
Shade and Sadie sat quietly in a small tent. It was the night after they had failed to defeat Team Catastrophe on the Sixth Stage. They had tried quite a few times to escape but it had never worked.

The red circle on their arms activated once they had any thoughts of even attempting to defy Stitch. It would immediately paralyze them and send a painful sensation zooming through their bodies. It was anything but an ideal feeling.

The two were currently alone as Stitch had left them to rest up for the night. Sadie slouched, burying her face between her arms. Her mood was extremely depressing and she had a strong feeling to give up. She was starting to believe that their situation was hopeless.

"How did this happen..?" She muttered sadly. "We weren't supposed to lose to men..! We were supposed to be strong and invincible, capable of beating any man... So why'd we lose..?"