Chapter 3: Solving It Personally?

"Grace Gordon, leave Lewis Yale... and become my wife."

Upon hearing Stanhope Brown's deep and thick voice, Grace stopped moving her sore, bruised wrist.

When Grace was sent back to Platinum Residence, a drizzle began to fall from the sky.

She had returned by police car, still wearing Stanhope's exquisite suit coat, her body shaking uncontrollably.

After watching Grace go upstairs, the person who had been following the police car from afar finally got into a car and made a phone call.

"Sir, Miss Grace has safely returned home."

Stanhope, on the other end of the phone, hung up without a word.

Outside the car window... raindrops fell on the glass, filling the scene with an unreal haze under the colorful neon lights. His deep eyes followed the changing colors outside the window, dimming and brightening with the light.

This sight reminded Stanhope of a snowy night many years ago, when under the neon lights, a girl's smiling face seemed to be coated in a layer of golden light. The warm yellow street lamp highlighted the warmth of her cheeks... the heavy snowfall obstructed the view between them, just like today, so unreal and beautiful.

"Mr. Secretary of State..." Stanhope's assistant handed him another phone, "It's your cousin in-law."

Stanhope had barely picked up the phone when the man on the other end exploded: "Mr. Stanhope... What time is it now? Huh? We agreed to celebrate your appointment as Secretary of State today... but it's been four hours since the party started, and we haven't even seen a single hair on your head!"

"I've been busy with something..." Stanhope replied nonchalantly.

"What could be so important? Even if there's a war, you should at least let people catch their breath, right? There's still the President and the Vice President taking care of the huge matters! Not even letting us attend a party! What a joke! Brother Stanhope, come quickly... If the President dares to say anything to you, just mention Old Master Brown! I'm sure he won't dare to speak!"

Stanhope finally smiled, "Does proposing count as a big event?"

"Are you serious? Who did you propose to?" The person on the other end was shocked, "Whose family's young lady? I say, Brother Stanhope, you're so secretive about it! Hurry up and bring your sister-in-law over, too! Let us meet her... and see who finally won our Brother Stanhope's heart!"

It seemed like everyone on the other end of the phone had heard the news, as they all crowded around the phone, fighting to speak.

"Brother Stanhope! When did you get a girlfriend, and why didn't we know?"

"Brother Stanhope! You're so sneaky, not even making a peep about dating, and we haven't even met her by the time you're proposing!"

"Don't push, don't push! Ask one by one! Oh my... my cellphone! That's a limited edition, take it easy when you grab!"

Before the group on the other end finished bickering, Stanhope simply hung up the phone.

Stanhope's assistant took the phone back and quietly asked him, "Sir... where to now?"

Stanhope's eyes narrowed as he said, "Back to Kholler Villa."

On the other end of the phone.