ABIGAIL SLITHERED THROUGH THE bushes, turning her body this way and that to leave as little of a trail as possible.
This was crazy. This whole plan could go so terribly wrong if one thing didn't go the right way. But wasn't that the way most things happened?
She wiggled under the hedges until she could see the open field.
The four men had stopped the cart and placed what appeared to be a cooler next to an empty picnic table. It was one of the large, white ones that could hold a metric shit-ton of ice and drinks. The bomb would be packed in pretty tight. If it was her, she'd have carved the inside out, removing the insulation and only leaving the outer shell.
Great, now she was brainstorming how she'd set off a bomb.
But wasn't that the point all along?
Zach had taught her most of what she knew about setting explosives. What she'd learned in her Taliban crash-courses was crude, rudimentary. Nothing like the sophisticated devices Mossad favored.