Think Tank

"Brennan, are you okay? Like, actually okay," Harmony asked as she narrowed her eyes at him one day a few weeks into Talori's upsurge in busyness where he got to talk to her less. 

"I'm fine."

"No, I don't think you are. You've been sitting here listening to me ramble without hardly saying a word for weeks. That isn't like you. You've always had more to say than that. You miss Talori, don't you?"

How was she able to see through him so easily? He did miss Talori. He knew she was happier where she was though. She had been wanting to go home almost the entire time she had been here and she had gotten her wish. He was the one who had empty hours to fill now that she was gone. 

"Yes, I miss Talori. Your point?"

"Go visit her! You have vacation time, don't you? Stay for a while the next time there's a tear pickup," Harmony suggested. 

"I can't impose like that!" 

"Oh please, you would not be imposing. She'd be thrilled."