Returning to China

After chatting with Scarlett and others, Bell hung up.

Just as he was about to sleep, his phone rang again.

He thought it was Scarlett again.

Bell picked up the phone.

However, the voice on the other end of the phone was not Scarlett Johansson's.

"Hello, Bell, congratulations. This recording was very successful."

"I'll send someone over tomorrow. Are you planning to rest there for a few days or return immediately?"

The voice on the phone was none other than Ye Fei's.

Hearing Ye Fei's voice, Bell thought for a moment. There seemed to be many things that he had to busy himself with in China. If he continued to stay here, it would be a waste of time. He might as well return immediately.

"I will return immediately. Just send people to fetch me back tomorrow."

"Alright, I'll send someone over."

"The recording was very successful this time.