Let Me Take Care Of It

"So, what do you have to say, you good for nothing son of mine? Can't you have your father some rest? I am the king and always working about all these peasants I have to feed!" The king started berating Ronald Chadbourne as soon as he saw him, about fifteen minutes later in his study.

The king was now wearing a silk robe himself, not really caring about how his subjects would see him in the broad daylight. He had been like this for about twenty years now. Elizabeth Villin had accompanied the king since she was the one who had insisted to give the third prince a chance to speak.

She was well aware that the third prince had tried to woo her and the queen. And he was yet to decide whose corner he was going to choose. She was confident that she could easily sway him to her side. He had failed in bringing Emmeline Whittemore back after all.