Chapter 24

" So how about you introduce yourselves now , It's rude to not introduce yourself to a person who saved your lives ." Ashborn said with an amused smile as he was fun playing with the widows .

Hearing him saying that made the tension in the room Drop a bit But the three sisters didn't lose their uneasiness as this was the first time seeing something supernatural . Melina then gathered some courage as the the oldest of the three and stepped out while locking her eyes with the purple eyes that she found fascinating .

" ... Hello there , We apologize for our rude behavior and hope we didn't offend you . As for our names , I am Melina Vostokoff and those are my sisters Natasha and Yelena , Good to meet you Mr.BlackHeart ." Melina Replied .The years in the red room taught her a lot of things one of them is addressing superiors with respect , It's the basics that they learned in the first days.

' It's good that she knows her place ' Ashborn thought to himself then said with same smile not leaving his face :" Hmmm , It's good that you have manners as being polite especially to the unknown is wise , But enough chit chat as your probably wondering why you're here right ?"

" Well before that I have a question to ask. Didn't you ever wished that you have the power to protect yourself and what's yours ? The power so no human will ever threaten you ? The power that makes the feeling of helplessness and the constant fear go away " He said with a devil like whisper and already having the widows full attention .

" I know you did a lot of times maybe even everyday But the question is if the chance to seize you wanted ever came, Will you capture it or let it slip ? "

" So what are you implying ?" This time Natasha was the one who talked and she asked the same question her sisters were thinking. As for his question of course they wished for that kinda of power , They prayed for it everyday but they know they won't have the chance to ever have it , Or that was the result of the red room's brainwashing.

" As you already noticed I am not your normal everyday man , Well that was because I am not ...." Then Ashborn procede Informing them about his origin And about the Evil pieces . Then three chess pieces floated infront of him , Two pawns and a Bishop piece.

" So now the chance for power is her infront of your eyes will you take it for the price of serving me your savoir and don't worry as I take a good care of my woma*Ahem* peerage membres. " He said with a smile .

And for the reason of creating the peerage is simple , It's not because he needed soldiers that for sure as he has literally billions of soldiers but because he simply wished for it , I mean who doesn't want a peerage of powerful and beautiful womans at his command that will do as anything he wished , And although he doesn't want to admit it his shounen side kicked in , He already made jean one of his Rooks so has quite the pieces left.

The three girls turned silence and thought about the offer although they were shocked to know that his practically an alien , And even though of doubting him after hearing the absurd story, But they knew deep down that he doesn't have any reason to lie after all he holds all the cards plus after he literally emerged from the shadows so they knew he wasn't laying . As for the subject of serving him They know that nothing in this world is Free and if they reject him they may not have another chance again .

So with a deep determination and after they looked into each other's eyes they knew their answer . So they gathered their courage and said :" ... We accept ."

Hearing that a wider smile appeared on Ashborn's face while he thought to himself ' Targets acquired'

( Thank you for reading . Comment some ideas and how could I approve :)