Chapter 4(Edited)

Arriving at his destination didn't take long, After all, Kaisel is not his favorite wyvern for nothing. Not mentioning his physical power and his deadly breath, His speed is nothing to laugh about.

Landing on a location that looks not special at first glance, Just absolute nowhere that doesn't look different from the rest of the planet. Or that what does it seem to the naked eyes, But not to the shadow monarch's sharp eyes.

Suddenly, In the same unimportant location, A 100 meters black ship appeared from what seemed to be absolutely nowhere. The ship was beautiful, having the aura of mystery and looking futuristic. There's writing on the ship with huge letters in an unknown language

"The Odyssey" that for some reason Ashborn could understand.

And from the ship, Several figures appeared. They are revealed to be Jibril and demiurge. So they approached their monarch, while the other humanoid figures stood in a straight line like the soldiers they are, And if you truly had a good look at them, you will find out that they are humanoid robots.

"As expected from my lord, a mere stealth ship can't trick thee eyes" Demiurge said with his usual creepy smile.

"Flattery won't get you anywhere, demon. Did you get me the information that I asked you ?" While approaching them himself, Ashborn said.

"Of course my lord, But why not we find a more appropriate place to discuss, like inside this lovely ship." Replied Demiurge, While Jibril stayed silent, as he seems to be the person who likes to answer only when addressed to.

"Lead the way" Was all their lord's response after they began heading while the humanoid robots towards the ship's gate while checking out the futuristic-looking ship. "It is indeed beautiful" Ashborn remarks.

"Of course, as long it's worthy of my liege. 'The Odyssey' has been picked personally by me, and as you may have already noticed it's a ship that specializes in stealth, I figured that it's your style." The demon then said while looking at the robots "As for those, they are designated machines with the only purpose of obeying" Then he added as they entered the ship "This way if you will." Demiurge doesn't hide the fact that he is trying to please his lord.

Then just after they enter Ashborn suddenly stopped and said "I think I should change my form to something more comfortable don't you think." to that both of them answered, "Whatever the monarch thinks is best."

'Man can you stop licking my ass' Ashborn thought. Then shadows started covering his entire body. And from the 7 ft knightly form he was in, He transformed into a handsome Asian young man with sharp features and black hair with sharp purple eyes. (basically Sung Jin-woo)

"Ah, this is better." Ashborn said in his new form. His other form wasn't particularly uncomfortable, but in this form, he somehow feels better. While Ashborn was getting comfortable in his 'human' form, Jibril was in thought, 'There's something strange about my lord that I can't put my finger on it.'

After that, they begin walking in silence to the 'commander's room'.

"Here we are" Demiurge said while the door opened on its own.

'The commander's room' looks elegant and futuristic. It was big but not huge, there are a lot of different things inside from the big screen, the many chairs to the huge front window. There was also a separated chair that looks like the commander's chair. So Ashborn sat on it then faced his subordinates who sat on their own chair while every 'humanoid robot' took a specific seat while doing their own thing. " ... So what do you have for me ?" Ashborn questioned.

" For the realm of Svartalfheim, it's absolutely wasteland. After it was a home for the dark elves who lost a war to the Asgardian kingdom 'The self-proclaimed gods' with the leadership of the one-eyed king Odin. They've gone to hibernation, and they still are even after 4800 years. But the interesting part is that our sensors are getting a weird energy reading coming from there that we were not able to locate it ..." to that Ashborn said, "...weird you say?"

"Our sensing technology is quite advanced, so us not able to locate it is quite shocking really. If it was other people, I doubt they'll be able to even sense it." Replied Demiurge. Then Ashborn put his hand on his chin and thought' It is probably the reality stone energy, better get it as early as I can, also he said it's been 4800 years since the elves have gone to hibernation which means 200 years before Thor: the dark world movie. That means 195 or so years before tony get kidnapped, Good to know.'

"As for earth ... kekeke it's quite interesting, according to my spies, that planet is quite the hotspot. From normal mortals to mortals with abilities (mutants) to sorcerers, to life energy users (Chinese martial artists) to 'Inhumans' and beings called 'Eternals' and many others ...lord?" Demiurge looked up at his monarch and said with an even more creepy smile and asked "Are we going there?" and to the two subordinates surprise, Ashborn smiled with a devilish smile and glowing eyes and said, "Yes ... but before that, we should head to Svartalfheim first, as I have some business there."

"As you command. " The demon replied, and then he commanded, "Set course to Svartalfheim ... full speed."