
Dinda didn't realize where she got the strength from to slap the guy standing in front of her. Meanwhile, Panji—who received a slap from Dinda's prize, could only be silent. This was the first time that Panji had seen another figure from Dinda. The figure she had known for so long was gentle and full of love, had turned into a girl full of anger.

"Din... you slapped me, Din?" Panji said. Still reluctant to believe that it was Dinda who slapped him.

"Don't see me again. I hate you!" snapped Dinda.

Her voice trembled, making Nathan step forward to be near Dinda so that the girl wouldn't fall. However, his steps stopped. He believes Dinda can do everything. And he believes that Dinda will probably be able to overcome all her bad trauma from now on.

"Din, I can explain everything. I know that this is all my fault. And I promise I will take responsibility for everything. But I need time, Din. I also can't embarrass my parents, Din. I have a long future ahead, and I will be successful. before."

"The future, you say?" asked Dinda, who seemed increasingly disappointed to Panji. "You're talking about the future with the person you've ruined her future for, Nji! Are you human or not? Do you have a heart or not, ha! Please get out of here, and don't see me again before I report you to the official police!"

"But, Din—"

"Huh, rice bag face guy. You're not stupid, right? You heard what my girl just said, right? Get out of here before I blame the cannon on your rotten ass!" Nathan snapped.


"Go, Nji!"

"Okay, this time I give up on this bad boy, Din. But just so you know, I will always try to improve our relationship."


"You're so annoying. Don't go!" Nathan snapped after punching Panji in the temple.

Panji immediately stood up after he fell, got into his car, and then sped away.

Dinda took a few breaths, then Nathan patted her on the shoulder. Nathan showed a wide smile for Dinda.

"You're great, Din. Keep it up," Nathan said, holding up two thumbs up.

Meanwhile, Dinda almost fell because her body seemed to run out of energy. She never thought that he would say that in front of Panji. Though he thought, would forever be afraid when Panji came to see her.

"Thank you, Nath... it's all thanks to you," she said. She smiled at Nathan, who was already standing beside her.

The two of them then walked down the paved road after passing through the school gate. Now and then, Nathan looked at Dinda. There was a question, but he could not express it, but the question stirred his feelings.

"Din ..." Nathan said, which managed to make Dinda turn. Nathan then swallowed hard, and then he smiled lopsidedly. "Not so, okay!" break up.

What will Panji be responsible for, Din?

What has Panji done to you?

Why do you say Panji has ruined your future?

Again, these questions could only be buried in Nathan's heart. He had promised that he would not interfere in anything Dinda's business. After all, since when did he get that curious about girls? Even his male friend, Nathan, barely cared.

"What is it?" asked Dinda curiously.

"No, it's okay, just misscall. Who knows you're dumb."

"My ears can still hear the sound of your breath, Nath. Maybe I'm tired," Dinda snapped.

Nathan just made him laugh. Dealing with Dinda is not as easy as dealing with girls in general.

"Tomorrow, I'm getting paid. Do you want me to treat you?" Dinda bargained, which managed to make Nathan turn his head.

"Huh, seriously?" asked Nathan.

"But I'll decide the place, okay?"

Nathan looked thoughtful for a moment, then nodded enthusiastically. Dinda looked at Nathan's pale face, and the gray-eyed boy didn't seem to ask anything about her. Not that she expected Nathan to ask what kind of work she did until she got a salary, but almost none of the students in her high school had a side job as a tutor. They are more than capable and do not need a salary that they think is not much, right?


This afternoon, Dinda was already busy with some new clothes Nadya had bought some time ago. She only smiled briefly when Nadya entered the room.

Nadya, who was about to sit down, drew an eyebrow, then she crossed her arms. She didn't have cheers practice today, so she came home early. When she came home, Dinda was already busy with clothes, wasn't that a strange thing?

"You're home?" said Nadya, putting a bag and several package books on the table, and then approached Dinda, who had already chosen a pair of clothes that she might wear.

"I was absent, Nad."

"What? Are you truant? Seriously? You're the student who is said to be the most diligent in truancy?" shouted Nadya, who almost couldn't believe it.

Dinda smiled widely than she nodded. "Take Nathan,"

"That's the crazy kid. Why ask you if you don't want to!"

"Yeah, it's not Nathan's fault either, Nad. I also want to. Besides, I feel like I'm getting late in class. And you know what happened when I skipped it?" said Dinda excitedly.

"Hmm?" Nadya replied, taking off her uniform and then putting on clothes as pleased.

"Earlier, I met Panji, Nad."

Nadya, who was initially lazy, immediately made a serious expression. She directly looked at Dinda with a feeling of anxiety. She didn't want her friend to be hysterical again. However, seeing Dinda's gesture saying that with a small smile relieved Nadya.

"So, what's next?" she asked seriously.

Dinda then sat down, followed by Nadya, then she took a deep breath.

"Nathan said I have to fight my fear of Panji. And I don't know where I got the strength from, I even slapped him, Nad. And all the hatred, anger, and disappointment I have for him all this time I've been expressing everything to him. I don't want to see him anymore, Nad. I feel disgusted with myself every time I think of him."

Dinda hugged herself, briefly she remembered the bad memories that Panji did for her. Nadya immediately hugged Dinda's body, stroking her friend's back gently.

"Everything will be fine, Din. Trust me. You open a new page of your life, yes. I will always be there to take care of you."

"Thanks, Nad. You really are my best friend."

Dinda doesn't know what to do to thank Nadya anymore. Her best friend is very kind to her. She misses her old friends. Even until this moment, she did not dare to reply to her best friend's messages about the question of why he suddenly left Wijaya Kusuma High School.