31. Meeting Rias and her peerage

While in class i saw through the window that beautiful crimson hair and then she saw me, she appeared surprised by the change of appearance but then calmed and smiled at me…

After classes i searched for her using the connection and then i found this building that appears like those haunted houses from a carnival

I naturally enter like if it was my house hmm demon physiology is has better night vision than natural one…

I walk and walk till I'm in front of a door, and i knocked

"Come in" then i entered a room where Rias is with her peerage

Akeno looks teasing

Kiba is calm

Koneko is frowning at me

Rias appeared surprised that it was me (cause she didn't explain shit to Issei)

"So probably should thank you or whatever"

"Thank me?"

"Yeah you gave me enough energy to take over the body of this prick"

Her eyes instantly narrowed "What are you?"

I smirk "I'm a virgo" and crack a laugh

She starts emitting Power of destruction "What are you?"

"Chill you can't take a joke, I was a soul leech i was slowly eating that delicious energy that Issei was stupidly not using, When Issei died and he was about to move on you put those things into him but i intercepted them because they looked delicious"

She obviously is annoyed "What happened to the original Issei?"

"Who knows probably in the afterlife of whatever the heck he prayed for, the only thing i know is that now I have the source of that delicious energy and his memories, not that they're worth much the dude was pathetic, his body in the other hand i love, the energy i accumulated helped me refine it to my perfect tastes and now im whatever the hell you four are"

"How did you know we were here?"

"You kidding right?" I said… And as she looks to her peerage in confusion i realized they are bad, like real bad they are like babies with a gun

"Like anyone can feel the energy broadcasting 'Im here eat me right now, im super nutritious' has nobody teach you how to control your energy?"

"And whatever those things that you put on my soul formed a connection between the two of us that i can follow, even now you're constantly giving me more of this weird energy…"

"So you're my pawn?"

"Hey hey hey, I'm nobody's pawn im more like King, Emperor, Your Highness, Boss, and if you're lucky Daddy or Master"

Akeno chuckles and Rias got her face red

Koneko just muttered "Pervert"

"Anyway so… what are you?"

"Well I'm Rias Gremory and I'm a devil"

"Oh cool, like from the bible?"

"Well yeah"

"Do we eat souls?"

"Not anymore, sorry"

"And what are they?" I asked pointing to Akeno and Koneko

"What do you mean?"

"Well even though they have the same energy than you an me they have more…"

I point to Akeno "She smell like Rain, Lightning and Light"

i point to Koneko and sniff a little for effect "And she smells like Nature, Life and Cats"

I think i shocked them a lot more than they expected

"Hey what did you expect, i used to feed on energy, and that was way before meeting Issei"

"Do you need help controlling it? I can give you a couple of exercises to help you control it better, the benefits are obvious too, you use less energy fighting and it becomes more powerful"

Akeno frostily replied "None of your business"

"Sure, whatever. So whats the deal, what I'm i supposed to do as a devil? Kill people? Make sacrifices to Satan? Steal virginities? How do i get stronger?"

Rias was looking at Akeno worried

"We make deals with humans… and that slowly give us power, we also can battle to the death but that was banned because there's to little of devil population so now we have these"

And she showed me chess pieces "These are Evil Pieces, that high ranked demons can use to make a peerage, you are my pawn because you used my 8 pawns to transform you"

"It's probably because im awesome"

"Anyway as i was saying with the Peerages we can play a raying game were we can battle but not die and that help us to become stronger"

Ok… "And you know… you don't have libraries or knowledge of how to become stronger you know… by training?"

"Well yes but is easier those two ways"

"Ok cool. and what are doing Devils in a school in Japan instead of you know… Training for the Next Rating Game?"

"Well i was curious of how humans live and i love anime so i came to study in Japan :) "

I'm really disappointed… but still i just have to wait for the plot to start with the epic battles

I look at Kiba that has a wry smile "an what can you do my effeminate fellow?"

"Im a swordman"

"Then do you want to go spar or something im bored here"

He seems surprised but he smiles "sure"

So that what we did, went to the back summoned a my sword (which i made and enchanted myself) and we spared