Kate: the event is about to start, let's hurry with the settings.
{ Head organizer addressing the crowd} ....well well well it's time to get this party started..... Let give it up for ... Savage....
{Everybody cheering }.....
Sue: Alex there you are!
Alex: did you just come ?
Sue: yes,right on time to watch Savage perform.....omg Alex look who's performing up there.
{Alex staring at the stage ,sees Aat then smile }
P Aat: hello everyone.... Tonight I present this song to someone special to me {looking towards Alex}.
{Everyone cheering}......
Sue: omg Alex, p Aat is so sweet..... {teasing Alex}, I see you two have become close...ehnnnnn...{giggling}.
Alex: {feeling shy}...come on Sue.
{Savage sing}.
P Sol: hey
Sue:hi p Sol
Alex: hi p Sol
Luke: hi Alex
Alex: hi p Luke, {turning away from Luke to the stage.
Kate: Alex come hand these out .
Alex: ok p Kate.
Gam: have some dessert, Luke... Sol you too.
Alex: Sue here hold these, and this is yours.
Sue: who are these for?
Alex: ehnn....for me .....{feeling embarrassed}.
P Sol: wow Kate what did I just eat.
Kate: apple pie {... smiling....},does it good?
P Sol: yeah really nice.
Kate: Alex made them.
P Sol: wait... really? Oh that was why he looked so tired earlier at the cafeteria today.
Kate: Alex so good at cooking.
Sue: yeah.
P Sol: Luke,.. what do you think?
Luke: this is delicious....{smiling}.
P Sol: hey Aat! Chet, nice performance.
(Aat and Chet Both saying) .... thanks.
Alex: { collecting three pies from Sue}....p Chet here is your dessert
P Chet: thanks Alex
Sue: ehnn Alex!.... how come you have two for yourself?
Alex: they are for someone.
P Sol: {teasing Aat} oh Aat seems like someone forgot about you .
P Aat: {feeling sad}...it's nothing,.....ehn ... I need to use the restroom...{walking away}.
P Chet: {looking confused}.
Luke: I think I need to use the restroom too.
{Aat walking to the wash basin}
Luke: {mockingly asked}.....Aat... Why do you look so sad?
P Aat: what makes you think I'm sad Luke?
Luke: well because Alex didn't pay any attention to you, is that right.
P Aat: {feeling angry}.... Luke you can say what ever you like, but stay out of my way.
Luke: wooo.... Aat ..why so serious, well I'm only here to tell you that I like Alex.
P Aat: {still feeling angry}... what does it have to do with me ?
Luke: nothing.... just so you know.{smiling cunningly}.
{Aat walks away uneasy back to the party}
P Chet: hey what happened? Why do you look so tensed .
P Aat: it's nothing, did Sol leave already?.
P Chet: yeah,so did Alex .
P Aat: oh okay,I wasn't expecting him to wait anyways.
P Chet: are you sure?
[ At the parking lot]
Sue: are you sure you don't want to join me for a BBQ?.
Alex: yes I'm sure, I still have something to do.
Sue: ok I will leave first.... Bye Alex...{walks away}.
Alex: bye .
{Alex looking at the time on his phone}...Aat walks in on him.
P Aat: hey Alex, I thought you left already?.
Alex: well no I didn't.
P Aat: are you waiting for someone?
Alex: yes
P Aat: oh ,who?
Alex: you.
P Aat: huh ..... Me ? ....{smiling happily}.
Alex: { handing Aat one dessert} hmm.... here .... I was waiting to give you this.
{ From afar Luke's watching them angrily }
P Aat: thanks Alex, did you really make it ?
Alex : yes I did.
P Aat: I like it.{Staring deeply at Alex}., ........... Ehnm Alex,
Alex: yes p Aat?
P Aat: can I get your line?
Alex: Oh I really don't have line.
P Aat: ok, give your phone to me,
{ Activating line app on Alex phone},
There now you have my Line.
Alex : thanks
P Aat: hey how do you intend to go home? I don't see your motorbike around.
Alex: I will take the bus home.
P Aat: ok get in let me drop up off.
Alex: are you sure?
P Aat: yea... why not?
Alex: thanks P Aat.
{Driving away }
[Alex Home]
{Aat Parkes at the front of Alexs house}..
P Aat: here we are. ....
Alex: thanks P Aat for dropping me off
P Aat: hey don't mention,I'm happy you let me drop you home.
Alex: {smiling}..... Ok bye ....{ Comes down from the car }, drive carefully home...{waving }.
P Aat: ok bye .{ Drives off}.
Grace: { standing at the window and whispering to her husband} hey honey I think Alex made a new friend.
John: really ?
Alex: I'm home , hi mom, dad.
Grace: Alex you seem happy today.
Alex: really?
Grace: yeah.. ... I guess someone made you happy.
John: tell me son how was the party,did you have fun?
Alex: it's was okay Dad. Ehnm where's Lucy?
Grace: she's up in her room.
Alex: ok ....... {going up to Lucy's room}.... Lucy....
Lucy: yes Alex.
Alex: I have something for you.
Lucy: really .... What is it .
Alex: have a look.
Lucy : yayyyy ,apple pie.. .. . Thanks Alex, you're the best.
{Alex leaves to his room,then receives Line messages from Aat}
P Aat: Alex I'm home now.
Alex: ok
P Aat: what are you doing now?
Alex: nothing
P Aat: can I ask you a question
Alex : sure
P Aat: are you close with Luke?
Alex: not really.
P Aat: oh I thought you two are close.
Alex : I barely know him,why do you ask about him?
P Aat: no nothing ...I just asked.