A Hint

Team Catastrophe ventured towards the next town, nearing the Seventh Stage. It was currently noon as they passed through a very desolate city with very little chatter between them.

There were many damaged buildings that were now nothing more than rubble, sprawled out in the middle of the road. Modes of transportation such as cars, trucks, and motorcycles also laid damaged in the streets.

It was almost as if they were walking towards the end of the world that had just been hit by the apocalypse. Shade and Sadie walked side by side behind Stitch who led from the front.

Team Catastrophe now had a total of eight powerful players. It was safe to say that no other team in the game could pose a threat to them.

"When can we take another break, Stitch? My legs are starting to cramp," murmured Miranda.

"We've all been walking just as long as you and no one else is complaining. You should learn to be a little more resilient, Miranda," argued Karl.