COCO COULDN'T ACTUALLY believe she was here.
Johannesburg was such a world away from her daily life at Mlilo. Concrete buildings rose into the sky. Sleek cars went on their way with little to no dust covering the exterior. Purple Jacaranda trees were in bloom here and there. Tall, digital billboards of chocolate skinned goddesses advertised products Coco had never heard of.
She took a deep breath, and it was as though she couldn't get enough air. There were too many people, too much noise.
A warm hand wrapped around hers.
She glanced at Paxton, grateful he'd offered to drive her into the city. Lacey and Shane were in the back seat, and Coco knew her best friend would offer the same comfort, but it was Paxton she wanted. She focused on his profile, the bumps in his nose, those tiny scars at his temple, rather than the world passing them by.
How was it they'd found each other?