PASLEY TRIED TO IGNORE the pointed stare of the man who'd called himself Li. The man was just staring at the side of his head.
"You are Pasley, correct?" Li asked.
"Yes," Pasley said, keeping his attention on Igney as he demanded answers from Chayan.
"Is that a common name?"
"I don't know."
"How long have you been tracking this man?"
Why the sudden chattiness? Why was the man interested in Pasley?
Igney punched Chayan in the gut. Pasley resisted the urge to wince. Igney didn't know how to do things in half measures. He wouldn't have held back.
Li continued staring at Pasley's profile.
What did he want to know?
Pasley knew that the Chinese offered support to the Daurian government. In many things they worked together closely. Including cyber security.
Was it possible he'd done something, even by mistake, that would make him a person of interest? Were there questions about him?
"The restrooms." Pasley turned his head. "Where are they?"