Chapter 2: First Time Being Kidnapped (2)


Grace Gordon's shirt was torn open, revealing her delicate shoulders. Her blood seemed to flow backward as terror spread throughout her body.

She had never imagined that something like this could happen to her!

"Let go of me! Let go of me! Don't touch me!" Grace screamed hysterically, falling to the ground along with the chair she was tied to, biting hard on the man's hand.

"Ah!" The man cried out in pain, slapping Grace across the face, making her see stars and filling her mouth with a metallic taste.

"You dare to bite me?"

As the man's angry voice faded, the door was suddenly kicked open.

The people who rushed in were well-equipped Special Forces. Before the man could react, they had quickly subdued him.

In an instant, the abandoned demolished building was surrounded, with police sirens piercing the night.

"Let go of me! Let go of me! I'll kill her! If I don't kill her, I won't live either!" The man struggled.

Grace remained on the ground, her delicate clothes torn, her hair disheveled, and her taut nerves finally relaxed when she saw the man being subdued.

She was saved...

Tears streamed down Grace's face as she lost all her strength.

"Miss... Are you all right?"

Having just escaped death, Grace was now incapable of speaking. She weakly shook her head.

One of the officers helped Grace up and untied the hemp rope that had cut into her wrists. After a brief examination, he reported into his walkie-talkie that there were no serious injuries.

The man was quickly taken away, leaving Grace alone in the room.

Grace's body ached terribly, and her muscles trembled uncontrollably. She tucked her tear-soaked hair behind her ears, curled up in the chair, and finally started to sob.

The flashing police sirens cast light through the window. Through the red and blue interwoven lights, the man who looked as if he had been sculpted by God appeared on the television. With his naturally noble smile, he was elegant like a deity.

He draped his expensive suit over Grace's shoulders and leaned on the table across from her, legs crossed.

He hadn't buttoned up a few of his shirt buttons, leaving his collar open just enough. He lit a cigarette and held it between his delicate, white fingers. The red and blue lights cast shadows on his distinct profile, making him seem more enigmatic.

Through the haze of cigarette smoke, Grace almost couldn't see the young and cold-faced man in front of her.

Under the flickering red and blue lights, his eyes seemed distant, showing a sense of coldness and refinement.

Wearing a custom-fitted shirt and dress pants, his figure appeared even more slim and handsome.

Stanhope Brown?

Grace was surprised to find the Secretary of State, Stanhope Brown, here.

She let down her legs from the chair, tightened the suit that Stanhope had draped over her, and asked with a slightly hoarse voice and a heavy nasal tone, "Why would the Secretary of State personally handle such a simple kidnapping case?"