Chapter 205

LUKE OPERATED IN A kind of heightened-state-trance. The binoculars might as well be glued to his face, probably because he'd stared through them for almost two days straight. He was constantly aware of every fluttering leaf, bending branch and breath Abigail breathed. He'd drank so much coffee he could smell colors.

Working with her, like this, it felt natural. As if they'd been a functioning team forever, instead of forty-eight hours.

"Any movement?" she whispered.

"Not yet."

The scrape of her pencil on paper had become a comforting sound.

It signaled progress. Or something.

She jotted down more notes. Always writing. There was a complete log of their movements, who Zach spoke with, where he'd transported the bomb, everything. If they hadn't moved when they had, striking off on their own, they'd have missed Zach's team extracting the bomb from Arlington entirely. In the last forty-eight hours they'd remained stuck to Zach and his team, always out of sight.