32. Spar and eating fallen angel

We started and with my body physical condition it was very easy to counter attack, but i don't have training in swordsmanship so i just acted with my instincts, like everyone else i was bad, but more and more fighting and it was literally impossible even for supernatural to improve so fast because in a spar that lasted 1 hour or 2 tops i was already at the same level as him

After that i asked Rias if she has some contacts that could teach me magic or something

"Sona could have a library if you want to ask her"

"Shitori-san is a devil too?"

"Why are you surprised i thought you said you could detect us with your weird energy sensing abilities"

"Well maybe they did put attention to the How to control my powers 101 class" i say while eying Akeno

"Ara-Ara Why do you look at me, could it be you have fallen in love?"

A rolled my eyes and teased back "Im wondering how loud will you moan under me"

She obviously got embarrassed at being teased

"Anyways, yes Sona Sitri, Sona Shitori is a fake name is also a devil and she has her own peerage that she called the student counsil"

"Ok, should i make something official like i don't know an appointment or something?"

"Now just let me send her a quick message and you can go and ask right now"

She then brought up a magic circle that looks interesting for me as a researcher and started talking to it "hey Sona are occupied with something i have a favor to ask"

I hear the serious of Sona voice "Sure, what do you need?"

"My new pawn wants to learn magic, but as you know i prefer fighting with my power and Akeno is more of a Elemental magician, so could you please teach him?"

"Sure, but you owe me one"

So that was it i went to the student council room in the principal building and knocked

"Enter please"

I enter the room and i see Sona in front of a chess table with all her peerage behind…

(Did she organized like this just to welcome visitors every time?)

"Hello Shitori-kaicho"

"Ah Issei, well this explains a little of your change, is your sacred gear something with a beautifation side effects?"

"Nope, but is has energy that can refine my body"

"Hmm interesting, well do you know how to play chess? We can talk details over when you can come to learn magic while we play"

If i know to play chess? IF I KNOW TO PLAY CHESS? It's literally the only game Harry Potter verse that doesn't end up with horrible flavors, exploding or smelling like shit of course i know how to play chess, plus i have [genius strategist(SS)] talent

"I know a little bit"

I sit in front of her and we start talking

"So why do you want to learn magic?"

"To be honest, im a bit of a researcher I want to learn the difference between all kinds of energies, this devil magic could be interesting to research"

"Oh so you're know Human magic?"

"Not the one you're thinking, that is based on mathematics, i have an innate talent in intent magic like for example" I get my wand from my universe but looks like it's been summoned and pointed at a table that was empty in the room, then i transfigured it into a pig then back into a table

"Hmm that's an interesting type of magic i never heard of before" she says then continues

"Well what do you think about Fridays and Tuesdays?"

"Sure,checkmate and see ya tomorrow"

She freezes and watched the chess table while i leave the room

After that awkward meeting with rias and Sona i felt like walking so i went for a walk

I passed for the town looking for differences compared to Japan in HP verse

and i ended up in the Park where Issei died by Yuuma

Suddenly i felt another presence and i turned to look at an edgy dude that thinks a black suit would look cool and wings coming oc his back… "Oh a snack appeared"

He obviously was furious "Stupid devil you think you can eat me?! Were is your master i will kill you and him for your insolence"

"the chicken wings talked?"

He was so pissed that he tried to went for the kill with a lance made out light

But with my body as strong as it is now i just appeared in front of him with my amazing speed and then i because like slime and consume him…

Cool now i have an Affinity to Holy Power

And Fallen Angel wings if i want them

I heard footsteps and suddenly Rias was there…

I burped and some feathers got out my mouth…

She's shocked

"What? he was tasty"