Kate: {Kate waving and smiling}....Alex over here
Alex: hi p Kate, good morning
Kate : good morning,are you ready
Alex: yeah sure.
Kate: ok let's get going.
[ Engineering faculty]
P Sol: Aat where's Chet?
P Aat: I haven't seen him this morning.
P Sol: Aat will you be attending the party later this evening?
P Aat: I don't know, I'm not sure yet.
P Sol: I heard cooking club is preparing something new .
P Aat: oh Sol, do you ever not think of food?.. { teasing}.
P Sol: food is life , how can I not think about it {smiling}...... (Turning to see Chet). ..... .hey Chet over here.
P Chet: what where you guys talking about?....{smiling}.
P Aat: what else other than the food Sol is dreaming to eat
P Sol: Chet are you going to the party?
P Chet: yeah and so is Aat
P Aat: wait I never said I was going!
P Chet: well we have to perform tonight.
P Aat: can I not go !!!!!
P Chet: Aat someone is going to be there .....{teasing Aat}...
P Sol: who is?
P Aat: {feeling embarrassed} ... No one Sol.
{Luke Walking towards them }
Luke: Sol! Chet ! Aat!
P Sol: hey Luke.....
P Chet: Luke hi
P Aat: hey
P Sol: how did it go yesterday? I mean with Alex.
Luke: not so well,but I'm gonna keep trying.
P Chet: huh
P Aat: {feeling uneasy}..... He stands up and leave.
P Sol: hey Chet what's wrong with Aat? Is something going on .
P Chet: he's fine just a bit stressed that's all.
Luke:{ looking suspiciously at Aat }
P Sol: ok
[ Cooking club]
Gam: yay finally you're back...
Kate: ( smiling).. yes gam,come help me .
Alex: hi p gam
Gam : hi Alex ...{happily} .
Kate: lets begin, we've got alot to do ,Alex over to you.
Alex:. {Alex begins explain and practicalizing } First thing's first, we need to prep the ingredients. In a large bowl, mix together 2 and 2/3 cups flour and 1 teaspoon salt, then chill in the fridge.
Next, in separate dishes, place 1 cup shortening and 3/4 cup cold water in the fridge, until they are chilled.
Once the shortening and water are chilled, remove from the fridge and add them to the large bowl with flour and salt.
Then in a pastry blender, or two knives in scissor fashion, cut the flour mixture and shortening until it resembles coarse crumbles. There should be some larger pieces of shortening that are still present in the mix. Ultimately it will look crumbly.
add 1/2 cup cold water to the bowl and mix by hand. Continue to add more water, but only just enough to make the dough start to form a ball of dough,
Once you have made your dough, divide it into two equal-sized balls. Flatten into disks by using the palm of your hand and then wrap in plastic wrap. Place in the refrigerator and let chill for at least 30 minutes.
While the dough is chilling in the fridge, wash, core and peel 6 to 8 apples.
Cut the apples into 1/4-inch slices (or however thick you prefer). Then, in a large bowl, mix the apple slices with 1 cup firmly packed brown sugar, 2 tablespoons flour, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, and 1 teaspoon nutmeg. Make sure that the apples are completely coated.
Once you have your apple filling made, roll out one ball of dough to at least 2-inches larger than the pie plate you are using and then line the pie plate. This will help when attaching the top crust to the bottom crust.
First, roll out the second ball of dough until 1/8-inch thick. Next, select which type of design you would like to use to create the border where the bottom and top crusts join.
create vents by cutting the top bit of dough a few times with a pairing knife. Brush with milk and sprinkle with sugar.
Bake at 425 F for 15 minutes. Remove from oven and cover the edges with aluminum foil so they don't burn. Return to oven and bake for an additional 25 to 30 minutes. Once finished baking, remove from the oven and allow the pie to cool for 15 to 20 minutes.
Alex: and we are all set ....{smiling with achievement}.
Gam: wow so beautiful
Kate: Alex you did great
{Everyone cheering}
Alex: we all did p Kate .
Kate: Alex here take these and share with your friends
Alex: thanks p Kate...{smiling}
[Theatre art club]
{Alex walks in looking around for Sue}
{Everyone murmuring}
Sue: {waving at Alex }..... .Alex over here .
Alex: Sue I have got something for you .{ with a smile}
Sue: what is it
Alex: take a look
Sue: wow Alex this looks delicious.
Alex: try it
Sue: omg it so delicious,what is it ?
Alex: apple pie
Sue: I never knew apples could be so delicious...{both smiling with satisfaction}.
Alex: do you like it?
Sue: no !....... I love it,where did you get it from?
Alex: I made it in the club .
Sue: really, .....I think I'm gonna ditch this club and register in cooking club...{both laughing}.
Alex: Sue..... I'm going to the cafeteria, do you wanna come.
Sue: I wish I could but I still have practice,I will meet you up later.
Alex: ok bye ...{walking away}.
[Cafeteria hall]
{Sitting together is Aat, Chet and Sol}
P Sol: hey guys have you noticed how white skinned that new kid is?
P Chet: what about it Sol?
P Sol: nothing he just look more like a girl to me.
P Chet: speak of the devil!....hey Alex over here.
Alex: hi
Everyone : hi
Alex: thanks for inviting me p Chet.
P Chet: it's nothing
P Sol: hey Alex I don't see your girlfriend Sue?
Alex:{ looking tired} .....huh, she's a bit busy with practice.
{ Aat sits quietly and looking at his phone}
P Chet: Alex you look tired, are you ok
Alex: yes I'm fine, it was a bit busy in my club.
{ Alex Turning to Aat and giving him the apple pie dessert}
Hmm.... here I brought you this.
P Aat: {with surprise raises his head and looked at Alex}....huh....really, .....{now smiling obviously}.thanks Alex.
P Sol: Aat what is it? It smells so nice, can I see?
Alex: it's apple pie.
P Sol: can I have some.
Alex: ehnn .....it's the last one with me sorry
P Sol: Aat!!!!!!!!
P Aat: no { moving it away from Sol}.....it's taken already.
P Chet: {smiling and observing Aat}.
Alex: ehm.....I will leave first I still have things to do.....bye { walking away}.
P Chet: {teasing Aat}... Aat what's that smile
P Aat: it's nothing
P Chet: { continues teasing}...now your wife brings you dessert
P Sol: wait....what. {turning to Aat}.....wife ?
P Aat:{ feeling embarrassed}
P Sol: come on mehn, why didn't you say something? And I was about to help Luke get closer to Alex.
P Chet: now you know it Sol.
P Aat: I wasn't sure, but now I am sure of what I feel.......{daydreaming of Alex and smiling}.