Chapter 33

3rd POV'

While Ashborn was fighting his fight was recorded live throughout the empire and outside of it. It should be mentioned that a fight on this scale was never recorded or witnessed by this many people in the history of the Galaxy. It caused different reactions. For the subjects of The Blackheart Empire, it was quite a shock as they never knew their emperor is a powerful as a god, but that also made them feel somewhat safer knowing that beings on the level of Galactus wouldn't make a threat to their empire and all they have to watch out for is other kingdoms and empires.

As for the reaction of what's outside of the empire, it caused both fear, respect, and caution. The smart players understood that the Blackheart is indirectly demonstrating his power just like a lion guarding its territory, and he was sending the message of "The Blackheart Empire isn't to be messed with." This act made a certain purple mad man and a one-eyed king to sweat bullets. For the purple man especially made him make a troubled face as he recognized one of the stones energy's "... How troublesome, He has The reality stone. Well, No worries I will come for him when I have the other 5" He muttered to himself not realizing how foolish that sounded.

Speaking of reactions in another part of the universe, On the planet earth a certain powerful bald sorceress who was observing Ashborn and Galactus's fight from afar like other powerhouses frowned "... This aura, It's familiar as it feels just like that night, The raging shadows night." Then her eyes widened and questioned herself: ''I-Impossible!! Was he the cause of it? I mean, it makes sense with his power I don't think I could locate him even using the time stone. But the question is, What on earth does a powerhouse like him doing on earth? And BlackHeart? I heard this name before, I will ask the grandmasters and the masters about this." And while she was questioning herself, Ashborn already arrived at the royal palace and was ready to continue banging the pink-skinned queen.

"We will talk tomorrow, Demiurge, as I will be busy till morning." Was all that Ashborn said before heading to his chamber and the queen following close behind him after she ordered her advisors and generals to keep the order on the planet and removing the order of blocking the ships of flying outside the Krylor's atmosphere as what they're aiming for is returning the order and returning things to normal.

"You returned victorious my emperor, I expected nothing l...." Before the queen could continue she was cut off: "Spare me the flattering and your sweet words, Genjutsu on that level doesn't work on me. I already know your goals and what you're aiming for." Said Ashborn after he entered his room while slowly undressing himself.

Hearing what he said the queen's face paled from the sudden information, Although she was confused about what Genjutsu is she ignored it, and only then she realized how foolish of her to think that she can deceive The Supreme Emperor. Although part of the time she was with him she was genuine with her feelings, It doesn't mean she wasn't aiming for his favor, But before she could restore to him she heard him say: "It's alright I don't blame you for that as you were just thinking of your people's future so don't worry about it. How about you start working as I am starting to get impatient." He said butt naked while gesturing towards his full glory's saber who was standing proud and was begging for attention.

"... Nothing can be hidden from my emperor huh." She muttered while undressing herself trying to not keep me waiting more than he already is.

~~ Time skip till morning ~~

What followed that day is the festivals around The Blackheart Empire and Many kings and queens stated that this day will be recorded as an important date for the empire. They have shown that they gave the full support for the festivals as The Empire doesn't, if not never, celebrate anything. Maybe there some specific planet that has their traditional celebration but for a date of celebration for the entire unified Empire, This date was a first.

"Demiurge, I will be heading back to earth now. Keep proceeding with our plans like usual. And one more thing..." Ashborn said after already saying his goodbyes not only to the queen but to his subjects as it was good for him to show his face sometimes.

"Yes, my lord?" Demiurge asked curiously while opening a portal to his lord.

"Send a few of our people to 'Them' for diplomatic relations. Start it out as friendly as you can then work your way in making them a vassal under us. I trust in your abilities as always."

"My lord, By 'Them' you don't mean..."

"Yes, I mean the Inhumans." And with that said Ashborn walked through the gate leaving a smiling demon behind.

(Thank you for reading) :)