An Offer! Death Or Catastrophe!

Shade clenched his teeth in utter frustration. He didn't know what to do. The referee had made the horrific decision to award the win to Team Catastrophe. This meant that both Shade and Sadie were in considerable danger of dying.

Stitch looked down at Sadie, finally feeling satisfied that the Sixth Stage had ended in their win. However, neither Shade nor Sadie could understand why he hadn't simply killed them instead of trying to make them submit. It was very strange.

"Congratulations, Team Catastrophe," began the referee. "You have passed the Sixth Stage and have gained the right to participate in the Seventh Stage. Your rewards will be transferred to you momentarily."

The referee then paused before looking down at Shade and Sadie.

"As for Team Slayers," he continued. "You will now be eliminated from Survival Zer0. Thank you for participating."