I Got Sidetracked

The meeting went well and, at the end of it, Brennan brought up his request. "I can potentially get time off work the next time the witches visit to get those tears from you. Is it alright if I stay for a week or so? I'd like to get better acquainted with how things work in the ocean so I can be a better liaison."

That would be nothing but a bonus. Really he wanted to see Talori but that was embarrassing to admit with so many other fae present. 

Harmony knew and he could detect a knowing gleam in her eyes that he ignored while waiting for his answer. Talori squealed eagerly and clapped her hands together to his great relief. 

"Ooh, can you really? That would be great!" 

"We would be honored to host you," Zale added with a nod. "I will be sure to send a carriage." 

"Thank you," Brennan said with a smile, thinking about how it would be nice to have a proper vacation and spend more time with his closest friend.