LUKE SLID INTO the back seat of his Mercedes, the leather cool against his skin.
Uncle wanted results. He wanted to see some profits.
Somehow Luke would have to turn a pretty profit and fix a vote all in the same few days. He could do this. One thing at a time.
Money was the easiest option.
It was time one of his investments began paying him back.
Sometime last year a man by the name of Bekker had come to see him. Several of his crew had gotten arrested while trespassing on a rhino farm. Luke had only been able to help Bekker a little. The case against his men was airtight and there was too much evidence. Without the manpower Bekker was going to have to close up shop. And there was where Luke had seen the opportunity.
He'd made Bekker a deal. Luke would negotiate an arrangement between an arms dealer to get Bekker the best equipment possible. In exchange Luke got a small percent of the profits.