.

"I love you, gonna go out and face Dad first," I added and wink at him.

"Next time if you want to do it, say early. So that we don't get caught, I'm ashamed. Maybe what happened might reach Daddy's, I will also be scolded with it Babe," said Clyde, then slapped his forehead.

I winced, just now I remembered our Dads were business partners. We're really dead!

I went out of the room then saw dad and Dandelion, playing.

"Dad…" I said to him and stopped beside him. I sat in the chair opposite where he was sitting.

His forehead furrowed as he looked at me, I immediately bowed my head in shame. Naturally, he was angry at what he had seen earlier. Plus who would want to see such a scenario inside his son's apartment?

"You're still not in the age of 20, Jacob," he said sparingly without looking at me. He was still playing Dandelion.

I lifted my head a little and looked at him, I could see no expression on his face but I knew he was saying something serious and true. What does Dad want to convey?

"What happened to you at school?" Daddy asked, he just looked at me and I saw the trace of concern in his eyes.

"At school? We just practiced soccer," I said politely.

He frowned again and stared at me while raising an eyebrow.

"Your homeroom teacher told me that you fainted earlier and before you lost consciousness you were talking to someone. You alright? Is something bothering you? Tell me how you feel because your mommy is no longer here to listen. You can also express your feelings and stories with me, I'm always here to listen son," Dad told me softly then gently grip my right hand. I just nodded at him.

"I'm feeling great and fine Dad... Nothing bad happened to me. I haven't fainted before. I've only been with Clyde all day before and we're going home—it's only three o'clock in the afternoon?" I was so shocked that I said while looking at my watch.

I looked at Dad and the door where I had been sleeping earlier. I ran here and opened the door. Clyde is about to come out here as well.

"Sit down quickly, Clyde. Tell me what happened. Why did we go home so early and what does Daddy say that Teacher sent us home?" a bit confused, I said as I pushed Clyde to sit in the chair next to Daddy.

"Ah Is it about what happened earlier? Don't you really remember? You've been asleep so long hours ago. You passed out in the empty classroom and all the students were weirded out because you kept on murmuring things inside the room. They thought you saw a ghost or something. That's why the teachers told me to take you home—but Tito Seo, Jacob is really fine and about what you saw earlier. You are mistaken," said Clyde, then bowed 90° in front of Daddy.

"You are mistaken because I am not the bottom—I will go home first. I'm sorry again," Clyde said, then bowed for the second time before running to the coat-rack and putting on his shoes.


"What did he say? Bottom? What's that?" Dad asked me in astonishment.

I smiled at him awkwardly.

"It's nothing—when will we go to the psychiatrist again, so I know the schedule," I changed the topic.

Daddy just shrugged and handed me few pile of documents.

"We can make an appointment on the 1st week of August then I also like you to check and study that documents. You will be working inside Aromatized as an intern—it's your training for your CEO place next years," said Dad while looking at the time on his wrist watch.

"I have to go back to the office. I left some food there. Just eat it, it's just fruit and snacks," he said while putting on his coat and shoes.

"Thank You, Dad," I said and bowed to him before he finally left the unit.

Phew. I was nervous there. That crazy bastard Clyde! Should he really say that I am the bottom? What a real pain in the ass!

I opened the paper bag and looked at the snacks Daddy was saying.

"Oh fudge! Unlimited Corndogs," I said while laughing out loud inside my unit.
