53. Message to Naruto and meeting Death

The ruins are sad to see, it's not that they are completely destroyed because the buildings and everything its there (probably thanks to seals that are slowly disappearing throughout the years) but it was so silent for a huge and well decorated village… it feels like there should be people but's empty

I ignore it and continue with Naruto till we are in the rest place that is marked on the map… (and where a part of me wants to check something, probably the Uzumaki bloodline i copied from Naruto and there's something here calling Uzumaki's)

I asked Naruto if he feels something, and he nods and then starts walking till he finds a big boulder, with the Uzumaki clan symbol marked (and tbh easy to be hidden, because it appears naturally made by stone)

I said to Naruto "drop a couple of drops of your blood and add chakra to the symbol"

And as soon as he did i felt a lot of chakra, activating itself in the whole village

And a message appeared in the rock

Our faithful descendants,

We thank you for making this journey and for coming home to us. We do not know how long it has been since the fall of our once great village and it does not matter because you are here now. Welcome to what remains of Uzushiogakure.

The sealing matrix you have just activated is one of the two gifts to our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and so on. In the remaining ruins of our village you will find the farewells of an entire people. Some may be messages for their sons or daughters, others will be words of wisdom they wished to impart, you may even glean some Uzumaki special techniques created but not documented. Please treasure these words as they are meant to be treasured.

Our words will not last forever, you have 7 days to explore the village and read everything you can, then after passing the test as a clan head come here to receive the final legacy as an Uzumaki…

Our library, the best library ever created…

after that the seal will destroy this village as a remainder that even the strongest can fall thanks to pride

Our clan was very protective of its history and its bloodline. What we have let the world know is that our bloodline has tended to make us predisposed to seals and long lives. The truth is much more important than any have ever known or realized. The hope of our clans rests on your shoulders and so too does this truth.

We are descended of the Rikudo Sennin. One of his of only two sons. At the time of his death he passed his abilities. To the eldest he gave his eyes and thus his doujutsu and spiritual energy. From him descended the Uchiha clan and their doujutsu, the sharingan. To his youngest son he gave his body and thus his powerful will and physical energy. From him descended the Senju clan and their Will of Fire.

We, the Uzumaki, are descended of the Senju but our ancestor didn't want to be a warrior or a fighter so he changed his Name, he would not be a Senju but an Uzumaki

Many not know of this secret but he was stuck in the middle of a hurricane and when all his training as a warrior and a fighter failed he could only relied on the only thing that the other two clans ignored, his mind

After surviving he abandoned the selfish path pf violence to seek the true meaning of life, as a researcher, a scientist, a seeker of the truth of the universe

The truth is The Uzumaki aren't shinobi, we are scholars first and foremost, we have an insatiable thirst for knowledge, that is not to say we are weak actually is the opposite, it was our pursuit of the knowledge and the truth of the universe that had a side effect that made us stronger that everyone else developing jutsu, seals and more things that nobody could battle against

We grew so powerful and while everyone else had their barbaric wars we were searching for answers, and thats what made us fail, we were too prideful, they overwhelmed us, and got us killed.

(Here's a paragraph describing Uzumaki Kekkei Genkai)

And finally, to our new clan head. Beyond this final passageway is a right of passage every clan head has undergone since we founded Uzushiogakure. To lead one must find balance and be at peace with one's true nature. Please go through and succeed. Lead our people and remind the world of the greatness that is Uzumaki.

This will open the library with all of our knowledge, including our culture, and investigations from science, to healing, and fiction and history

On a personal note, please do more pranks, we all need to laugh in this harsh world we live in.

Well, after reading all that i tasked Naruto and his clones with copying every single message while i passed the clan head test.

He obviously wants to do it, but he's not ready, I'll give him a similar test when he becomes a Shinobi

The test is cruel, a really doubt that this was true, if every single clan head was put under it the Uzumaki would still be alive, the first part of it is Similar to the Waterfall of truth, were you have to accept all your repressed feelings, etc…

The second tho… it's literally starting at the face of Death, you have to summon the Shinigami, put the Shinigami Mask and pass his test

"From the Void I am born."

"To the Void I will go."

"We offer these words, We offer them to the great Shinigami, who walked these lands first, who walks in our shadows all our lives, who will carry our souls when we reach our end"

And in a whisper i heard 'Take the Shinigami's Mask and place it upon your face, so you may look Death in the eyes and see it for what it truly is.'

When i finally put the mask, it was a chilling experience, even when i died i never felt like this

The Shinigami was in front of me

And with a skeletical voice he asks "who summoned me here?"

"I am Issei Uzumaki"

"I have summoned you"

When he looked at me i shut up, he can see through me easily

"Oh? An inmortal trying to understand death? Why are you pretending? Your name isn't Uzumaki or Tatsuda, or Hyoudou, not even Jack Jones Is it? my little escapee you already died and became inmortal why are you trying to meet death again?"

I got chills on my spine but i was brave i started to stare at him past its long white hair, and straight into its dark eyes, the yellow iris glowing against the black sclera. He stared into the Shinigami's face, met its eyes head on, and he understood.

The longer he stared at the Shinigami, the less terrible he looked. The grin, with its sharp teeth and unnatural bend, was not a cruel grin. It was just a grin. The hair, stringy and long and stark white, was not ominous. It was just hair. The eyes, inhuman as they may be, were not menacing. They were just eyes. His gaze was just a gaze.

He just was.

Death was not cruel, or ominous, or menacing, or anything else. It just was.

"I summon you to see you. I summon you to face you. I summon you to understand you."

"And what are you? And what am I?" The Shinigami questioned.

I thought hard about this… what am i?

A wizard? A devil? A Ninja? An aberration?

"I am the Source, the first evolving Void Humanoid Slime, the Primordial Voidling

And you are Death"

"Indeed," the Shinigami replied. "And when your time comes, I will be there. Waiting for the moment you're tired of living and finally getting you the release you will seek"

And then he was gone, like it was never there and a passageway opened tothe biggest library i ever seen… (besides mine)