SILAS' HEART THROBBED IN his throat. He caught sight of Chayan ahead of them down a continuation of the subterranean hall through a group of people.
Who was the other victim? Was there someone else?
Was Ekko okay?
He shoved the last whisper of fear aside.
"What's happening?" Brett demanded.
"On three," Paxton said in a steady tone.
Neither actually counted out loud. They'd worked together for so long that Silas could feel the count under his skin.
Silas picked his target. The man on the right holding back.
Paxton would obviously focus on the left side.
Silas fired in unison with Paxton, but it was Silas who moved first. He darted forward. The remaining two men hovering over the downed man whirled, but Silas was already on them.
"Fucking, fuck, fuck, fuck," Brett growled over the headset.
The man on the right struck out before Silas could fire.
It was that guy. Iggy or whatever his name was. From the park.