
"So when are we going on our date," Rosalie asks pulling Damon from his thoughts

"Whenever you're ready, we could even leave now."

"Has one day of school already made you feel like that bored that you want to ditch."

"yes, I've never liked school, after all, I do not need for it."

"Don't you get bored doing this every day?"

"Of course, but it's to help us blend in, anyways I would love to go out with you today but after school."

"It's a date then."

As he sat there speaking to Rosalie he could feel all the people who were staring at him, which he already knew was the Cullens as after the other students looked at him for a while they would go back to what they were doing, but he could feel some new staring at him intensely.

As he turned to see who it was, it turned out to be none other than Bella Swan.

She sat staring at him, her eyes only carried curiosity as she looked at him yet he could see Edward out the corner of his eye looking angrily at him.

' sigh is he an idiot, I'm sure he could tell I have no interest in the girl, yet he's behaving like that.

"This annoying Brat," says Damon as he looks over to the Cullens at another table.

" If you all don't educate your brother, I Will, and I can't promise he'll be alive when I'm done."

"Damon calm down," says Rosalie as she feels his anger rising.

" There are only so many times I'll warn your brother about trying to read my mind before I take action."

" This will be the last time he does this I promise."

" let's go class starts in a minute anyway."


'Today I heard we got a new student, and how he and Rosalie Cullen are an item, it would seem even the ice queen can find someone, I wonder what he's like.' thinks Bella as she enters the cafeteria.

As she does her attention is not drawn to where it normally goes to the Cullen table but another table near it with only two people sitting and talking to each other looking as if they were in their own world.

There she sees hon the new student as she already recognized Rosalie, she can help but find him to be somewhat familiar as she continues to stare at him and notices how handsome he is especially his black hair with some white throughout, but even if she admits that he is handsome all she feels is curiosity as to what made the ice queen like him and why does he look so familiar.

As Damon turned and looked at her Bella still couldn't figure out why she felt that she saw him before, but she forget about this she saw the looks exchanged between him the Cullen family, and him leaving the cafeteria with Rosalie.

Not bothering with this anymore Bella when back to her next class, as time seemed to barely move by.

Finally, the school was finished and as bell exited the building, and walked to her truck earphones in her ears on the wet ground, she could not help but notice Edward was starting at he yet again but it did not make her feel uncomfortable but she did know how to describe how it made her feel and as she walked to her truck, and got ready to open the door she turned to look at Edward as their eyes meet.

Screech !!!

Tires slide o the wet ground as A van slides towards the now shocked Bella as she looks at the incoming van but she is unable to do anything and falls when suddenly Edward appears hand outstretched as he stops the van from crushing her.


Screams come from all sides of the parking lot as people rush towards them, Bella still in shock turns to look at Edward but is unable to say anything as they stare into each other eyes.

Coming back to his senses Edward Rushes off before anyone could reach the sense as a still shocked Bella is left to look at the dent left on the van, and as people surround her asking her questions she is still shocked as she stands there silently.

Cullen's POV

After coming home from school the Cullens are currently having a meeting without Rosalie as she had left school Earlier with Damon to go on their date.

"He has some dislike for us."

"I told you so, just the look he gave us, that should tell you all you need to know."

"From the emotions, I feel from him, I would say we do not need to be on guard unless we do something to him first."

"What, so we should just behave like everything is fine when for all w know he might want to kill us." Asks Edward

"It seems you've forgotten you tried to read his mind again, and that what lead to that, but as I said we don't need to worry because even if he dislikes us I also feel indifference from him towards us, so we need no worry because no matter how we try hiding it we all feel indifferent and superior to humans even if we don't show it so imagine how he must feel if what he said to us that night is true, he would see us as no threat to him." Says Jasper

"Okay, but what about Edward he could have exposed us today with his little stunt, yet here we are talking about something else."

"What was I to do leave her to get crushed to death right in front of me?"

"I'm not saying that."

"She going to start asking questions, so what are you going to tell her."

"Don't worry, I know what to do."



"Where are we going?" Ask Rosalie

"To a nice spot to watch the sunset, where we won't be interrupted, after all, it would make no sense to go to a restaurant so this will be much better."

"How do you know about this spot, when you haven't been in Forks for that long."

"I have many ways darling."