Pie Falling From the Sky

The car quickly drove to a suburb.

Finally, they stopped in a large yard in a villa.

Looking at this unfamiliar place, Bell looked at the others in puzzlement.

But before Bell could ask, a middle-aged man walked out of the villa.

"Hello, Bell. I'm Ye Fei's uncle, Zhao Tinghai.

You can call me Old Zhao or Uncle Zhao. "

"I took the liberty to invite you all over today. Let's talk inside. Ladies, please come in."

Seeing this unfamiliar man, Bell looked at Scarlett and the others in puzzlement, wanting to ask what was going on.

But Keira smiled and shook her head. She stood beside Bell, and even Li Ziqi had the same expression.

This puzzled Bell.

These few people were acting so mysterious. What were they doing?

Li Ziqi smiled and said softly beside Bell.

"Don't worry, today is a good thing. You will know in a while."

Bell could only feel relieved.