52. Journey to Ushiogakure

So we have been traveling for a couple of weeks, obviously i haven't been wasting Naruto's and my time by just walking from one place to another, I've been training him, with a bunch of essential shit, like tracking hunting, cooking when we are in the woods or on boats etc…

Then i been giving him roles to play when we enter towns, sometimes he's my son, sometimes my brother, and if i feel like messing with him female characters too obviously i too had to act and became female because it would be unfair otherwise

And i been teaching him information gathering, like how to act in a bar or what kind of people to look for etc…

And we're being very lucky, things that should not happen normally are happening, so thanks to divination magic

I mean who the hell drops a bunch of old scrolls with assassination techniques anyways?

Today is another rest day, as marked in the map, so that means another benefit for me or Naruto

And that's what we did, we rested here, and nothing happened for like 10 hours when suddenly everything became ice cold

I followed the chakra signature and found a house, i entered inside and i see 2 corpses and one passed out child (of Naruto's Age)

And i think i found my new "benefit" is this child that if I'm correct then should want to join us, because this is Haku (and he just killed his/her? Father)

And well, obviously i convinced him with my sexy appearance (actually the child appears kinda dead inside,he's only obeying my orders cause he doesn't have anything to do, I'll probably have to put him in therapy with a Yamanaka)

Obviously i gave him training… and i just realized that even in the map we were delayed by it, to make sure he could act

And we continue doing it, sometimes Haku and Naruto are Brothers, sometimes Sisters, my Children, my Parents, we constantly changing acts to make it as hard as possible, and i have to say there's like a lot of towns that have nothing to do with hidden villages

A couple of weeks later and we meet other two people, and my gut is telling me to bring them too so i did, now i present you to

Kanako Uzumaki and her daughter Karin Uzumaki as for how did i convince her to join us well it wasn't that hard… i mean kirigakure was only using her to heal people fighting in the civil war, she was desperate, and only had to been hinted that Naruto Uzumaki linage was from Kushina… (who idk if it's like royalty or a noble… but apparently she was supposed to be their new clan leader)

Wait… is Names with K a Uzumaki tradition?

Anyway we continue the journey with to more travelers it took us like 1 week and a half in boat to reach it, but what a beautiful island, another half week walking and finally we reached it Ushiogakure… (or the ruins of it)